Reference Summary

active_part_context Gets the active PART_CONTEXT. Use this method when adding a new ENTITY to a PART.
add_rbase_app_cb Creates a register of the callback.
af_delete_facets Deletes all facets attached to an entity.
af_delete_mesh Deletes all meshes attached to an entity.
angle_between Gets the angle (in radians) between two vectors or two unit vectors in the range 0 <= angle < 2 pi.
antiparallel Determines if two vectors are anti-parallel (within some resolution).
api_abh_chamfer_edges Chamfers (variable and/or nonplanar) the given edges.
api_abh_edge_project Creates an offset edge at a specified distance on the body parallel to a given edge.
api_abh_imprint Given the intersection graph between two bodies and a list of edges in that graph, imprints only those listed edges on the two bodies.
api_abh_slice Creates the intersection wire between two bodies, but does not delete the intersection graph part of it.
api_abh_vblend Creates a variable radius blend with smooth radius variation.
api_abort_state Deletes the current delta state and rolls model to the state before the current state.
api_accurate_bs3_approximation Recomputes the 3D B-spline surface approximation, using the newer algorithm.
api_add_generic_named_attribute Creates a new generic named attribute owned by the given entity.
api_add_guide_curve_si Adds a guide curve to a set of skinning profiles.
api_add_mapping_curve_sli Adds a guide curve to a set of skinning profiles.
api_add_state Merges a DELTA_STATE instance into a HISTORY_STREAM.
api_add_vertex_sli Adds a vertex to each wire in a list of wires.
api_advanced_cover Calculates a new surface covering a circuit of edges and adds it to body.
api_align_wires_sli Aligns the directions of the wires in the skinning or lofting profiles.
api_alternating_keep_pattern Creates a new pattern by applying an alternating keep-filter to an existing pattern.
api_alternating_scale_pattern Creates a new pattern by applying an alternating scale to an existing pattern.
api_apply_transf Changes the transform entity attached to a body.
api_bb_begin Starts the API bulletin board.
api_bb_delete Deletes bulletin boards.
api_bb_end Terminates the API bulletin board.
api_bend_entity Modifies an entity or list of entities by bending it around a specified axis.
api_bend_to_curve_entity Modifies an entity or list of entities by bending it using the same function that maps the specified line to the specified curve.
api_blend_edges Blends edges of a solid using round blends.
api_blend_edges_pos_rad Applies a variable radius blend on the list of edges, simplifying the blend for ends with constant blend radius.
api_blend_graph Locates a graph of edges.
api_blend_seq Locates a sequence of connected edges that meet smoothly.
api_body Creates an empty body.
api_body_mass_pr Determines the mass properties of a body.
api_body_to_2d Converts single-sided faces to double-sided faces.
api_boolean Executes a general Boolean operation.
api_boolean_chop_body Executes Boolean intersect and subtract operations on two bodies.
api_boolean_chop_complete Completes the last steps Boolean intersect and subtract operations on two bodies.
api_boolean_complete Finishes a Boolean operation.
api_boolean_glue Executes a specialized Boolean operation, where the intersection graph is known to lie along a set of coincident faces.
api_boolean_start Starts a Boolean operation.
api_boolean_tube_body Does a selective Boolean operation on two bodies.
api_bool_make_intersection_graph Computes all the steps to return the intersection graph between two bodies. Do not remove the attributes attached to the entities.
api_breakup_wires_sli Creates an equal number of coedges in each wire of the skinning or lofting profiles.
api_build_body_sli Builds the sheet body from the data in the lofting interface.
api_build_edges_sli Builds a list of edges that represent the extents of the surfaces if the wires or coedges were to be lofted or skinned.
api_build_faces_sli Builds a list of skinning or lofting faces.
api_build_wire Creates a wire from an array of positions and an array of pointers to curves.
api_calculate_edge_tolerance Calculates the tolerance of an edge.
api_calculate_vertex_tolerance Calculates the tolerance of a vertex.
api_chamfer_edges Chamfers the edges of a solid.
api_chamfer_vertex Creates a planar chamfer on a vertex of a solid body.
api_chamfer_vertices Creates planar chamfers on vertices of a solid body.
api_change_body_trans Substitutes the given transform for the existing transform of the body.
api_change_state Modifies the modeler state by applying a delta state.
api_change_to_state Modifies the modeler state by applying zero or more delta_states.
api_checking Sets the pointer argument checking for an API call to on or off.
api_check_ct Check the sanity of cellular topology.
api_check_cur_smoothness Analyzes a curve for C1 or G1 discontinuities.
api_check_edge Checks edge geometry for various conditions that could cause errors in other ACIS operations.
api_check_edge_errors Checks whether edges have errors that require them to be made tolerant, and optionally performs this conversion.
api_check_entity     Checks an entity's geometry, topology, and data structure for errors.
api_check_entity_ff_ints Checks all faces for improper intersections.
api_check_face Checks face geometry for various conditions that could cause errors in other ACIS operations.
api_check_face_clearance Evaluates the clearance between two faces.
api_check_face_loops Checks a face to see that it contains valid loops.
api_check_histories Checks all HISTORY_STREAMs for problems.
api_check_list_ff_ints Checks all faces for improper intersections.
api_check_on Determines the status of checking and returns TRUE if it is on; otherwise, it returns FALSE.
api_check_solid_clearance Evaluates the clearance between two solid bodies.
api_check_vertex_errors Checks the vertices in the given list for gaps worse than the specified tolerance.
api_check_wire_self_inters Evaluates a wire or wire body for self intersections.
api_clean_body Removes all edges (faces and associated data) that are not necessary to support the topology of the body.
api_clean_entity Removes all edges and associated data that are not needed to support the topology of the entity.
api_clean_wire Removes the attributes and extra coedges present on a wire body generated by the section or slice operation.
api_clear_annotations Clears annotation entities from the currently active bulletin board.
api_clear_guide_curves_sli Clears the guide curves in the AcisSkinningInterface.
api_clear_mapping_curves_sli Removes all the mapping curves from the AcisSLInterface.
api_closed_wire Determines if a wire or a single-wire body is closed.
api_collapse_wires_sli Deletes a degenerate coedge in each wire of a list of wires.
api_combine_body Combines two given bodies into one body that contains all the lumps and wires from the original bodies.
api_combine_edges Combines two edges into a single edge.
api_complete_blends Creates the blend by attaching the blend sheet to the blank body using the intersection wire.
api_complete_intersection_graph Determines the intersection graph between two bodies. Do not remove the attributes attached to the entities.
api_concl_blend_ss Finishes the making of a blend sheet by single steps.
api_convert_pipes Replaces the geometry of any faces in the supplied array which currently are pipe_spl_sur splines with rb_blend_spl_sur splines.
api_convert_to_spline Converts an entity from analytic to spline.
api_copy_body Creates a copy of a body.
api_copy_entity Creates a copy of an entity and all its associated entities.
api_copy_entity_contents Creates a copy of a topological entity all its associated subentities.
api_copy_entity_list Creates a copy of all entities in an entity list and all their associated entities.
api_cover_circuits Covers one or more circuits of connected edges with a face.
api_cover_planar_edges Covers free planar edges with planar faces.
api_cover_planar_wires Covers free planar wires with planar faces.
api_cover_sheet Creates faces by covering all simple loops of external edges of a sheet.
api_cover_wire Gets a circuit of wire edges into a loop and a face.
api_cover_wires Creates faces by forming one or more circuits of wire edges into loops, and forming loops into one or more faces.
api_cover_wire_loops Creates a sheet body having a single planar face by forming co-planar wires into loops, and forming the loops into the planar face.
api_create_boundary_field Generates a vector field around a wire or face coedges.
api_create_graph_from_cells Creates a graph (from cells) used in graph theory.
api_create_graph_from_edges Creates a graph used in graph theory.
api_create_graph_from_faces Creates a graph (from edges) used in graph theory.
api_create_history Returns a newly created HISTORY_STREAM on the heap.
api_create_li Creates an AcisLoftingInterface object.
api_create_point Creates a point entity at the specified position.
api_create_refinement Creates a refinement.
api_create_si Creates an AcisSkinningInterface object.
api_create_text Creates a text entity at given position.
api_create_vertex_template Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting.
api_crv_self_inters Locates self-intersections of a curve.
api_ct_add_to_group Adds one entity to an existing group.
api_ct_attach Attaches cellular topology to each lump within each body in the input list.
api_ct_attach_cells Attaches cell data to a lump.
api_ct_cell_area Computes the area of a cell.
api_ct_cell_mass_pr Computes mass properties of a CELL3D.
api_ct_copy_cell Copies a cell as a body.
api_ct_expand Expands the cellular topology by grouping cells within each body in the given list into supercells.
api_ct_expand_cells Transforms the cell lists of lump into a hierarchy of supercells with spatial locality.
api_ct_flatten Removes any supercells within each body in the given list.
api_ct_flatten_cells Flattens lump cells.
api_ct_get_all_cells Gets all cells attached to each LUMP within the given list of BODYs and adds them to an entity list.
api_ct_lose_cells Removes the cell data from a lump.
api_ct_lose_group Removes a group entity and all ATTRIB_SPAGROUPs of those entities attached to the group.
api_ct_make_group Creates a group from a list of entities.
api_ct_point_in_cell Determines whether a given point lies inside, outside, or on the boundary of a 3D cell.
api_ct_propagate_cface_attribs Copies the cface volume attributes (ATTRIB_CFACE_VOL) on a lump.
api_ct_remove Removes cellular topology from each lump within each body in the input list.
api_ct_remove_from_group Removes an entity from a group.
api_ct_return_ents Gets a list of all entities in a group.
api_ct_return_groups Gets a list of all groups in which an entity participates.
api_ct_vacate_cell Modifies a 3D cell from filled to void.
api_curve_arc Creates a circular arc given the center, radius, and start and end angles.
api_curve_arc_3curve Creates a circle tangent to three curves.
api_curve_arc_3pt Creates a circle or circular arc through three positions.
api_curve_arc_center_edge Creates a circle or circular arc given a center and two edge points.
api_curve_arc_diagonal Creates a circle or circular arc given two points on the diagonal.
api_curve_bezier Creates a cubic Bezier curve given four control points.
api_curve_ellipse Obsolete: Use api_mk_ed_ellipse instead.
     Creates an ellipse parallel to the xy-plane of the active working coordinate system.
api_curve_fillet Creates a fillet between two curves.
api_curve_law Creates a curve from a law.
api_curve_line Creates a line through two positions.
api_curve_line_tangent Creates a line tangent to two curves or through a position and tangent to a curve.
api_curve_pattern Creates a pattern parallel to a curve.
api_curve_spline Creates a spline curve that interpolates an array of positions.
api_curve_spline2 Creates a spline curve that interpolates an array of positions at specified parameter values.
api_cylindrical_pattern Creates a pattern with cylindrical symmetry.
api_deep_copy_entity Creates a deep copy of an entity and all its associated entities.
api_deep_copy_entity_list Creates a deep copy of all entities in an entity list and all their associated entities.
api_delent Deletes an entity and subentities, which are entities below the given entity in the topological hierarchy.
api_delete_blends Deletes an implicit blend on each of a list of edges and vertices.
api_delete_body_facets Deletes facets from all faces within a body.
api_delete_ds Deletes a delta state and dependent data.
api_delete_entity_facets Deletes the facets attached to the entity only and not attached to its descendents.
api_delete_exp_blends Deletes an explicit blend on each of a list of faces.
api_delete_face_facets Deletes the facets of a face.
api_delete_history Deletes the HISTORY_STREAM and all ENTITYs in the stream.
api_delete_lump_facets Deletes the facets from all the faces within a lump.
api_delete_shell_facets Deletes all facets from the faces within a shell.
api_delete_sli Deletes an AcisSLInterface object.
api_del_entity Deletes the given entity.
api_del_entity_list Deletes the given list of entities.
api_detect_short_edges Detects edges whose lengths are less than the tolerance given and replaces the edges with TVERTEXes.
api_detect_sliver_faces Returns all 2-edge and 3-edge sliver faces from a body whose maximum distance among the edges is smaller than the given tolerance.
api_distribute_state_to_streams Distributes BULLETINs in a DELTA_STATE to one or more HISTORY_STREAMs as directed by a StreamFinder.
api_dm_add_multi_face Adds a face to the deformable modeling multi-surface structure.
api_dm_add_patch Adds a deformable patch to an entity for local deformations.
api_dm_auto_elevate Sets whether curves or surfaces with degree less than 3 are automatically elevated to degree 3 when brought into deformable modeling.
api_dm_commit_attrib_dm2acis Copies the attribute shape data into its owner's shape representation and copies the deformable model data into its owner's attribute.
api_dm_get_attrib_dm2acis Gets an ATTRIB_DM2ACIS attribute for the input entity if one exists or creates a new one.
api_dm_get_hierarchy_entities Sizes the DM_dbl_array and initializes the memory.
api_dm_journal_off Turns off deformable modeling API level journaling and closes any journal file opened for write by api_dm_journal_on.
api_dm_journal_on Enables deformable modeling API level journaling and opens a journal file for write.
api_dm_query_attrib_dm2acis Gets an ATTRIB_DM2ACIS attribute for the input DS_dmod if one exists or returns NULL.
api_dm_remove_attrib_dm2acis Removes the non-persistent ATTRIB_DM2ACIS sculpting attribute from its owning entity, either a face or an edge.
api_dm_remove_dm_attributes Removes all deformable modeling attributes from an entity.
api_dm_rm_multi_face Separates a face from the deformable modeling multi-surface structure and marks it as a stand-alone deformable model. The face is not deleted.
api_dm_rm_patch Removes a patch from a deformable model's patch hierarchy.
api_dm_set_array_size Sizes the DM_dbl_array and initializes the memory.
api_dm_set_tolerance Sets the deformable surface tolerance value to be that of the current ACIS tolerance value stored in SPAresabs.
api_dm_use_link_cstrns Overrides the use of link loads in favor of link constraints in the current deformable modeling session.
api_do_one_blend_ss Executes a single step in the making of a blend sheet.
api_edent_rel Determines the relationship between a given edge and a given POINT, EDGE, FACE, or BODY.
api_edfa_int Computes the intersections between the given edge and the given face.
api_edge Creates a new edge which is a copy of the specified edge.
api_edge_arclength_metric Creates a arclength parameterized curve from a curve.
api_edge_arclength_param Creates a new arcwise edge which is a copy of the specified edge.
