List of: Functions
Subjects: Booleans, Model Topology, Tolerant Modeling
Contents: Boolean

Action: Detects edges whose lengths are less than the tolerance given and replaces the edges with TVERTEXes.

Prototype: outcome api_detect_short_edges (

ENTITY* entity,
// Entity with edges

// to be checked

ENTITY_LIST& returned_list, // list of short

// edges or TVERTEXes

const double tolerance
// Maximum length of

= SPAresfit,
// short edges

logical replace
// Specifies if

// detected short

// edges should be

// replaced

AcisOptions* ao = NULL
// acis options


Includes: #include "kernel/acis.hxx"

#include "baseutil/logical.h"

#include "kernel/kernapi/api/api.hxx"

#include "kernel/kerndata/data/entity.hxx"

#include "kernel/kerndata/lists/lists.hxx"

#include "kernel/kernapi/api/acis_options.hxx"

#include "boolean/kernapi/api/boolapi.hxx"

Description: Detects edges whose lengths are less than the specified tolerance and replaces them with TVERTEXes if the Boolean replace is set TRUE. If replace is FALSE, a list of short edges is returned and no edges are replaced. If replace is TRUE, a list of TVERTEXes is returned.

Library: boolean

Filename: bool/boolean/kernapi/api/boolapi.hxx

Effect: System routine