List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Model Topology, Tolerant Modeling
Contents: Boolean

Action: Replaces a 2- or 3-edge face with a tolerant edge.

Filename: bool/bool_scm/sliver_scm.cxx

APIs: api_replace_face_with_tedge

Syntax: (tolerant:replace-face-with-tedge face)

Arg Types: face face

Returns: entity ...

Description: This replaces a face having a single loop of two or three edges with a tolerant edge. The face is removed, an edge of the face is converted into a tolerant edge, and other subsequent topological manipulations are performed.

Since the Scheme command tolerant:detect-sliver-faces detects all the sliver faces regardless of whether or not they can be replaced with tedges, the sliver faces detected cannot not be replaced with tedges with this command. To replace sliver faces in an entity appropriately, please use tolerant:detect-sliver-faces with the replace option set to TRUE.

face is an input face.

Example: ; tolerant:replace-face-with-tedge

; No example available at this time.