api_edge_convexity_param Analyzes the convexity of an edge at a given parameter value.
api_edge_helix Creates an edge that is a helix.
api_edge_law Creates an edge from a law.
api_edge_pattern Creates a pattern parallel to an edge.
api_edge_plaw Creates an edge from a R2 law and a face.
api_edge_spiral Creates an edge from a spiral definition.
api_edge_spring Creates an edge from a spring definition.
api_edge_spring_law Creates an edge from a spring definition and a radius law.
api_edge_spring_taper Creates an edge from a tapered spring definition.
api_edge_taper_faces Tapers an array of faces about an array of corresponding edges and a supplied draft direction by a given draft angle.
api_edge_to_spline Creates a spline edge using a given edge.
api_ed_inters_to_ents Creates vertex and edge entities corresponding to a list of edge-edge intersections as produced by api_inter_ed_ed.
api_ed_self_inters Determines if a curve defines an edge for self-intersections.
api_elliptical_pattern Creates an elliptical pattern.
api_enclose_void Modifies an enclosing set of faces from void bounding to material bounding.
api_end_journal Sets the status flag off journalizing and finishes the snapshot journaling mechanism.
api_ensure_empty_root_state If necessary, adds an empty delta state to the beginning of the history stream so that users can roll to a state with no entities.
api_entity_entity_distance Gets the minimum distance between two entities and the closest positions on those entities.
api_entity_entity_touch Determines if two entities are "touching" (the distance between them is less than 2 * SPAresabs).
api_entity_extrema Gets the extrema positions along the first given direction.
api_entity_point_distance Gets the minimum distance between an entity and a point and the closest position on the entity to the point.
api_ent_area Determines the area of a face, shell, lump, or body.
api_estimate_min_rad_curvature_skin Estimates the magnitude of the tangent vector field to build surfaces with a minimum radius of curvature.
api_estimate_tangent_factor_scale_li Estimates the optimal magnitude to scale the takeoff vectors on the loft profile cross section.
api_expand_body Transforms the face lists of each shell in the body into a hierarchy of subshells with spatial locality.
api_extract_coed_info Computes the given number of equidistant points in the parametric space of the underlying curve for the coedge.
api_faceted_face Determines if a face has been faceted or not.
api_facet_area Returns the area of the facets of entity.
api_facet_body Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting; use api_facet_entity instead.
api_facet_curve Creates facets for a curve.
api_facet_entities Creates facets for a list of entities.
api_facet_entity Creates facets for an entity.
api_facet_face Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting; use api_facet_entity instead.
api_facet_lump Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting; use api_facet_entity instead.
api_facet_shell Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting; use api_facet_entity instead.
api_facet_unfaceted_entities Facets unfaceted faces of a list of entities.
api_facet_unfaceted_entity Facets unfaceted; i.e., unmarked, faces of an entity.
api_face_conic Creates a conical face.
api_face_cylinder_cone Creates a cylindrical or conical face.
api_face_law Creates a law face.
api_face_nu_nv_isolines Gets a list of nu (nv) u (v) edges that lie on the isoparametric curves and are trimmed to the boundaries of the face.
api_face_plane Creates a planar face.
api_face_sphere Creates a spherical face.
api_face_spl_apprx Creates a spline face which is fit to a grid of positions.
api_face_spl_ctrlpts Creates a spline face from control points and knots.
api_face_spl_intrp Creates a spline surface face.
api_face_torus Creates a toroidal face.
api_face_u_iso Gets a list of edges that lie on a u-parametric curve and are trimmed to the boundary of a face.
api_face_v_iso Gets a list of edges that lie on a v-parametric curve and are trimmed to the boundary of a face.
api_fafa_int Determines the intersection between two faces.
api_fast_find_face Fires a ray through a body and returns the hits.
api_fillet_vertex Fillets a wire at a given vertex.
api_find_annotations Finds all annotation entities of a given type.
api_find_cls_ptto_face Determines the point on face nearest a given point in space.
api_find_face Determines a planar face with normal in given direction.
api_find_named_attribute Finds the next named attribute with the same name.
api_find_named_state Rolls to the start of a named state.
api_find_vertex Gets the vertex closest to given position.
api_fixup_intersection Fix up intersection entities created by api_update_intersection().
api_fix_blends Creates explicit blends by making a new face to replace each implicitly blended edge and vertex, or by computing an entity-entity blend.
api_flatten_body Removes subshell structures from the shells of the given body and replaces the faces in a single list for each shell.
api_get_active_entities Finds all active entities associated with a history stream.
api_get_active_part Gets the active part.
api_get_active_state Returns the active DELTA_STATE in the given HISTORY_STREAM.
api_get_all_user_attributes Finds all attributes of a specified user type in a history stream.
api_get_annotation_ctx Returns the annotation list.
api_get_body_facets Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting.
api_get_body_refinement Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting, so use api_get_entity_refinement instead.
api_get_body_vertex_template Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting.
api_get_coedges Gets all the coedges related to an entity.
api_get_curve_ends Gets the end points of a curve.
api_get_default_history Returns the default HISTORY_STREAM.
api_get_default_refinement Gets the default REFINEMENT associated with a type of surface.
api_get_default_vertex_template Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting.
api_get_edges Gets all the edges related to an entity.
api_get_edges_from_all_entities Gets all the edges that a given entity contains and lists them in an ENTITY_LIST.
api_get_ellipse_parameters Gets the arguments for a circle or an ellipse.
api_get_entities Gets all specified entities related to an entity.
api_get_entity_box Gets the bounding box for a list of entities relative to the active working coordinate system.
api_get_entity_from_id Returns an ENTITY identified by the given id.
api_get_entity_id Returns a unique integer identifier for a given ENTITY.
api_get_entity_refinement Gets the refinement attached to the entity.
api_get_ents Gets a list of hits of a specified entity type by firing a ray at a body.
api_get_faces Gets all faces related to an entity.
api_get_faces_from_all_entities Gets all the faces that a given entity contains and lists them in an ENTITY_LIST.
api_get_facet_edge_points Gets points off the edge generated by the faceter.
api_get_face_facets Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting.
api_get_face_refinement Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting, so use api_get_entity_refinement instead.
api_get_face_vertex_template Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting.
api_get_file_info Gets header info from the last restored file.
api_get_history_from_entity Returns the HISTORY_STREAM in which the ENTITY lives.
api_get_history_size Gets the size of the DELTA_STATE in the HISTORY_STREAM.
api_get_indexed_mesh Gets the indexed mesh attached to the entity.
api_get_journal Gets a reference to the AcisJournal contained in AcisOptions.
api_get_loops Gets all loops related to an entity.
api_get_lumps Gets all lumps related to an entity.
api_get_lump_facets Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting.
api_get_lump_refinement Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting, so use api_get_entity_refinement instead.
api_get_lump_vertex_template Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting.
api_get_mesh_manager Gets the current mesh manager of faceter.
api_get_modified_faces Finds faces that have been deleted, created, or modified since a particular state.
api_get_owner Gets the top level owner of an entity.
api_get_save_version Gets the current save file format version.
api_get_shells Gets all shells related to an entity.
api_get_shell_facets Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting.
api_get_shell_refinement Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting, so use api_get_entity_refinement instead.
api_get_shell_vertex_template Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting.
api_get_state_from_id Returns a DELTA_STATE identified by the given id.
api_get_state_id Returns a unique integer identifier for a given DELTA_STATE.
api_get_tangent_factors_li Gets the current set of tangent factors on the loft profiles.
api_get_tcoedges Gets all the tcoedges related to an entity.
api_get_tedges Gets all the tedges related to an entity.
api_get_tvertices Gets all TVERTEXes related to an entity.
api_get_version_tag Gets the version tag from an ACISversion.
api_get_vertices Gets all vertices related to an entity.
api_get_vertices_from_all_entities Gets all the vertices that a given entity contains and lists them in an ENTITY_LIST.
api_get_wires Gets all the wires related to an entity.
api_heal_edges_to_regions Repairs co-planar edge vertices to form regions on a planar sheet.
api_hedgehog Creates a DL_item list of hairs to show a vector field.
api_hex_cylindrical_pattern Creates a hexagonal pattern with cylindrical symmetry.
api_hex_pattern Creates a hexagonal pattern in two or three dimensions.
api_hh_analytic_analyze Analyzes edges lying on analytic surfaces.
api_hh_analytic_auto Automatically executes the analyze and calculate stages of the analytic solver subphase of geometry building.
api_hh_analytic_calc_fix Calculates and applies the new geometry of analytic surfaces and the corresponding curves and vertices.
api_hh_analyze_body Checks the input body for errors and stores results in attributes attached to the bad entities.
api_hh_analyze_coedges Checks the coedges of the input body for errors and stores results in attributes attached to the bad coedges.
api_hh_analyze_edges Checks the edges of the input body for errors and stores results in attributes attached to the bad edges.
api_hh_analyze_faces Checks the faces of the input body for errors and stores results in attributes attached to the bad faces.
api_hh_analyze_loops Checks the loops of the input body for errors and stores results in attributes attached to the bad loops.
api_hh_analyze_lumps Checks the lumps of the input body for errors and stores results in attributes attached to the bad lumps.
api_hh_analyze_shells Checks the shells of the input body for errors and stores results in attributes attached to the bad shells.
api_hh_analyze_vertices Checks the vertices of the input body for errors and stores results in attributes attached to the bad vertices.
api_hh_auto_heal Automatically heals the input body (performs all phases of the healing process) using intelligently selected tolerances.
api_hh_end_body_for_healing Terminates the healing process for a body.
api_hh_force_simplify_to_cone Forces the given surface to an analytic surface (cone).
api_hh_force_simplify_to_cylinder Forces the given surface to an analytic surface (cylinder).
api_hh_force_simplify_to_plane Forces the given surface to an analytic surface (plane).
api_hh_force_simplify_to_sphere Forces the given surface to an analytic surface (sphere).
api_hh_force_simplify_to_torus Forces the given surface to an analytic surface (torus).
api_hh_gen_spline_analyze Analyzes generic spline intersections.
api_hh_gen_spline_auto Automatically executes the analyze and calculate stages of the generic spline solver subphase of geometry building.
api_hh_gen_spline_calc_fix Calculates the new geometry of spline surfaces that intersect tangentially at non-isoparametric junctions.
api_hh_geombuild_analyze Analyzes the geometry of the body and attaches attributes to bad edges, vertices, and coedges.
api_hh_geombuild_auto Automatically executes the analyze, calculate, and fix stages of the geometry building phase.
api_hh_geombuild_calc_fix Calculates new geometry for all the bad geometry that was marked by the geometry building analyze stage.
api_hh_geombuild_check Checks the geometry of the body and attaches attributes to bad edges, vertices, and coedges. This API does not set any tolerances.
api_hh_geombuild_cleanup Cleans up the individual healing attributes related to the geometry building phase.
api_hh_get_bad_coedges Returns a list of all coedges in the input body that were marked as bad during healing analysis.
api_hh_get_bad_edges Returns a list of all edges in the input body that were marked as bad during healing analysis.
api_hh_get_bad_faces Returns a list of all faces in the input body that were marked as bad during healing analysis.
api_hh_get_bad_loops Returns a list of all loops in the input body that were marked as bad during healing analysis.
api_hh_get_bad_lumps Returns a list of all lumps in the input body that were marked as bad during healing analysis.
api_hh_get_bad_shells Returns a list of all shells in the input body that were marked as bad during healing analysis.
api_hh_get_bad_vertices Returns a list of all vertices in the input body that were marked as bad during healing analysis.
api_hh_get_entity_details Returns the history of an entity during healing.
api_hh_init_body_for_healing Initializes the body for healing.
api_hh_isospline_analyze Analyzes isoparametric edges between spline surfaces.
api_hh_isospline_auto Automatically executes the analyze and calculate stages of the isospline solver subphase of geometry building.
api_hh_isospline_calc_fix Calculates all the new geometry of spline surfaces which intersect tangentially at isospline junctions.
api_hh_make_tolerant Converts unhealed edges to tolerant edges.
api_hh_postprocess Executes the final cleanup of the healed model.
api_hh_preprocess Executes initial cleanup of the model to be healed.
api_hh_sharp_edge_analyze Analyzes sharp edges that intersect nontangentially.
api_hh_sharp_edge_auto Automatically executes the analyze and calculate stages of the sharp edge subphase of geometry building.
api_hh_sharp_edge_calc_fix Calculates sharp edge geometries of spline surfaces.
api_hh_simplify_analyze Analyzes the body for geometry simplification.
api_hh_simplify_auto Automatically executes the analyze, calculate, and fix stages of the geometry simplification phase.
api_hh_simplify_calculate Calculates the simplified analytic forms of the splines.
api_hh_simplify_cleanup Cleans up the individual healing attributes related to the geometry simplification phase.
api_hh_simplify_fix Executes the fix stage of geometry simplification.
api_hh_stitch_analyze Analyzes the topology of the input model for stitching.
api_hh_stitch_auto Automatically executes the analyze, calculate, and fix stages of the stitching phase.
api_hh_stitch_calculate Builds new topology of the body, to the extent possible, to pair up edges of free faces.
api_hh_stitch_cleanup Cleans up the individual healing attributes related to the stitching phase.
api_hh_stitch_fix Executes the fix stage of stitching.
api_hh_store_entity_details Sets the option to start storing the history of every entity during healing.
api_hh_wrapup_analyze Analyzes coedge pcurve geometry.
api_hh_wrapup_auto Automatically executes the analyze and calculate stages of the wrap up subphase of geometry building.
api_hh_wrapup_calc_fix Calculates the pcurves in the model.
api_hollow_body Creates a thin walled solid shell from a solid body.
api_hollow_body_specific Creates a thin walled solid shell from a solid body, with default and specific inner and outer offsets.
api_hook_annotations Traverses the active list of annotations and adds ATTRIB_ANNOTATIONs to hook them to the annotated entities.
api_ihl_clean Removes interactive hidden line data attributes from the model.
api_ihl_compute Computes interactive hidden line data and optionally stores it on the model as attributes.
api_ihl_compute_entity_silhouette Computes silhouette segments from interactive hidden line data.
api_ihl_compute_from_meshes Creates interactive hidden line output from a set of meshes.
api_ihl_facet Facets the given entities and attaches the resulting POLYEDGE_MESH to each entity using an attribute.
api_ihl_get_mesh Gets a POLYEDGE_MESH for an entity, faceting the entity if necessary first.
api_ihl_get_output_manager Gets the current output manager.
