Browser Status Bar
List of: Discussion Topic
Subjects: Finding Information
Contents: Online Help Guide

The browser's status bar, located at the bottom of the screen, displays messages, filenames, and brief descriptions when you mouse over a hyperlink. This is especially useful during search functions when there may be multiple entries displayed in the selection frame for the same character string.

For example, a search for the string "wire" results in numerous entries in the selection frame. You can determine which entry is associated with the string you are interested in by moving your mouse over each of the hyperlinks, without clicking, and watching the message displayed in the status bar at the bottom of your screen. In this example, the first occurrence of "ATTRIB_INTEDGE" is associated with the Boolean component and is a class that defines an attribute for linking intersection edges with the intersecting entities.

Figure 2-17. Browser Status Bar

All messages that appear in the browser status bar when you mouse over a hyperlink are in the following form:

BOOL cl: Defines an attribute for linking intersection edges with the intersecting entities.

The first portion of the message indicates the ACIS component:

Code Component Name
ABL Advanced Blending
ADM ACIS Deformable Modeling
BLND Blending
BOOL Boolean
BR Basic Rendering
CATIA CATIA Translator
CLR Clearance
COVR Covering
CSTR Constructors
CT Cellular Topology
EULR Euler Operations
FCT Faceter
GA Generic Attributes
GI Graphic Interaction
HEAL Healing
IGL Interactive OpenGL
IHL Interactive Hidden Line
INTR Intersectors
KERN Kernel
LOP Local Ops
LOPT Local Op Tools
OFST Offsetting
OPER Operators
PART Part Management
PHL Precise Hidden Line
PID Persistent ID
Pro/E Pro/E Translator
RBASE Rendering Base
RBI Repair Body Intersections
SBOOL Selective Booleans
SCM Scheme Support
SDM Standalone Deformable Modeling
SHL Shelling
STEP STEP Translator
AS Advanced Surfacing
SWP Sweeping
TKMAIN Scheme AIDE Main Program
TRANS Translator Utility
VDA-FS VDA-FS Translator
VM VisMan
WARP Space Warping

The second portion of the message indicates the information type:

Code Information Type Code Information Type
cl Class obj Coclass
cmp Component opt Option
cd Class Derivation pr Product
en Enumeration sc Scheme Extension
fn Function sd Scheme Data type
glo Glossary sh Shader
ifc Interface td Typedef
law Law Symbol th Test Harness Command
me Mechanism (Subject) top Topic (Discussion)
mg Mechanism Group (Subject Group) typ Type of Documentation

And the third portion is the message itself.

For example, this message refers to BOOL, the class, ATTRIBUTE_INTEDGE, whose purpose is "Defines an attribute for linking intersection edges with the intersecting entities."