List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Model Topology, Tolerant Modeling
Contents: Boolean

Action: Returns all sliver faces from a body whose maximum distance among the edges is smaller than the given tolerance.

Filename: bool/bool_scm/sliver_scm.cxx

APIs: api_detect_sliver_faces

Syntax: (tolerant:detect-sliver-faces entity

[tolerance] [replace=false])

Arg Types: entity entity

tolerance real

replace boolean

Returns: entity ...

Description: Returns all sliver faces from the entity passed in whose maximum distance among the edges is smaller than the specified tolerance. If no tolerance is specified, the lesser of (10*SPAresfit) and (minimum side of bounding box 1250) is used by default. If the third argument replace is set TRUE, the detected removable sliver faces will be automatically replaced with tolerant edges.

When the option replace is set TRUE(#t), this command first detects all the short edges and replaces them with tvertices. Next, it attempts to detect all the 2- or 3-edge sliver faces. However, the extension tolerant:replace-face-with-tedge does not attempt to replace the short edges with tvertices. Therefore, the sliver faces detected by this command may not be replaced with tedges with the extension tolerant:replace-face-with-tedge.

entity is an input entity.

tolerance is the specified tolerance for an input entity.

replace is an optional argument specifies short edges should be automatically replaced, if detected.

Example: ; tolerant:detect-sliver-faces

; No example available at this time.