api_ihl_occlusion Removes overlapping invisible segments from the IHL segment list.
api_ihl_retrieve Retrieves interactive hidden line data from attributes attached to the entities (faces or bodies).
api_ihl_set_output_manager Sets the current output manager.
api_imprint Intersects two bodies and imprints their intersection graph on both without otherwise changing them.
api_imprint_complete Finishes an imprint operation.
api_imprint_stitch Combines bodies along their face-face intersection curves and at coincident vertices.
api_imprint_stitch_complete Imprints bodies and then stitches them along the face-face intersection curves.
api_initialise_faceter Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting, so use api_initialize_faceter instead.
api_initialize_admhoops Initializes the admhoops library.
api_initialize_admicon Initializes the admicon library.
api_initialize_advanced_blending Initializes the advanced blending library.
api_initialize_blending Initializes the blending library.
api_initialize_booleans Initializes the Boolean library.
api_initialize_cellular_topology Initializes the cellular topology library.
api_initialize_clearance Initializes the clearance library.
api_initialize_constructors Initializes the constructor library.
api_initialize_covering Initializes the Covering Component library.
api_initialize_deformable_modeling Initializes the deformable modeling library.
api_initialize_euler_ops Initializes the Euler Operations Component library.
api_initialize_faceter Initializes the faceter library.
api_initialize_face_removal Initializes the removal library.
api_initialize_generic_attributes Initializes the generic attributes library.
api_initialize_healing Initializes the HEAL library.
api_initialize_hidden_line_removal Initializes the hidden line library.
api_initialize_interactive_hidden_line Initializes the interactive hidden line library.
api_initialize_intersectors Initializes the intersector library.
api_initialize_kernel Initializes the kernel library.
api_initialize_local_ops Initializes the local operations library.
api_initialize_lopt_ops Initializes the local operation tools library.
api_initialize_offsetting Initializes the offsetting library.
api_initialize_operators Initializes the operator library.
api_initialize_part_manager Initializes the part manager library.
api_initialize_persistent_id Initializes the persistent identification library.
api_initialize_precise_hidden_line Initializes the precise hidden line library.
api_initialize_rbi Initializes the repair body self intersections library.
api_initialize_rendering Initializes the rendering library.
api_initialize_sbooleans Initializes the Selective Booleans Component library.
api_initialize_shelling Initializes the shelling library.
api_initialize_skinning Initializes the skinning library.
api_initialize_spline Initializes the spline library.
api_initialize_stitching Initializes the Stitch Component library.
api_initialize_sweeping Initializes the sweep library.
api_initialize_warp Initializes the space warping library.
api_init_blend_ss Initializes the making of a blend sheet using single steps.
api_integrate_law Integrates a law over a given domain to a given tolerance.
api_integrate_law_wrt Integrates a law over a given domain to a given tolerance with respect to a given variable.
api_integrate_law_wrt_and_splits Integrates a law over a given domain to a given tolerance with respect to a given variable with respect an array of points to split the domain.
api_intersect Executes a Boolean intersect operation on two bodies.
api_intersect_curves Computes all intersections of two curves.
api_inter_ed_ed Intersects two coplanar edges, producing a list of edge-edge intersection records.
api_join_edges Joins a list of edges into one single edge.
api_law_to_entity Converts a law mathematic function into an entity for the purposes of saving to and restoring from a SAT file.
api_linear_pattern Creates a linear pattern.
api_linear_scale_pattern Creates a new pattern by applying a linear scale to an existing pattern.
api_load_state Loads the state of global variables from a given text file.
api_loft_coedges Creates a sheet body that fits a surface through a sequence of coedges, while providing start and end tangent control.
api_loft_faces Unites two bodies using lofting between two faces.
api_logging Sets logging on or off for roll back.
api_loop_external Determines if a loop is internal or external.
api_loop_type Determines the type of a given loop.
api_lose_surface_conditions_li Removes the surface conditions from the wires in the lofting profiles.
api_make_approx_curve Creates a curve that approximates a given curve.
api_make_approx_surface Creates a surface that approximates a given surface.
api_make_blend_cross_curve Creates a cross curve of an un-fixed blend at a given v-parameter.
api_make_blend_sheet Creates a sheet body for a given list of edges, each bearing an implicit blend attribute.
api_make_blend_wire Creates a wire body that represents the intersection of a blend sheet with the body being blended.
api_make_cnface Creates a face that is a portion of a cone.
api_make_cubic Creates a cubic law given {a,b,f(a),f(b),f'(a),f'(b)}.
api_make_cuboid Creates cuboid of given width, depth and height.
api_make_edge_from_curve Creates an edge using a copy of the input curve.
api_make_ewire Creates a body that consists a single wire from a list of edges that are connected in the order given with no branching.
api_make_ewires Separates and sorts a possibly branched list of edges into a group of non-branched wire bodies.
api_make_flat_on_faces Creates planar chamfers on vertices of a solid body.
api_make_frustum Creates an elliptical cone or cylinder of given height and radii.
api_make_kwire Creates a kwire body from an array of positions and bulges.
api_make_linear Creates a linear law given {a,b,f(a),f(b)}.
api_make_mapping_curves_sli Gets a list of the mapping curves that currently exist in the AcisSLInterface.
api_make_planar_disk Creates a face that is a planar disk.
api_make_plface Creates a face that is a parallelogram specified by three points: origin, left, and right.
api_make_polygon Creates a polygonal wire from in a plane orthogonal to a given normal.
api_make_polynomial_law Creates a polynomial law.
api_make_prism Creates an elliptical prism of given height, radii, and number of sides.
api_make_pyramid Creates an elliptical pyramid of given height, radii, and number of sides.
api_make_quintic Creates a quintic law given {a,b,f(a),f(b),f'(a),f'(b) f''(a) f''(b)}.
api_make_radius_constant Creates a variable radius object with a constant radius.
api_make_radius_fixed_width Creates a variable radius object with a fixed width.
api_make_radius_param_rads Creates a variable radius object from parameter-radius pairs.
api_make_radius_param_rads_tan Creates a variable radius object from parameter-radius pairs.
api_make_radius_pos_rads Creates a variable radius object from position-radius pairs.
api_make_radius_rnd_chamfer Creates the two variable radius objects for a blend with a rounded chamfer cross section.
api_make_radius_rot_ellipse Creates a variable radius object with a rotational ellipse cross section.
api_make_radius_spline_rad Creates a variable radius object for a blend whose radius function is specified by a 3D spline curve.
api_make_radius_two_ends Creates a variable radius object for a blend with the radii specified at the two ends of the blend.
api_make_rails Creates the default rail laws for sweeping along a wire.
api_make_root_state Sets the state of the root.
api_make_spface Creates a face that is a portion of a sphere.
api_make_sphere Creates a sphere of given radius.
api_make_spline Creates a body consisting of a single face which is the whole of a given B-spline surface.
api_make_torus Creates a torus of given major and minor radii.
api_make_trface Creates a face that is a portion of a torus.
api_make_VBL_output_surfaces Splits the approximating surface for a VBL_SURF into n four-sided bs3_surface patches.
api_make_version_object Makes an AcisVersion object from various forms of input.
api_make_wire Creates a polygonal wire from an array of positions.
api_make_wires_sli Creates a set of broken up wires used for skinning or lofting.
api_manifold_class Determines the differences between all manifold shells, manifold sheets, and wire edges. Returns all nonmanifold edges and vertices.
api_mark_faceted_faces Marks faceted faces so that application may want to skip re-faceting them later.
api_merge_faces Removes all faces of a specified geometry type if they are not necessary to define the body.
api_merge_states Modifies a history stream by merging a range of delta states.
api_minimize_twist_wires_sli Aligns the start vertices of the wires in the skinning/lofting profiles.
api_mk_by_faces Adds each FACE in the array that is attached to a SHELL within a LUMP to a BODY.
api_mk_ed_bs3_curve Creates an EDGE that represents an intersection curve defined by a 3D NURBS curve.
api_mk_ed_conic Creates a spline edge defined by a conic.
api_mk_ed_cubic Creates an EDGE that represents a cubic spline curve interpolating or fitting a sequence of points.
api_mk_ed_ellipse Creates an EDGE that represents a bounded elliptical arc.
api_mk_ed_int_ctrlpts Creates an EDGE that represents an intersection curve defined by a sequence of control points and knots.
api_mk_ed_line Creates an EDGE that represents a bounded line segment between two points.
api_mk_fa_spl_ctrlpts Creates a FACE representing the spline surface defined by a sequence of control points and knots.
api_mk_fa_spl_fit Creates a FACE that represents a spline surface defined by a sequence of points on the surface.
api_mk_fa_spl_intp Creates a FACE that represents a spline surface defined by a sequence of points on a surface.
api_modify_ellipse Modifies an argument of an ellipse.
api_modify_line Modifies line end points.
api_modify_refinement Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting, so use REFINEMENT::modify_refinement method instead.
api_modify_vertex_template Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting.
api_modify_wire_sli Modifies the position of a vertex on a coedge of a wire.
api_move_edge Moves the position of an edge inside the limits of a sheet body.
api_move_faces Moves an array of faces through a transform.
api_move_vertex_sli Modifies the position of a vertex on an intermediate skinning or lofting wire.
api_name_state Names the current state.
api_ndifferentiate_law Numerically differentiates a law at a given point with respect to a given variable a given number of times.
api_net_sections Creates a sheet body that interpolates a series of sections.
api_net_wires Creates a sheet body that fits a surface through a mesh of wires contained in an array of bodies.
api_nmax_of_law Gets the maximum value of a given law over the given domain.
api_nmin_of_law Gets the minimum value of a given law over the given domain.
api_note_state Sets a check point for roll back and returns model differences since previous call to api_note_state.
api_nroots_of_law Gets all the roots of a given law over the given domain.
api_nsolve_laws Determines where two given laws are equal over a given domain.
api_offset_body Offsets all faces of a body based on a given distance.
api_offset_face Creates a face that is an offset of the given face.
api_offset_faces Offsets an array of faces based on a given distance.
api_offset_faces_make_sheet Offsets an array of faces, (each face as required) and makes a new sheet out of the offset faces. The original body is untouched.
api_offset_faces_specific Offsets an array of faces, each face as required.
api_offset_planar_face_loops Offsets a face's loops to form a new body.
api_offset_planar_wire Modifies a planar wire body or a single WIRE.
api_optimize_tvertex_tolerance Optimize (minimizes) the TVERTEX tolerance on the ends of a EDGE or TEDGE.
api_part_add_entity Adds an ENTITY to a PART.
api_part_create Creates a new PART.
api_part_delete Deletes a PART.
api_part_delete_all_states Deletes all states.
api_part_entities Gets a list of entities in a PART.
api_part_entity_id Gets the entity ID and part for an ENTITY.
api_part_get_distribution_mode Gets history distribution mode which is either TRUE or FALSE.
api_part_load Loads a file into a PART.
api_part_lookup_entity Gets an entity given an ID and a PART.
api_part_name_state Names the current state.
api_part_note_state Marks the end of a state.
api_part_remove_entity Removes an ENTITY from a part.
api_part_roll_n_states Rolls forward or backward a specified number of states.
api_part_roll_to_state Rolls to the start of a named state.
api_part_save Saves a PART to a file.
api_part_set_distribution_mode Sets history distribution on or off.
api_part_start_state Marks the start of a state.
api_pattern_find_bump Finds the bump associated with a given face or loop.
api_pattern_to_entity Converts a pattern into an entity for the purposes of saving to and restoring from a SAT file.
api_pause_journal Sets the status flag for journalizing to off, disabling the snapshot journal mechanism.
api_periodic_keep_pattern Creates a new pattern by applying a periodic keep-filter to an existing pattern.
api_periodic_scale_pattern Creates a new pattern by applying a periodic scale to an existing pattern.
api_phlv5_clean Removes PHLV5 attributes from a list of bodies.
api_phlv5_compute Computes hidden line data for the given viewing parameters and list of bodies.
api_phlv5_retrieve Retrieves data stored in PHLV5 attributes with a matching view token and returns it as an ENTITY_LIST of PHLV5_EDGEs.
api_phl_clean Removes PHL attributes from a list of bodies.
api_phl_compute Computes precise hidden line data for a given view and list of bodies, and optionally, stores the data on the model as attributes.
api_phl_retrieve Retrieves data stored in PHL attributes and returns it as an ENTITY_LIST of PHL_EDGEs.
api_phl_set_cell_factor Sets the cell factor value.
api_phl_set_curve_resolution Sets the curve resolution factor.
api_phl_set_occlusion Sets the occlusion flag.
api_phl_set_shooting Sets the shooting precision factor.
api_phl_set_smooth_angle Sets the smooth angle.
api_phl_show_cell_factor Shows the cell factor value.
api_phl_show_curve_resolution Shows the curve resolution value.
api_phl_show_occlusion Shows the occlusion flag.
api_phl_show_shooting Shows the shooting precision factor.
api_pidget Gets the persistent ID (PID) of the entity.
api_pidrem Removes the PID from the entity.
api_pidset Sets the PID of the entity.
api_pierce_sheet Obsolete: use Booleans on shell bodies instead.
api_planar_face_pr Locates area, center of area, second moments, and principal axes of a planar face.
api_planar_slice Slices a BODY with a plane.
api_pm_add_entity Adds an ENTITY to a PART.
api_pm_create_part Creates a new PART.
api_pm_delete_all_states Deletes all states.
api_pm_delete_part Deletes a PART.
api_pm_entity_id Gets the entity ID and part for an ENTITY.
api_pm_load_part Loads a file into a PART.
api_pm_lookup_entity Gets an entity given an ID and a PART.
api_pm_name_state Names the current state.
api_pm_note_state Marks the end of a state.
api_pm_part_entities Gets a list of entities in a PART.
api_pm_remove_entity Removes an ENTITY from a part.
api_pm_roll_n_states Rolls forward or backward a specified number of states.
api_pm_roll_to_state Rolls to the start of a named state.
api_pm_save_part Saves a PART to a file.
api_pm_start_state Marks the start of a state.
api_point_in_body Determines whether the given point lies inside, outside, or on the boundary of a given body.
api_point_in_face Determines the relationship of a position within a given face's surface
api_polar_grid_pattern Creates a polar-grid pattern.
api_preview_blends Creates a "preview body" containing faces which are sufficiently complete to allow a rough preview of one or more blends.
api_project_curve_to_surface Projects a curve onto a surface.
api_project_wire Projects a wire body onto a manifold or nonmanifold sheet body.
api_prune_following Removes forward delta states from a history stream.
api_prune_history Removes delta states from a history stream.
api_ptent_rel Determines the relationship of given point to a given entity (POINT, EDGE, FACE, or BODY).
api_query_state_validity Returns TRUE if the given DELTA_STATE is in the HISTORY_STREAM.
api_q_edges_around_vertex Gets a list of edges that share a given vertex.
api_radial_pattern Creates a radial pattern.
api_random_keep_pattern Creates a new pattern by applying a random keep-filter to an existing pattern.
api_random_offset_pattern Creates a new pattern by adding random offsets to an existing pattern.
api_random_orient_pattern Creates a new pattern by applying random rotations at each site of an existing pattern.
api_random_pattern Creates a random pattern within the indicated region.
api_random_scale_pattern Creates a new pattern by applying a random scale to an existing pattern.
api_raytest_body Gets the list of hits when a ray is fired at a body.
api_raytest_ents Gets the list of hits when a ray is fired at a one or more entities.
api_ray_test_body Gets the list of entities that are hit when a ray is fired at a body.
api_ray_test_ents Gets the list of entities that are hit when a ray is fired at one or more entities.
api_reenter_coedges_li Sets the coedge list and remakes the lofting wires.
api_refresh_entity_pattern Refreshes the elements of a pattern to incorporate changes made to one of them.
api_regularise_entity Removes all faces, edges and vertices (and associated data) that are not necessary to support the topology of the entity.
api_remove_and_repair_body Removes faces and repairs the body.
api_remove_face Removes a face from a body.
api_remove_faces Removes an array of faces, growing the adjacent faces to fill the gap.
api_remove_generic_named_attribute Removes a named attribute attached to an entity.
api_remove_lop_attribs Removes all attributes that a local operation attached to EDGEs and VERTEXs contained in an entity.
api_remove_mapping_curve_sli Removes a mapping curve from the AcisSLInterface.
api_remove_no_merge_attrib Removes a NO_MERGE_ATTRIB to each edge in the input list of edges.
api_remove_pattern If the input entity is patterned, removes the pattern from it and from all other associated patterned entities.
api_remove_state Merges a DELTA_STATE instance into a HISTORY_STREAM.
api_remove_transf Removes (discards) the transformation of a body.
api_remove_vertex_sli Removes a vertex from each wire in a list of wires.
api_remove_wire_edge Removes a wire edge from a body and creates a new wire body from it.
api_repair_body_self_ints Repairs self intersections in the supplied body.
api_replace_edge_with_tedge Replaces an edge with a tolerant edge.
api_replace_edge_with_tvertex Replaces an edge or list of edges with a tolerant vertex.
api_replace_face_with_tedge Replaces a 2 or 3-edge face with a tolerant edge.
api_replace_tedge_with_edge Replaces a tolerant edge with a normal edge.
api_replace_tvertex_with_vertex Replaces a tolerant vertex with a normal vertex.
api_replace_vertex_with_tvertex Replaces a vertex with a tolerant vertex.
api_reset_boxes Removes and then adds back bounding boxes from the selected body and its subparts (or just the selected entity if it's not a body).
api_restore_entity_list Restores an entity_list from disk.
api_restore_entity_list_file Restores an entity_list from disk.
api_restore_entity_list_with_history Restores an entity_list from disk.
api_restore_entity_list_with_history_file Restores an entity_list from disk.
api_restore_history Restores a history stream and associated entities and entity id information from a file.
api_restore_history_file Restores an history stream and associated entities and entity id information from a file.
api_resume_journal Sets the status flag for journalizing to on, enabling the snapshot journal mechanism.
api_reverse_body Reverses the orientations of all coedges in the body. Also reverses face orientations and the orientation of loops within the faces.
api_reverse_face Reverses the sense of a face.
api_reverse_wire Reverses the direction (sense) of a wire.
api_rh_convert_image_end Terminates conversion of an image.
api_rh_convert_image_start Starts conversion of an image.
api_rh_convert_rgb_float_scanline Converts a scanline of LwFloat values.
api_rh_convert_rgb_scanline Converts a scanline of LwNat8 values.
api_rh_copy_background Creates a copy of a background.
api_rh_copy_foreground Creates a copy of a foreground.
api_rh_copy_light Creates a copy of a light.
api_rh_copy_material Creates a copy of a material.
api_rh_copy_texture_space Copies a texture space.
api_rh_create_background Creates a background.
api_rh_create_cube_environment Creates an environment map from six raster images.
api_rh_create_foreground Creates a foreground.
api_rh_create_light Creates a light.
api_rh_create_light_shadow Creates a shadow mask for a light from a list of entities.
api_rh_create_material Creates a material.
api_rh_create_texture_space Creates a texture space.
api_rh_def_color_comp Sets a material's default color component.
api_rh_def_displace_comp Sets a material's default displacement component.
api_rh_def_reflect_comp Sets a material's default displacement component.
api_rh_def_transp_comp Sets a material's default transparency component.
api_rh_delete_background Deletes a background.
api_rh_delete_environment_map Deletes an environment map.
api_rh_delete_foreground Deletes a foreground.
api_rh_delete_light Deletes a light.
api_rh_delete_light_shadow Deletes a light's shadow.
api_rh_delete_material Deletes a material.
api_rh_delete_texture_space Deletes a texture space.
api_rh_display_image Sets the display image parameters.
api_rh_get_background Gets the current background.
api_rh_get_background_args Gets the arguments of a background.
api_rh_get_background_types Gets a list of valid background type names.
api_rh_get_clipping Gets the depth clipping parameters that affect view-dependent faceting.
api_rh_get_color_comp Gets the arguments of a material's color component.
api_rh_get_color_comp_list Gets a list of valid color component names.
api_rh_get_control_variable Gets a render control variable.
api_rh_get_default_rgb Gets the default RGB color for newly-created entities.
api_rh_get_displace_comp Gets the arguments of a material's displacement component.
api_rh_get_displace_comp_list Gets a list of valid displacement component names.
api_rh_get_displace_status Gets the status of a material's displacement component.
api_rh_get_entity_rgb Gets the RGB color of an entity.
api_rh_get_environment_map Gets the current environment map.
api_rh_get_foreground Gets the current foreground.
api_rh_get_foreground_args Gets the arguments of a foreground.
api_rh_get_foreground_types Gets a list of valid foreground type names.
api_rh_get_highlight_rgb Gets the RGB color used to highlight entities.
api_rh_get_light_args Gets the arguments of a light.
api_rh_get_light_list Gets the contents of the active light list.
api_rh_get_light_state Gets the on/off state of light.
api_rh_get_light_types Gets a list of valid light type names.
api_rh_get_material Gets the material attached to an entity.
api_rh_get_material_color Gets the material color associated with a geometric entity.
api_rh_get_material_reflection Gets the material reflection properties associated with a geometric entity.
api_rh_get_material_texture Gets the material texture associated with a geometric entity.
api_rh_get_material_transp Gets the material transparency associated with a geometric entity.
api_rh_get_output_mode Gets the current output mode.
api_rh_get_reflect_comp Gets the arguments of a material's reflectance component.
api_rh_get_reflect_comp_list Gets a list of valid reflectance component names.
api_rh_get_reflect_status Gets the status of a material's reflection component.
api_rh_get_render_mode Gets the current render mode.
api_rh_get_resolution Gets the default screen faceting resolution controls.
api_rh_get_sidedness Gets the sidedness of an entity.
api_rh_get_sub_image Gets the pixel coordinates of the region of interest on a screen.
api_rh_get_texture_space Gets the texture space attached to an entity.
api_rh_get_texture_space_args Gets the arguments of a texture space.
api_rh_get_texture_space_types Gets a list of valid texture space type names.
api_rh_get_transp_comp Gets the arguments of a material's transparency component.
api_rh_get_transp_comp_list Gets a list of valid transparency component names.
api_rh_get_transp_status Gets the status of a material's transparency component.
api_rh_get_view Gets the view parameters that affect view-dependent faceting.
api_rh_initialise Initializes the renderer.
api_rh_initialise_image_utilities Initializes the Image Utilities Library.
api_rh_initialise_supl_shaders Initializes the supplemental shaders.
api_rh_read_lightworks_image Gets the LightWorks image for display.
api_rh_read_lightworks_image_size Gets the LightWorks image size.
api_rh_render_cube_environment Creates an environment map from a list of entities.
api_rh_render_entities Renders a list of entities.
api_rh_set_background Sets the current background.
api_rh_set_background_arg Sets an argument for a background.
api_rh_set_clipping Sets the sets the near and far clipping planes for faceting.
api_rh_set_color_arg Sets an argument of a material's color component.
api_rh_set_color_comp Sets the color component of a material.
api_rh_set_control_variable Sets a render control variable.
api_rh_set_conversion_colour_map Sets the color map for conversion.
api_rh_set_conversion_method Sets the method for conversion.
api_rh_set_default_rgb Modifies the default RGB color for newly-created entities.
api_rh_set_displace_arg Sets an argument of a material's displacement component.
api_rh_set_displace_comp Sets a material's displacement component.
api_rh_set_displace_status Sets the status of a material's displacement component.
api_rh_set_entity_rgb Modifies the RGB color index of an ENTITY.
api_rh_set_environment_map Sets the current environment map.
api_rh_set_foreground Sets the current foreground.
api_rh_set_foreground_arg Sets an argument of a foreground.
api_rh_set_highlight_rgb Modifies the RGB color used to highlight entities.
api_rh_set_light_arg Sets an argument for a light.
api_rh_set_light_list Sets the active light list.
api_rh_set_light_state Sets the on/off state for a light.
api_rh_set_material Attaches a material to a list of entities.
api_rh_set_material_color Sets the color of a material associated with a geometric entity.
api_rh_set_material_reflection Sets the reflection properties in the material associated with a geometric entity.
api_rh_set_material_texture Sets the texture file name in the material associated with a geometric entity.
api_rh_set_material_transp Sets the transparency properties in the material associated with a geometric entity.
api_rh_set_output_mode Sets the current rendering output mode.
api_rh_set_reflect_arg Sets an argument of a material's reflectance component.
api_rh_set_reflect_comp Sets a material's reflectance component.
api_rh_set_reflect_status Sets a material's reflection status.
api_rh_set_render_mode Sets the current render mode.
api_rh_set_resolution Sets the default screen faceting resolution controls.
api_rh_set_sidedness Sets the sidedness of faces of entities.
api_rh_set_sub_image Sets the region of image importance within a screen image.
api_rh_set_texture_space Attaches a texture space to a list of entities.
api_rh_set_texture_space_arg Sets an argument for a texture space.
api_rh_set_transp_arg Sets an argument of a material's transparency component.
api_rh_set_transp_comp Sets a material's transparency component.
api_rh_set_transp_status Sets a material's transparency status.
api_rh_set_view Sets the view parameters that affect view-dependent faceting.
api_rh_terminate Terminates the renderer.
api_rh_terminate_image_utilities Terminates the use of the Image Format Utility Library.
api_roll_n_states Modifies modeler state by applying zero or more delta_states.
api_rsw_face_path Obsolete: use api_sweep_with_options instead.
api_rsw_face_vec Obsolete: use api_sweep_with_options instead.
api_rsw_wire_path Obsolete: use api_sweep_with_options instead.
api_rsw_wire_vec Obsolete: use api_sweep_with_options instead.
api_save_entity_list Writes a list of entities to disk as text or binary.
api_save_entity_list_file Writes a list of entities to disk in text or binary format.
api_save_entity_list_with_history Writes a list of entities to disk as text or binary.
api_save_entity_list_with_history_file Writes a list of entities to disk as text or binary.
api_save_history Writes a history stream and associated entities and entity ID information to a file.
api_save_history_file Writes a history stream and associated entities and entity id information to a file.
api_save_state Save the current state of global variables into a text file.
api_save_version Sets the save file format.
api_selectively_imprint Imprints a subset of the faces of the tool body with a subset of the faces of the blank body.
api_selectively_intersect Intersects an array of faces of one body with an array of faces of another body.
api_selective_boolean_stage1 Creates a graph for the first stage of selective Booleans from a tool body and a blank body.
api_selective_boolean_stage2 Completes the selective Boolean process for the cells selected.
api_selective_unite Unites two bodies with the given positions.
api_separate_body Separates the given body into a list of bodies each representing a single lump or wire.
api_set_abh_blends Sets an implicit variable radius blend on each of a list of edges or vertices. The blend radius is described by one or two variable radius objects.
api_set_acis_options Copies the AcisJournal and AcisVersion Objects from the arguments to the data members inside AcisOptions.
api_set_active_part Sets the part active.
api_set_body_refinement Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting, so use api_set_entity_refinement instead.
api_set_body_vertex_template Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting.
api_set_const_chamfers Sets an implicit constant radius chamfer on each of a list of edges or vertices.
api_set_const_rounds Sets an implicit constant radius round on each entity on a list of edges or vertices.
api_set_dbl_option Sets the value of the specified option to the given double.
api_set_default_history Sets the input HISTORY_STREAM to be the default the history stream.
api_set_default_refinement Sets the default REFINEMENT in the faceter.
api_set_default_vertex_template Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting.
api_set_ee_cr_blend Creates a constant radius entity-entity blend.
api_set_ee_vr_blend Creates a variable radius entity-entity blend. The blend radius is described by one or two variable radius objects.
api_set_entity_pattern Creates a pattern of entities from a seed entity.
api_set_entity_refinement Attaches a REFINEMENT to an entity (BODY, LUMP, SHELL, FACE).
api_set_exp_const_chamfer Sets an explicit constant chamfer attribute on a face.
api_set_exp_const_round Sets an explicit constant round attribute on a face and support attributes on its support faces.
api_set_exp_co_ro_fbl_att Sets an explicit constant round attribute on a face (and any faces split from it) and places support attributes on the support faces.
api_set_exp_co_ro_ffbl_att Sets an explicit constant round attribute on a face (and any faces split from it) and places support attributes on the support faces.
api_set_face_refinement Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting, so use api_set_entity_refinement instead.
api_set_face_vertex_template Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting.
api_set_file_info Sets required header info to be written to ACIS save files.
api_set_inst_blend Sets a blend instruction on the indicated entity to be obeyed by the general entity-entity blending algorithm.
api_set_int_option Sets the value of the specified option to the given integer.
api_set_journal Copies the AcisJournal object to AcisOptions.
api_set_journal_name Sets the snapshot journal file name.
api_set_lump_refinement Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting, so use api_set_entity_refinement instead.
api_set_lump_vertex_template Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting.
api_set_mesh_manager Sets the current mesh manager of faceter.
api_set_no_merge_attrib Sets a NO_MERGE_ATTRIB to each edge in the input list of edges.
api_set_options_li Sets the options in the lofting interface object.
api_set_options_si Sets the options in the skinning interface object.
api_set_shell_refinement Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting, so use api_set_entity_refinement instead.
api_set_shell_vertex_template Obsolete: used only in pre-1.7 Faceting.
api_set_str_option Sets the value of the specified option to the given string.
api_set_tangent_factors_li Sets the scale factors of the takeoff vectors for the lofting operation.
api_set_var_blends Sets an implicit variable radius blend on each of a list of edges or vertices.
api_set_vblend Sets an implicit blend on a vertex.
api_set_vblend_auto Sets an implicit blend on a vertex, computing and assigning setbacks automatically.
api_set_vblend_autoblend Sets an implicit blend on a vertex, computing and assigning setbacks automatically, and using rolling ball vertex blends where possible.
api_set_version Copies the version object into the acis option.
api_shadow_taper_faces Inserts a ruled face which tangentially meets the supplied face, and which covers the region in the shadow cast from a light source.
api_sheet_from_ff Creates a sheet body as a copy of a face.
api_sheet_thicken Creates a solid body from a sheet.
api_shell_external Determines whether a shell is internal or external.
api_show_guides_si Gets a list of the virtual guide curves that currently exist in the AcisSkinningInterface.
api_silhouette_edges Gets a list of silhouette edges for a given face.
api_simplify_body Simplifies the faces and edges of a body.
api_simplify_face Simplifies the face and the edges of the face.
api_simplify_wires_sli Reduces G1 vertices in a wire body.
api_skin_faces Unites two bodies using skinning between two faces.
api_skin_wires Creates a sheet body that fits a surface (or set of surfaces) through a sequence of wires contained in an array of bodies.
api_slice Determines the intersection graph between two bodies.
api_slice_complete Finishes a slice operation.
api_slice_of_model Creates a new model by a slice based on a clipped copy of the model.
api_smooth_edges_to_curve Generates a calibration curve fit to a list of edges.
api_smooth_edge_seq Gets a sequence of connected edges for the given edge that meet smoothly; i.e., with tangent continuity.
api_solid_block Creates a solid block given two diagonal positions.
api_solid_cylinder_cone Creates a solid cylinder or cone given two positions on the axis.
api_solid_sphere Creates a solid sphere given the center and radius.
api_solid_torus Creates a solid torus given the center and major and minor radii.
api_space_warp Modifies a body based on the given input law.
api_spherical_pattern Creates a spherical pattern.
api_split_curve Splits a curve at a position or its intersection with another curve.
api_split_edges_at_poles Splits the edges of an entity at the poles.
api_split_edge_at_disc Splits a curve at G1 or G2 discontinuities.
api_split_face Splits a face along a specified u or v isoparameter curve.
api_split_face_at_g_disc Splits a face along "u" or "v" isoparametric lines at G1 or G2 discontinuities.
api_split_periodic_faces Splits all periodic faces (along u, v, or both) to ensure that they are well formed.
api_stackmon_limit Sets the limit in bytes of how much stack ACIS may use.
api_start_journal Sets the status flag for journalizing to on and initializes journal.
api_start_modeller Starts the modeler.
api_start_vertex_sli Modifies which vertex in a loop of coedges forming a wire is the starting vertex for traversing the loop.
api_stitch Attempts to stitch a list of faces and bodies into a single body.
api_stop_modeller Terminates modeler and releases memory.
api_stretch_entity Creates a stretch for a given region of a body along the given axis.
api_str_to_law Creates a law from a string and an optional array of law data.
api_subgraph_2dcell Returns a subgraph containing only the vertices that are 2D cells.
api_subgraph_3dcell Returns a subgraph containing only the vertices that are 3D cells.
api_subset_graph_with_plane Finds the subset of a graph on one side of a plane.
api_subtract Executes a Boolean subtract operation.
api_surface_pattern Creates a pattern parallel to a surface.
api_sweep_more Sweeps an array of faces along a path defined by the faces adjacent the given faces.
api_sweep_with_options Sweeps along a planar or nonplanar path.
api_sw_chain_axis Obsolete: use api_sweep_with_options instead.
api_sw_chain_path Obsolete: use api_sweep_with_options instead.
api_sw_chain_path_options Provides detailed sweep functionality which might be easier to implement using api_sweep_with_options instead.
api_sw_chain_surface Obsolete: use api_sweep_with_options instead.
api_sw_chain_vec Obsolete: use api_sweep_with_options instead.
api_sw_chain_wire Obsolete: use api_sweep_with_options instead.
api_sw_face_axis Obsolete: use api_sweep_with_options instead.
api_sw_face_norm Obsolete: use api_sweep_with_options instead.
api_sw_face_surface Obsolete: use api_sweep_with_options instead.
api_sw_face_vec Obsolete: use api_sweep_with_options instead.
api_sw_face_wire Obsolete: use api_sweep_with_options instead.
api_sw_wire_axis_sol Obsolete: Use api_sweep_with_options instead.
api_taper_faces Tapers each given face about the intersection between the surface underlying the face and a given plane by a given draft angle.
api_terminate_admhoops Terminates the admhoops library.
api_terminate_admicon Terminates the admicon library.
api_terminate_advanced_blending Terminates the advanced blending library.
api_terminate_blending Terminates the blending library.
api_terminate_booleans Terminates the Boolean library.
api_terminate_cellular_topology Terminates the cellular topology library.
api_terminate_clearance Terminates the clearance library.
api_terminate_constructors Terminates the constructor library.
api_terminate_covering Terminates the Covering Component library.
api_terminate_deformable_modeling Terminates the deformable modeling library.
api_terminate_euler_ops Terminates the Euler Operations Component library.
api_terminate_faceter Terminates the faceter library.
api_terminate_face_removal Terminates the removal library.
api_terminate_generic_attributes Terminates the generic attributes library.
api_terminate_healing Terminates the HEAL library.
api_terminate_hidden_line_removal Terminates the hidden line library.
api_terminate_interactive_hidden_line Terminates the interactive hidden line library.
api_terminate_intersectors Terminates the intersector library.
api_terminate_kernel Terminates the kernel library.
api_terminate_local_ops Terminates the local operations library.
api_terminate_lopt_ops Terminates the local operation tools library.
api_terminate_offsetting Terminates the offsetting library.
api_terminate_operators Terminates the operator library.
api_terminate_part_manager Terminates the part manager library.
api_terminate_persistent_id Terminates the persistent identification library.
api_terminate_precise_hidden_line Terminates the precise hidden line library.
api_terminate_rbi Terminates the repair body self intersection library.
api_terminate_rendering Terminates the rendering library.
api_terminate_sbooleans Terminates the Selective Booleans Component library.
api_terminate_shelling Terminates the shelling library.
api_terminate_skinning Terminates the skinning library.
api_terminate_spline Terminates the spline library.
api_terminate_stitching Terminates the Stitch Component library.
api_terminate_sweeping Terminates the sweep library.
api_terminate_warp Terminates the space warping library.
api_test_deep_copy Test the deep copy functionality for improper sharing.
api_transform_entity Applies a transformation to an entity.
api_trans_edge Creates a new edge which is a transformed copy of the specified edge.
api_trim_2curves Trims two curves to their intersection.
api_trim_chain Trims a list of curves so that they form a contiguous chain.
api_trim_curve Trims one end of a curve at a position or its intersection with another curve.
api_trim_middle Trims the middle of a curve.
api_tweak_extend_faces Extends an array of surfaces for use in api_tweak_faces.
api_tweak_faces Tweaks an array of faces to new surfaces.
api_tweak_faces_init Adds attributes to edges completing the initial stage of tweak.
api_tweak_fix_edge Fixes an edge prior to a tweak.
api_tweak_fix_vertex Fixes a vertex prior to a tweak.
api_tweak_pick_edge_solution Specifies an edge solution that a subsequent tweak will use.
api_tweak_query_edge_solutions Returns an ENTITY_LIST of CURVEs that are possible solutions for an EDGE's geometry in a tweak.
api_twist_entity Creates a twist for a given region of a body about an axis by the specified amount.
api_uncover_face Removes the surface of a face, leaving its edges.
api_unhook_annotations Traverses the active list of annotations and removes associated ATTRIB_ANNOTATIONs.
api_unhook_face Removes a face from a body.
api_unhook_wire_edge Removes a wire edge from a body, placing wire in returned body.
api_unite Executes a Boolean unite operation.
api_unite_edges Adds all edges into a wire body using a non-regularized unite.
api_unite_wires Unites the wires of the tool body with the wires of the blank.
api_unstitch_nonmani Decomposes an input body along its nonmanifold vertices and edges.
api_update_intersection Creates a surf_surf_int intersection structure to be used in place of an actual intersection.
api_update_tolerance Updates the tolerance on an entity.
api_valid_start_vertices_sli Gets a list of valid starting vertices for skinning or lofting.
api_wcs_create Creates a new working coordinate system.
api_wcs_get_active Gets the active working coordinate system.
api_wcs_set_active Sets a specified working coordinate system to be active.
api_wiggle Creates a "wiggle" body for testing purposes.
api_wire_area Determines the area of a planar wire or of all planar wires in a body.
api_wire_len Determines the length of a wire or a wire body.
api_wire_to_chain Gets a list of the coedges of a body that is a single unbranched wire.
are_parallel Determines if two vectors or two unit vectors are parallel within SPAresnor.
are_perpendicular Determines if two vectors or two unit vectors are perpendicular (within SPAresnor).
biparallel Determines if two vectors are bi-parallel (within some resolution).
bs2_curve_accurate_derivs Gets the number of derivatives that bs2_curve_evaluate can calculate.
bs2_curve_add_knot Adds a knot to a B-spline at a given parameter value.
bs2_curve_box Gets a box that encloses the curve with additional tolerances.
bs2_curve_closed Determines whether a spline is closed or open.
bs2_curve_connect Joins two 2D B-splines end to end.
bs2_curve_construct Creates a curve which is supplied as B-spline vertexes and knot values.
bs2_curve_control_points Gets the number of control points and an array of control points for a 2D B-spline curve.
bs2_curve_copy Creates an exact copy of the curve.
bs2_curve_debug Gets a readable representation of the curve and writes it to a file.
bs2_curve_delete Deletes storage occupied by a curve that is no longer required.
bs2_curve_deriv Evaluates the first derivative of the curve with respect to the parameter at the given parameter value.
bs2_curve_eval Evaluates the curve and its parametric derivative at the given parameter value.
bs2_curve_evaluate Evaluates an arbitrary number of derivatives and selects the handedness of derivatives at discontinuities.
bs2_curve_fit Fits a bs2_curve to a collection of point and direction data.
bs2_curve_for_curve_on_surf Creates a bs2_curve that approximates a segment of a bs3_curve lying on a surface.
bs2_curve_from_ctrlpts Creates a two-dimensional B-spline curve specified as a sequence of control points, weights, and an associated knot vector.
bs2_curve_init Initializes the bs2_curve interface and the underlying curve package.
bs2_curve_interp Creates a cubic curve that interpolates or fits to an array of points, with given start and end directions.
bs2_curve_join Creates a new curve by appending the second curve to the end of the first.
bs2_curve_knots Gets the number of knots and the knot vector for a 2D B-spline curve.
bs2_curve_knottol Gets the parametric criterion used to decide whether a given parameter is a knot.
bs2_curve_make_line Creates a straight line spline between two points.
bs2_curve_make_rho_conic Creates a conic curve given three distinct parametric positions and a rho value.
bs2_curve_open Determines if the spline is open or not.
bs2_curve_par_trans Transforms the given bs2_curve in parameter space.
bs2_curve_period Gets the primary interval (the parametric period) of definition of a periodic curve.
bs2_curve_periodic Determines if the curve is smoothly closed in object space and may be considered an endless loop (periodic).
bs2_curve_position Evaluates the curve at the given parameter value.
bs2_curve_range Gets the primary interval on which the curve is defined.
bs2_curve_reparam Reparameterizes the given curve in place so that its primary interval of definition is from the start to the given end parameters.
bs2_curve_restore Restores a curve.
bs2_curve_reverse Reverses the direction of the given curve, and negates the parameterization.
bs2_curve_same Determines whether two curves are the same.
bs2_curve_save Saves a curve to a file.
bs2_curve_set_closed Marks a bs2_curve as being closed.
bs2_curve_set_ctrlpt Sets the position of one control point.
bs2_curve_set_ctrlpts Sets the positions, and optionally weights, of all control points on a curve.
bs2_curve_set_end_prms Sets the values of the start and/or end parameters of a spline.
bs2_curve_set_form Sets a bs2_curve form variable to the same value as a corresponding bs3_curve form variable.
bs2_curve_set_open Sets a curve's form to be open.
bs2_curve_set_periodic Marks a bs2_curve as being periodic.
bs2_curve_shift Reparameterizes the given curve in place by adding the given shift value to its parameter values.
bs2_curve_split Splits a given parametric curve into two sections at a given parameter value.
bs2_curve_straddles_bs3_surface_knots Determines if the convex hull of the curve straddles any knots.
bs2_curve_subset Creates a curve that is a subset of a given curve.
bs2_curve_tangent Evaluates the curve direction at the given parameter value.
bs2_curve_to_array Gets the dimension, degree, control points, weights, and knots for a 2D B-spline curve, and determines if the curve is rational.
bs2_curve_to_bs3_curve Resolves the AG references in the skin code.
bs2_curve_trans Transforms the given curve in place.
bs2_curve_u_param_line Creates a parameter-space curve along a u parameter line of a spline surface.
bs2_curve_v_param_line Creates a parameter line space curve along a v parameter line of a spline surface.
bs2_curve_weights Gets the number of weights and an array of weights values for a rational, 2D B-spline curve.
bs2_radius_is_zero Determines whether or not the spline radius is zero.
bs3_curve_accurate_derivs Gets the number of derivatives that bs3_curve_evaluate can calculate.
bs3_curve_add_knot Adds a knot to a B-spline at a given parameter value.
bs3_curve_add_mult_ekn Adds multiple end knots to a spline curve.
bs3_curve_ana_int Intersects a spline with a general (analytic) surface.
bs3_curve_arc_3curve Gets the radius and center of an arc tangent to three curves.
bs3_curve_arc_3curve_modified Gets the radius and center of an arc tangent to three curves.
bs3_curve_box Determines a box that encloses the curve with additional tolerances.
bs3_curve_bs3_curve_int Intersects two curves.
bs3_curve_check Checks the curve for closure, continuity etc. and applies fixes if requested, and possible.
bs3_curve_check_smoothness Gets knot values where the curve is discontinuous in tangent direction or magnitude.
bs3_curve_closed Determines if a curve is closed.
bs3_curve_compat Sets two curves to be side-by-side compatible.
bs3_curve_conic_type Determines whether the given curve is a conic section.
bs3_curve_connect Joins two splines end to end in a C1 join.
bs3_curve_construct Creates a cubic curve which is supplied as B-spline vertexes and knot values.
bs3_curve_control_points Gets the number of control points and an array of control points for a 3D B-spline curve.
bs3_curve_con_int Intersects the given parametric curve with a cone.
bs3_curve_copy Creates an exact copy of the curve in free store.
bs3_curve_cub_fit_to_conic Creates a nonrational cubic B-spline fit to the given conic.
bs3_curve_curvature Evaluates the curvature of the curve at the given parameter value.
bs3_curve_cylinder Gets a cylinder enclosing a bs3_curve.
bs3_curve_debug Gets a readable representation of the curve and writes it to a file.
bs3_curve_degree Gets the degree of a bs3_curve.
bs3_curve_degree_elevate Raises the degree of a B-spline curve in place by one.
bs3_curve_delete Deletes storage occupied by the given curve that is no longer required.
bs3_curve_deriv Evaluates the parametric derivative (direction and magnitude) of a given 3D B-spline curve at a given parameter value.
bs3_curve_end Gets the end point of the given spline curve.
bs3_curve_end_tangent Gets the normalized tangent to the given spline at the end.
bs3_curve_estimate_param Estimates the parameter of the nearest point or a curve to the given point.
bs3_curve_eval Evaluates the curve and its parametric derivatives at the given parameter value.
bs3_curve_evaluate Gets an arbitrary number of derivatives of a curve.
bs3_curve_extrema Determines the extreme points (maxima and minima) of a parametric curve with respect to a given direction in object space.
bs3_curve_facet Gets an array of points and parameter values that form the linear approximation to a curve within a specified tolerance.
bs3_curve_fillet_curves Creates a fillet curve between two curves.
bs3_curve_from_bs2 Converts a two-dimensional parameter-space curve into a three-dimensional curve.
bs3_curve_from_ctrlpts Creates a 3D B-spline curve specified as a sequence of control points, weights, and an associated knot vector.
bs3_curve_hermite_interp Interpolates a cubic B-spline curve (Hermite interpolation) from points and tangents.
bs3_curve_init Initializes the bs3_curve interface and the underlying curve package.
bs3_curve_int Determines the intersection of two curves.
bs3_curve_intcurve_invert Inverts a bs3_curve, taking an intcurve into account.
bs3_curve_interp Creates a curve that interpolates or fits to the given tolerance the given points, with the given tangent directions at the two end points.
bs3_curve_interp_knots Creates a cubic curve which interpolates or fits to an array of points, with given start and end directions.
bs3_curve_invert Determines the parameter value of a near-point to the given point on the curve.
bs3_curve_join Creates a new curve by appending the second curve to the end of the first.
bs3_curve_knots Gets the number of knots and knot values for a 3D B-spline curve.
bs3_curve_knottol Gets the parametric criterion used to determine whether a given parameter is a knot.
bs3_curve_knot_mult Determines the multiplicity of a B-spline curve knot.
bs3_curve_length Determines the arc length of a three-dimensional B-spline curve between given parameter bounds.
bs3_curve_length_param Determines the parameter value of the point at a given arc length from the given parameter value.
bs3_curve_line_tan_2crv Determines the positions for creating a line tangent to two bs3_curves.
bs3_curve_line_tan_pt_crv Determines all positions on a bs3_curve where a line from a given position is tangent to the curve.
bs3_curve_make_cur Creates a curve from a portion of a general ACIS curve.
bs3_curve_make_ell Creates a spline curve from an elliptical arc.
bs3_curve_make_int Creates a spline curve from an intcurve.
bs3_curve_make_rho_conic Creates a general conic curve segment given three distinct points and a rho value.
bs3_curve_make_str Creates a parametric curve that is geometrically the same as the portion of the given straight line between the given parameter values.
bs3_curve_max_dist_to_point_bound Gets an upper limit to the maximum distance from a point in space to the given curve.
bs3_curve_mergeable Sets two curves so they can be merged.
bs3_curve_mid Gets the mid-point of the given spline curve.
bs3_curve_mid_tangent Gets the normalized mid-tangent to the given spline.
bs3_curve_modify Modifies the curve, such that the curve passes through the given point at the given parameter value and has the given tangent direction.
bs3_curve_mult Determines if the current curve has multiple end knots.
bs3_curve_nderiv Evaluates the nth derivative of a given bs3_curve at a given parameter value.
bs3_curve_nspans On the assumption that the curve consists of a sequence of simple spans, gets the number of such spans.
bs3_curve_num_ctlpts Gets the number of control points in a bs3_curve.
bs3_curve_offset_by_dist Offsets a planar bs3_curve by a specified distance.
bs3_curve_offset_by_vec Offsets a planar bs3_curve by a vector.
bs3_curve_open Determines if a bs3_curve is open.
bs3_curve_param_length Gets the signed arc length of the curve between two parameter values.
bs3_curve_period Gets the length of the primary interval (i.e., the parametric period) that defines a periodic curve.
bs3_curve_periodic Determines if the curve is smoothly closed and is an endless loop.
bs3_curve_perp Gets the position, tangent direction, and parameter value at the foot of a perpendicular dropped from a point to the spline curve.
bs3_curve_planar Determines whether the curve is planar, within the specified tolerance.
bs3_curve_pla_int Intersects the given parametric curve with a plane.
bs3_curve_position Evaluates the curve at the given parameter value.
bs3_curve_project Projects the given bs3_curve along the given path onto the given plane.
bs3_curve_rail_from_cen Gets a rail curve to sweep for surface construction.
bs3_curve_range Gets the primary interval on which the curve is defined, which in open and nonperiodic closed curves is the actual domain.
bs3_curve_rational Determines whether a spline curve is rational.
bs3_curve_rem_extra_knots Removes redundant knots from a bs3_curve.
bs3_curve_reparam Reparameterizes the given curve in place.
bs3_curve_restore Restores a curve from a file.
bs3_curve_reverse Reverses the direction of the given curve, and negates the parameterization.
bs3_curve_same Determines whether two spline curves are the same.
bs3_curve_save Saves a curve to a file.
bs3_curve_self_int Determines self intersections in a curve.
bs3_curve_set_closed Sets the form of a bs3_curve to be closed.
bs3_curve_set_ctrlpt Sets the position of one control point.
bs3_curve_set_ctrlpts Sets the position of all control points.
bs3_curve_set_fitol Sets the fit tolerance of a curve.
bs3_curve_set_form Sets the form of a bs3_curve.
bs3_curve_set_open Sets the form of a bs3_curve to be open.
bs3_curve_set_periodic Sets the form of a bs3_curve to be periodic.
bs3_curve_shift Reparameterizes the given curve in place by adding the given shift value to its parameter values.
bs3_curve_span Creates a new curve that is the nth span of the given curve.
bs3_curve_span_poly Gets the normalized rational polynomial for the indexed span of the given curve.
bs3_curve_span_range Gets the parameter bounds of the span specified.
bs3_curve_sph_int Intersects the given parametric curve with a sphere.
bs3_curve_split Splits a given 3D B-spline curve at a given parameter value.
bs3_curve_spl_int Intersects the given parametric curve with a spline surface.
bs3_curve_start Gets the start point of the given spline curve.
bs3_curve_start_tangent Gets the normalized tangent to the given spline at the start.
bs3_curve_subset Creates a curve that is a subset of a given one.
bs3_curve_tangent Determines the curve direction at the given parameter value.
bs3_curve_tangent_cone Creates a cone bounding the tangent directions of a curve.
bs3_curve_tan_pt_crv Determines a position on a bs3_curve where a line from a given position is tangent to the curve.
bs3_curve_term Flushes any retained storage in the underlying curve package.
bs3_curve_testpt Determines whether a point lies within tolerance of a three-dimensional B-spline curve.
bs3_curve_tor_int Intersects the given parametric curve with a torus.
bs3_curve_to_array Gets the dimension, degree, rationality, control points, weights, and knots for a 3D B-spline curve.
bs3_curve_to_bs2_curve Resolves the AG references in the skin code.
bs3_curve_trans Transforms the given curve in place.
bs3_curve_u_param_line Creates a curve along the u parameter of a parametric surface, with the v parameter held constant.
bs3_curve_v_param_line Creates a curve along the v parameter of a parametric surface, with the u parameter held constant.
bs3_curve_weight Gets the weight value corresponding to a specific control point for a rational, 3D B-spline curve.
bs3_curve_weights Gets the number of weights and the values of the weights for a rational, 3D B-spline curve.
bs3_surface_3crv Creates a spline surface that interpolates three boundary curves.
bs3_surface_4crv Creates a spline surface that interpolates four boundary curves.
bs3_surface_accurate_derivs Gets the number of derivatives that bs3_surface_evaluate evaluates accurately.
bs3_surface_add_knot Adds knots to a surface.
bs3_surface_bicubic Creates a surface that is a bi-cubic interpolant.
bs3_surface_bispan Creates a surface from a simple patch of a surface.
bs3_surface_bispan_poly Converts a span into a rational bipolynomial vector with normalized parameterization in each direction.
bs3_surface_bispan_range Gets the parameter bounds of a simple surface patch.
bs3_surface_boundary_angle Gets the boundary angle.
bs3_surface_box Gets a box that encloses a portion of a three-dimensional B-spline surface.
bs3_surface_check Checks for errors in the approximating surface.
bs3_surface_closed_u Determines whether a given surface is closed in the u-parameter.
bs3_surface_closed_v Determines whether the given surface is closed in the v-parameter.
bs3_surface_control_points Gets the number of control points in the u and v directions, and the array of control points, for the given surface.
bs3_surface_copy Creates an exact copy of the surface in free store.
bs3_surface_cross Evaluates the cross curvature of a three-dimensional B-spline surface at a given uv.
bs3_surface_debug Gets a readable representation of the curve and writes it to a file.
bs3_surface_degree_u Gets the spline degree in the u direction.
bs3_surface_degree_v Gets the spline degree in the v direction.
bs3_surface_delete Deletes storage occupied by the given surface.
bs3_surface_dim Gets the dimensionality of a surface.
bs3_surface_estimate_param Estimates the parameter values of the foot of a perpendicular from a given point to the surface.
bs3_surface_eval Evaluates a bs3_surface for position, first, and second derivatives at the given parameter value.
bs3_surface_evaluate Evaluates the position and an arbitrary number of derivatives of the surface.
bs3_surface_fit Fits a mesh of points to a bs3_surface.
bs3_surface_fitol Determines the fit tolerance of a surface.
bs3_surface_from_ctrlpts Creates a B-spline surface from a collection of control points and knot vectors.
bs3_surface_hermite Creates a single patch Bezier surface from Hermite data at the patch corners.
bs3_surface_hermite_intp Creates a bi-cubic Hermite interpolant using a mesh of points, tangents, twists, and knot vectors.
bs3_surface_hull_planes Creates a bounding hull around a surface.
bs3_surface_ij_ctrlpt Gets the [i,j] control point of a given spline surface.
bs3_surface_ij_knu Gets the ith knot in u direction.
bs3_surface_ij_knv Gets the ith knot in v direction.
bs3_surface_init Initializes the spline surface system.
bs3_surface_interp_knots Creates a bicubic surface that interpolates or fits a set of points, with specified boundary derivatives and twist vectors.
bs3_surface_intp Interpolates a mesh of points.
bs3_surface_invdir Gets the direction in the parameter space of a surface at a given position that corresponds to a given object-space tangent direction.
bs3_surface_invert Gets the parameter of a point on a 3D B-spline surface.
bs3_surface_join_u Joins two compatible three-dimensional B-spline surfaces together.
bs3_surface_join_v Joins two compatible three-dimensional B-spline surfaces together.
bs3_surface_knots_u Gets the number of knots in the u direction and the knot values in the u direction, for the given surface.
bs3_surface_knots_v Gets the number of knots in the v direction and the knot values in the v direction, for the given surface.
bs3_surface_knottol Gets the parametric criterion used to decide whether a given parameter is a knot.
bs3_surface_loft_curves Lofts a surface from an array of n bs3_curves.
bs3_surface_loft_u_curves Lofts a series of similar bs3_curves into a bs3_surface.
bs3_surface_make_con Creates a parametric surface coincident with the given cone.
bs3_surface_make_pipe Creates a spline surface that is an approximation to a constant-radius circular pipe centered on the given spine curve.
bs3_surface_make_pipe_boundary Creates a pipe surface given the spine, radius, and two boundary curves that bracket the zero u-parameter direction.
bs3_surface_make_pla Creates a spline surface from the given plane.
bs3_surface_make_sph Creates a spline surface from the given sphere.
bs3_surface_make_spl Creates a parametric surface coincident with the given spline.
bs3_surface_make_sur Converts a portion of a general ACIS surface into a spline surface.
bs3_surface_make_tor Creates a spline surface from the given torus.
bs3_surface_max_size_to_param_line Estimates the parameter of a near point on a surface, given the parameter of a control point of the surface.
bs3_surface_mult_eku Determines if surface has multiple u end knots.
bs3_surface_mult_ekv Determines if surface has multiple v end knots.
bs3_surface_ncu Gets the number of control points in u_direction.
bs3_surface_ncv Gets the number of control points in v_direction.
bs3_surface_nku Gets the number of knots in the u direction for the given surface.
bs3_surface_nkv Gets the number of knots in the v direction for the given surface.
bs3_surface_normal Evaluates the normal to a three-dimensional B-spline surface at a given (u,v).
bs3_surface_nspans_u Gets number of simple patches in the u parameter direction forming a bs3_surface.
bs3_surface_nspans_v Gets number of simple patches in the v parameter direction forming a bs3_surface.
bs3_surface_offset Offsets the given surface by offset distance.
bs3_surface_periodic_u Determines whether the surface is periodic in the u-parameter.
bs3_surface_periodic_v Determines whether the surface is periodic in the v-parameter.
bs3_surface_period_u Gets the u-parameter period of a three-dimensional B-spline surface.
bs3_surface_period_v Gets the v-parameter period of a three-dimensional B-spline surface.
bs3_surface_perp Gets the intersection with the surface and the normal to the surface of a perpendicular dropped from a point to the surface.
bs3_surface_planar Determines if a bs3_surface is planar.
bs3_surface_poles_u Gets a flag indicating the existence of poles (singularities) in the u direction.
bs3_surface_poles_v Gets a flag indicating the existence of poles (singularities) in the v direction.
bs3_surface_position Evaluates and returns a position on a three-dimensional B-spline surface at a given uv.
bs3_surface_prin_curv Evaluates the principal axes of curvature and corresponding curvatures of a three-dimensional B-spline surface at a given uv.
bs3_surface_proc Creates an approximate spline surface to a procedurally defined surface.
bs3_surface_range Gets the range of both parameter values that defines the surface as the bounds of a rectangular box in parameter space.
bs3_surface_range_u Gets the u parameter range a three-dimensional B-spline surface.
bs3_surface_range_v Gets the v parameter range of a three-dimensional B-spline surface.
bs3_surface_rational_u Determines if a surface is rational in u.
bs3_surface_rational_v Determines if a surface is rational in v.
bs3_surface_remove_extra_knots Deletes knots where multiplicities are greater than the degree in both u and v.
bs3_surface_reparam_u Reparameterizes the surface in u.
bs3_surface_reparam_v Reparameterizes the surface in v.
bs3_surface_restore Restores a saved surface.
bs3_surface_revolve_curve Creates a spline surface by revolving a three-dimensional B-spline curve about an axis.
bs3_surface_ruled Creates a ruled surface between two curves.
bs3_surface_rule_from_pt Creates a triangular ruled surface from a point to a curve.
bs3_surface_same Determines whether two spline surfaces are the same.
bs3_surface_save Saves a surface.
bs3_surface_set_closed_u Sets the bs3_surface to be closed in u.
bs3_surface_set_closed_v Sets the bs3_surface to be closed in v.
bs3_surface_set_ctrlpt Sets the position of one control point.
bs3_surface_set_ctrlpts Sets the position of all control points.
bs3_surface_set_form Sets the form of a bs3_surface.
bs3_surface_set_open_u Sets the bs3_surface to be open in u.
bs3_surface_set_open_v Sets the bs3_surface to be open in v.
bs3_surface_set_periodic_u Marks the surface as being periodic in u.
bs3_surface_set_periodic_v Marks the surface as being periodic in v.
bs3_surface_shift_u Reparameterizes the given surface in u.
bs3_surface_shift_v Reparameterizes the given surface in v.
bs3_surface_sil Creates the silhouettes of the surface.
bs3_surface_singular_u Determines if the mapping from parameter space to object-space is singular along the given constant u-parameter line.
bs3_surface_singular_v Determines if the mapping from parameter space to object space is singular along the given constant vparameter line.
bs3_surface_skin_curves Creates a surface that interpolates ("skins") between a sequence of bs3_curves.
bs3_surface_span_range_u Gets the u parameter bounds of a surface's simple patches.
bs3_surface_span_range_v Gets the v parameter bounds of a surface's simple patches.
bs3_surface_split_u Splits a B-spline surface into two sections at a given u parameter value.
bs3_surface_split_v Splits a B-spline surface into two sections at a given v parameter value.
bs3_surface_subset Creates a surface identical to the given surface.
bs3_surface_sum_curves Creates a spline surface by summing two 3D B-spline curves.
bs3_surface_sum_x_pla_str Specializes the top curve construction for perpendicular sweep.
bs3_surface_testpt Determines whether an object-space point lies on a given surface within the given positional precision.
bs3_surface_to_array Creates arrays of control points, weights, u knots, and v knots from a B-spline surface.
bs3_surface_trans Transforms a surface.
bs3_surface_unitvec Determines the offset in parameter space corresponding to a unit move in a direction on a 3D B-spline surface at a given position.
bs3_surface_weights Gets the number of weights in the u and v directions and the array of weights for the given surface.
bs3_surface_wiggle Creates four splines for the edges or a wiggle.
check_outcome Check an outcome from an API and signal an exception if it is not OK.
clear_debug_lists Clears the DEBUG_LISTs.
closest_points Determines where two lines, defined by positions and directions, are closest.
collapse_all_free_lists Returns all unused blocks of memory to the operating system.
compute_axes_from_z Determines two orthogonal vectors to define a coordinate system, given a SPAunit_vector.
coordinate_transf Constructs a coordinate transformation.
count_parts Counts and returns the number of parts.
current_bb Gets access to the current bulletin-board for update functions.
d3_sf_sf_int Intersects two surfaces.
debug_int Prints an integer with the given title to the output file.
debug_leader Prints to the output file a pointer to a static string containing a suitable blank title string for the second and subsequent lines of an item.
debug_new_pointer Prints to the output file an ENTITY pointer.
debug_real Prints out a real number with title and newline.
debug_string Prints to the output file a string value with the given title.
delete_all_delta_states Deletes all recorded DELTA_STATEs.
delete_GC_Objects Deletes the GC_Object.
delete_hit_list Deletes a hit list.
distance_to_line Determines the distance from a position to a line.
distance_to_plane Determines the distance from a position to a plane.
distance_to_point Determines the distance between two points.
dist_pt_to_line Gets the distance from a point to a line, and the parameter along the line of the closest approach.
DM_add_area_cstrn Applies an area constraint that fixes a subarea of a deformable model.
DM_add_attractor Adds an attractor to a deformable model and returns the new tag identifier or negative error code.
DM_add_crv_cstrn Adds a curve constraint to the target model and returns a new tag identifier or a negative error code.
DM_add_crv_load Adds a distributed curve spring and returns a new tag identifier or negative error code.
DM_add_curve_patch Makes and adds a patch- to-patch hierarchy and returns a new patch tag identifier or an error.
DM_add_dist_press Adds a distributed pressure attribute to the deformable model and returns a new tag identifier.
DM_add_link_C0_load Adds a link constraint to connect two root siblings to make two deformable models act as one.
DM_add_link_C1_load Adds a link constraint to connect two root siblings to make two deformable models act as one.
DM_add_link_cstrn Adds a link constraint to connect two root siblings to make two deformable models act as one.
DM_add_pt_cstrn Adds a point constraint to the target deformable model and returns a new tag identifier or an error.
DM_add_pt_press Adds a pressure point to deformable model and returns a new tag identifier or an error.
DM_add_spring Adds a spring to a deformable model and returns a new tag identifier or an error.
DM_add_spring_set Adds a set of springs to a deformable model and returns a new tag identifier or an error.
DM_add_surface_patch Creates and adds a patch to the patch hierarchy and returns a new patch tag identifier or an error.
DM_add_vector_load Adds a vector load to deformable model and returns a tag identifier or an error.
DM_assign_next_tag Increments and returns the tag count and the next available tag number or an error.
DM_build_ellipse_seam Builds a curve set to act as a seam.
DM_build_fillet_square_seam Builds a curve set to act as a seam.
DM_build_square_seam Builds a curve set to act as a child patch's seam given the parent's deformable model.
DM_build_square_zone Builds and returns a DS_zone object suitable for use as an area constraint.
DM_classify_tag Checks the deformable model tree for a tag.
DM_convert_loads_and_cstrns Converts curve objects into load objects and vice versa and returns a new tag identifier or an error.
DM_copy_dmod Creates a deep copy of the input deformable model and returns a pointer to new deformable model object.
DM_copy_pfunc Creates a deep copy of the input pfunc and returns a pointer to the new DS_pfunc object.
DM_delete_dmod Clears the deformable model's data structure.
DM_delete_pfunc Clears the pfunc data structure.
DM_delete_zone Clears the zone data structure.
DM_draw_icon Broadcast draw method. Draw these icons using the data encapsulated by the draw_args.
DM_elevate_dmod_degree Increases the deformable model's polynomial degree by adding more degrees of freedom per element.
DM_eval_crv_src_domain Evaluate an embedded source curve for the given tag.
DM_eval_crv_tgt Evaluate a target curve for the given tag. Returns the xyz points corresponding to the input curve parameter points.
DM_eval_dmod Calculates image positions for the uv location and returns 0 or an error.
DM_eval_pfunc Calculates image positions for the input domain location and returns 0 or an error.
DM_extrapolate_dmod Extends the deformable model domain by a small amount and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_find_cstrn_by_tag Checks the entire hierarchy for a constraint with matching tag value.
DM_find_load_by_tag Checks the entire hierarchy for a load with matching tag value.
DM_find_patch_by_entity Finds and returns pointer to DS_dmod deformable model whose entity pointer matches the input entity pointer or returns NULL.
DM_find_patch_by_tag Finds and returns the pointer to the DS_dmod deformable model whose tag matches the input tag value or returns NULL.
DM_find_patch_by_tag_flag Converts a tag_flag identifier into a deformable model pointer and a walk_flag value.
DM_find_tag_by_image_line Checks the entire hierarchy for the load, constraint, or control point closest to the input image_line.
DM_get_active_patch Gets the pointer to the hierarchy's active patch or NULL.
DM_get_active_patch_tag Gets the tag number of the hierarchy's active patch.
DM_get_alpha Gets the deformable model's alpha values and returns 0 or an error.
DM_get_area_cstrn_flag Returns the area constraint's fixed inside/outside flag. 0=zone is free, 1=zone compliment area is free.
DM_get_attractor Writes the place load data into return arguments and returns 0 or an error.
DM_get_beta Gets the deformable model's beta values and returns 0 or an error.
DM_get_bspline_curve Gets B-spline curve data and returns 0 for success or DM_NOT_A_B-spline.
DM_get_bspline_surface Retrieves B-spline surface data and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_child Gets a deformable model's child and returns the child pointer or NULL.
DM_get_circ_curve Retrieves circular curve data and returns 0 for success or DM_NOT_A_CIRC.
DM_get_comb_graphics Gets the parameters of the deformable model's curvature comb graphics and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_cstrn Loads constraint data into return arguments and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_cstrn_behavior Gets the constraint's pos/tang behavior and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_cstrn_rights Gets a constraint's deletable/stoppable rights.
DM_get_cstrn_src_data Returns the pass-through user data pointer stored with a constraint.
DM_get_cstrn_src_pfuncs Returns pointers to a curve or link constraint's source DS_pfunc objects, which define the shape of the constraint.
DM_get_cstrn_state Gets the state for a constraint and returns a 0=success or an error.
DM_get_cstrn_type_id Gets the type identifier of a constraint's tangent gain.
DM_get_cstrn_value Gets the value for a point constraint's constraint behavior.
DM_get_curve_load Sets load data into return arguments and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_default_shape Gets the deformable model's default shape values.
DM_get_delta Gets the deformable model's delta values and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_dist_press Gets and places the place load data into return arguments.
DM_get_dmods Gets the tags of all DS_dmods in the hierarchy containing the input DS_dmod.
DM_get_dmod_cstrn Gets the deformable model's first constraint if it exists.
DM_get_dmod_curve Gets deformable curve data.
DM_get_dmod_degree Gets the deformable model's basis degree and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_dmod_domain_max Gets the maximum domain point for a dmod and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_dmod_domain_min Gets the minimum domain point for a dmod and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_dmod_domain_scale Returns the scale factor that relates the adjustable DS_pfunc domain range to the constant DS_dmod domain range.
DM_get_dmod_knots Writes the deformable models into output arrays and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_dmod_load Gets the deformable model for a load and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_dmod_pfunc Gets deformable model's pfunc and returns input's DS_pfunc shape pointer.
DM_get_dmod_surface Gets deformable surface data.
DM_get_dmod_tag Gets the type for DS_pfunc and returns the deformable model's tag number or an error.
DM_get_dmod_tags Gets the tags of all tag objects on a single DS_dmod.
DM_get_dmod_type_id Gets the tag type for DS_pfunc and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_dof_state Gets the deformable model's dof_state values and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_domain_dim Gets the domain space dimension for a deformable model.
DM_get_draw_count Gets the deformable model's mesh graphics parameters.
DM_get_draw_state Gets the deformable model's draw state and returns an integer bit array.
DM_get_dynamics Gets the deformable model's dynamic values and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_elem_count Gets the deformable model's elem_count values and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_end_conds Gets end states for target deformable model and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_entity Gets the deformable model's entity pointer value and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_epsilon Gets the deformable model's epsilon value and returns 0 or an error.
DM_get_gamma Gets the deformable model's gamma values and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_icon Gets the icon associated with a tag object and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_image_dim Gets the image space dimension size and returns the deformable model's image dimension or an error.
DM_get_integral_degree Gets the deformable model's integral degree.
DM_get_interior_state Gets the deformable model's interior state value.
DM_get_load_gain Gets the load's gain and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_load_type_id Gets type identifier for a load.
DM_get_mesh_count Gets the deformable model's mesh graphics parameters and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_nurb_curve Gets NURB curve data and returns 0 for success or DM_NOT_A_NURB.
DM_get_nurb_surface Gets NURB surface data and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_parent Gets the deformable model's parent and returns the parent pointer or NULL.
DM_get_patch_continuity Gets the patch-to-parent continuity and returns 0 for C0 (position continuity) or 1 for C1 (pos and tang continuity).
DM_get_patch_seam_count Gets the number of seam curve.
DM_get_patch_seam_tag Gets the tag number for a seam curve and returns the seam curve tag or an error.
DM_get_pfunc_default_state Gets the pfunc's default state value.
DM_get_pfunc_degrees Gets degree of freedom or dof values.
DM_get_pfunc_dofs Gets the degrees of freedom value of a pfunc and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_pfunc_dof_count Returns the pfunc's dof_count value.
DM_get_pfunc_domain_dim Gets the pfunc's domain dimension.
DM_get_pfunc_domain_max Gets the maximum domain point for a pfunc and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_pfunc_domain_min Gets the minimum domain point for a pfunc and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_pfunc_elem_count Returns the pfunc's elem_count value.
DM_get_pfunc_image_dim Gets the pfunc's image dimension value.
DM_get_pfunc_knots Gets the dof values for the pfunc and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_pfunc_knot_counts Gets the pfunc's knot count values (u and v directions).
DM_get_pfunc_type_id Gets the type of a DS_pfunc and returns a DS_PFNDS_pfunc enumeration type.
DM_get_pt_press Gets the load data into return arguments and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_pt_uv Gets the tag's current uv location and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_pt_xyz Gets the tag's current xyz location and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_sibling Gets the deformable model's sibling and returns the sibling pointer or NULL.
DM_get_sibling_list Builds and returns a root sibling list.
DM_get_spring Gets the load data and places it into return arguments. Returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_spring_length Gets the spring or spring set length and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_spring_set Gets the spring set load data and places it into return arguments.
DM_get_tags Gets the tags of all tag objects in a DS_dmod hierarchy.
DM_get_tag_count Gets the deformable model's dmo_tag_count value and returns the largest tag value currently assigned.
DM_get_tag_summary Gets the build and return tag summary list and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_get_tan_display_gain Gets a display scaling for tangent vectors.
DM_get_tight_state Gets the tight state for a constraint/load.
DM_get_tolerance Gets the tolerance limits.
DM_get_vector_load Gets the vector load data and places it into return arguments. returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_journal_off Closes a journal file and stops further journaling of DM API calls.
DM_journal_on Enables journaling and opens a file for write.
DM_journal_play Replays a sequence of DM API calls from a DM API journal file for debugging purposes only.
DM_make_bspline_curve Creates a B-spline curve from data and returns a pointer to the DS_pfunc B-spline curve or NULL.
DM_make_bspline_surface Creates a B-spline surface from data and returns a pointer to DS_pfunc B-spline surf or NULL.
DM_make_circ_curve Creates a circular curve and returns a pointer to DS_pfunc circular curve or NULL.
DM_make_dcurve_image Creates a projected domain curve and returns the projected domain curve or NULL.
DM_make_dmod_curve Creates a deformable curve model and returns a pointer to the deformable model object.
DM_make_dmod_surface Creates a deformable surface model and returns a pointer to the deformable model object or NULL.
DM_make_nurb_curve Creates a NURB curve from data and returns a pointer to DS_pfunc, NURB curve or NULL.
DM_make_nurb_surface Constructs a NURB surface from data and returns pointer to DS_pfunc NURB surf or NULL.
DM_make_orig_dmod_space_pfunc Creates a pfunc copy with the pfunc's domain set to equal the orig_dmod_space domain range.
DM_param_max Gets the tag object maximum parameterization value.
DM_param_min Gets the tag object minimum parameterization value.
DM_parse_tag_flag Converts a tag_flag identifier into a deformable model pointer and a walk_flag value.
DM_print_dmod Generates a deformable model report and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_print_dmod_cstrns Generates a deformable model reports and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_query_icon Passes the command encapsulated by the query_args to the icon. Used to query the icon state.
DM_refine_dmod_fit Modifies the shape of the deformable model to fit to its constraints. This function should be used after sculpting.
DM_rm_patch Removes and deletes a patch from a target deformable modeling hierarchy.
DM_rm_tag_object Removes a deformable modeling tag object from a deformable modeling hierarchy.
DM_scale_pfunc_image Scales the image of the input pfunc.
DM_scale_unit_dpt_array_from_dmod Scales an array of dpts from a deformable model's parameter range to the unit_square parameter range.
DM_scale_unit_dpt_array_from_pfunc Scales an array of dpts from a pfunc's param range to the unit_square parameter range.
DM_scale_unit_dpt_array_to_dmod Scales an array of domain point values that lie from 0 to 1 into the dmod's actual domain_space range.
DM_scale_unit_dpt_array_to_pfunc Scales an array of domain point values that lie from 0 to 1 into the pfunc's actual domain_space range.
DM_scale_unit_dpt_from_dmod Scales domain point values specified in the deformable model's domain space into the unit_squaredomain space.
DM_scale_unit_dpt_from_pfunc Scales domain point values specified in the pfunc's domain_space into the unit_square domain_space.
DM_scale_unit_dpt_to_dmod Scales domain points from the unit domain range into the dmod's actual domain range.
DM_scale_unit_dpt_to_pfunc Scales domain points from the unit domain range into the pfunc's actual domain range.
DM_scale_unit_dvec_to_dmod Scales domain vector values that are specified in a unit domain space that ranges from 0 to 1 into the deformable model's domain range.
DM_scale_unit_dvec_to_pfunc Scales domain vector values that are specified in a unit domain space that ranges from 0 to 1 into the pfunc's domain range.
DM_setstate_icon Broadcasts the command encapsulated by the cmd_args to the icons.
DM_set_active_patch Sets the input deformable model to the hierarchy's active deformable model.
DM_set_alpha Sets the deformable model's alpha and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_set_area_cstrn_flag Modifies the fixed inside/outside flag for an area constraint.
DM_set_array_size Sets the size of a DM_dbl_array and initializes the memory.
DM_set_attractor_power Sets an attractor's power and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_set_beta Sets the deformable model's beta and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_set_comb_graphics Sets the deformable model's comb_graphics and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_set_cstrn_behavior Modifies the behavior of a constraint and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_set_cstrn_pttan_uv_dir Sets the surface domain space direction for a point constraint's tangent and curvature constraint behaviors.
DM_set_cstrn_src_data Modifies the value of the pass through src_data pointer stored with each constraint.
DM_set_cstrn_src_pfuncs Sets a curve or link constraint's source DS_pfunc objects, which are used to specify the shape of the constraint.
DM_set_cstrn_state Modifies the enabled/disabled state for a deformable modeling constraint.
DM_set_cstrn_value Sets the value for a point constraint's constraint behavior.
DM_set_default_shape Sets the deformable model's default shape and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_set_delta Sets the deformable model's delta and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_set_dmod_tag Checks and returns the tag type for DS_pfunc and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_set_draw_state Sets the target deformable model's draw_state.
DM_set_dynamics Sets the deformable model's dynamics and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_set_end_conds Sets the end states for a deformable model and returns 0 for success or returns an error.
DM_set_entity Sets the deformable model's entity pointer value and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_set_epsilon Sets the deformable model's epsilon value and returns 0 or an error.
DM_set_gamma Sets the deformable model's gamma and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_set_icon Sets the icon for a tag object.
DM_set_icon_owner Sets the icon's owner.
DM_set_interior_state Sets the deformable model's interior state value and returns 0 for success or a negative error code.
DM_set_load_gain Sets the deformable model's load_gain and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_set_mesh_count Sets the deformable model's mesh_count and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_set_patch_continuity Sets patch-to-parent continuity.
DM_set_pfunc_default_state Sets the pfunc's default state.
DM_set_pt_uv Sets domain points in a load or and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_set_pt_xyz Sets the image space point for a constraint or control point.
DM_set_tag_count Sets the deformable model's dmo_tag_count value and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_set_tan_display_gain Sets display gain for the deformable model's tangent vectors and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_set_tight_state Modifies the tight enabled/disabled state.
DM_set_tolerance Sets tolerance limits and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_solve Computes a deformable model's optimal control point positions or its current set of constraints and loads.
DM_split_dmod Splits the deformable model into finer elements and returns 0 for success or an error.
DM_update_cstrn_src_pts Forces a curve or link constraint to update its internally stored data after the constraint's source points have been modified.
DM_xsect_dmod_by_image_line Finds uv_params for a ray deformable model intersection and returns 0 for success or an error.
extend_spline Creates an extension to a given spline using the supplied distance.
find_attrib Locates an ENTITY's attribute list for an ATTRIB of a given type, subtype, etc., starting at the beginning of the list.
find_err_ident Gets the identifier string for an error number. Returns "UNKNOWN" if the error number is invalid.
find_err_mess Gets the message string for an error number. Returns "unknown error" if the error number is invalid.
find_face_face_distance Calculates the distance between two faces.
find_ID_ATTRIB Finds the ID attribute for an entity.
find_leaf_attrib Locates an ENTITY's attribute list for a leaf ATTRIB of a given type, starting at the beginning of the list.
find_option Gets the given option in the list.
find_part Finds a PART given the PART's ID but not its handle.
get_ATTRIB_BLEND_TYPE Gets the type of blend attribute.
get_ATTRIB_SYS_TYPE Gets the type of system attribute.
get_attrib_tag_callbacks_list Gets the global list of WCS callbacks.
get_ATTRIB_TSL_TYPE Gets the type of TSL attribute.
get_bounded_curve Gets a bounded_curve from an EDGE.
get_curve_center Gets the center of a circular or elliptical EDGE.
get_default_stream Retrieves a default history stream, which may be necessary when initially creating a history of actions.
get_edge_box Returns the bounding box used for the edge.
get_entity_callback_list Gets a global list of entity callbacks.
get_face_box Returns the bounding box used for the face.
get_major_version Returns the major version number of the ACIS executable.
get_minor_version Returns the minor version number of the ACIS executable.
get_next_part Gets the next PART with an ID that is greater than or equal to the next_id.
get_option_list Returns pointer to the head of the option list.
get_part Gets the PART for the specified ENTITY.
get_part_context Gets the PART_CONTEXT from an ENTITY.
get_resabs Gets the SPAresabs resolution.
get_resfit Gets the SPAresfit resolution.
get_resmch Gets the resmch resolution.
get_resnor Gets the SPAresnor resolution.
get_roll_callback_list Gets a list of roll callbacks.
get_savres_file Gets the file interface object corresponding to the current SAT file.
get_scheme_error_callback_list Gets a global list of scheme error callbacks.
get_Scm_Entity Creates a C++ENTITY from a Scheme entity.
get_Scm_Gvector Creates a C++SPAvector from a Scheme gvector object.
get_Scm_Law Creates a C++law from a Scheme law object.
get_Scm_Position Creates a C++SPAposition from a Scheme position object.
get_Scm_String Creates a C++const char* from a Scheme string object.
get_Scm_Transform Creates a C++SPAtransf from a Scheme transform object.
get_wire_plane Gets the plane of a 3D WIRE.
initialize_base Initializes the Base library.
initialize_law Initializes the law library.
interpolate Interpolates between two positions.
intersect_line_circle Gets the intersections of a line with a circle.
intersect_line_plane Gets the intersection of a line with a plane.
intersect_plane_plane Gets the intersection of two planes.
is_ANNOTATION Determines if an ENTITY is an ANNOTATION.
is_APOINT Determines if an ENTITY is an APOINT.
is_ATTRIB Determines if an ENTITY is an ATTRIBUTE.
is_ATTRIB_AGC Determines if an ENTITY is an ATTRIB_AGC.
is_ATTRIB_BLEND Determines if an ENTITY is an ATTRIB_BLEND.
is_ATTRIB_CELL Determines if an ENTITY is an ATTRIB_CELL.
is_ATTRIB_COL Determines if the entity is an ATTRIB_COL.
is_ATTRIB_CT Determines if an ENTITY is an ATTRIB_CT.
is_ATTRIB_DC2ACIS Determines if an ENTITY is an ATTRIB_DC2ACIS.
is_ATTRIB_DM2ACIS Determines if an ENTITY is an ATTRIB_DM2ACIS.
is_ATTRIB_DS2ACIS Determines if an ENTITY is an ATTRIB_DS2ACIS.
is_ATTRIB_EFINT Determines if an ENTITY is an ATTRIB_EFINT.
is_ATTRIB_EYE Determines if an ENTITY is an ATTRIB_EYE.
is_ATTRIB_PHL Determines if the given entity is an ATTRIB_PHL.
is_ATTRIB_PHL_VW Determines if the given entity is an ATTRIB_PHL_VW..
is_ATTRIB_RGB Determines if the entity is an ATTRIB_RGB.
is_ATTRIB_ST Determines if an ENTITY is an ATTRIB_ST.
is_ATTRIB_SYS Determines if an ENTITY is an ATTRIB_SYS.
is_ATTRIB_TAG Determines if an ENTITY is an ATTRIB_TAG.
is_ATTRIB_TSL Determines if an ENTITY is an ATTRIB_TSL.
is_ATTRIB_VOL_COL Determines if an ENTITY is an ATTRIB_VOL_COL.
is_ATT_BL_INST Determines if an ENTITY is an ATT_BL_INST.
is_Background_Type Determines if a character string represents a legal background type.
is_BODY Determines if an ENTITY is a BODY.
is_CELL Determines if an ENTITY is a CELL.
is_CELL2D Determines if an ENTITY is a CELL2D.
is_CELL3D Determines if an ENTITY is a CELL3D.
is_CFACE Determines if an ENTITY is a CFACE.
is_circular_edge Determines if an ENTITY is a circular edge.
is_closed_curve Determines if a curve is closed.
is_COEDGE Determines if an ENTITY is a COEDGE.
is_Color_Type Determines if a character string represents a legal color type.
is_CONE Determines if an ENTITY is a CONE.
is_cone Determines if a surface is a conical surface.
is_conical_face Determines if an ENTITY is a conical face.
is_CSHELL Determines if an ENTITY is a CSHELL.
is_CURVE Determines if an ENTITY is a CURVE.
is_curve_edge Determines if an ENTITY is a curve edge.
is_cylindrical_face Determines if an ENTITY is a cylindrical face.
is_Displace_Type Determines if a character string represents a legal displacement type.
is_EDGE Determines if an ENTITY is an EDGE.
is_EE_LIST Determines if an ENTITY is an EE_LIST.
is_ELLIPSE Determines if an ENTITY is an ELLIPSE.
is_ellipse Determines if a curve is an ellipse.
is_elliptical_edge Determines if an ENTITY is an elliptical edge.
is_ENTITY Validates the input ENTITY.
is_ENTITY_IHL Determines if an ENTITY is an ENTITY_IHL
is_ENTITY_PHL Determines if the given entity is an ENTITY_PHL.
is_equal Determines if two values are equal.
is_FACE Determines if an ENTITY is a FACE.
is_Foreground_Type Determines if a character string represents a legal foreground type.
is_greater_than Determines if the first value is greater than the second value.
is_ID_ATTRIB Determines if the entity is an ID_ATTRIB.
is_IHL_CAMERA Determines if an ENTITY is an IHL_CAMERA.
is_IHL_SEGMENT Determines if an ENTITY is an IHL_SEGMENT.
is_INTCURVE Determines if an ENTITY is an INTCURVE.
is_intcurve Determines if a curve is an intcurve.
is_intcurve_edge Determines if an ENTITY is an intcurve edge.
is_LAW Determines if an ENTITY is a LAW.
is_less_than Determines if the first value is less than the second value.
is_Light_Type Determines if a character string represents a legal light type.
is_linear_edge Determines if an ENTITY is a linear edge.
is_LOOP Determines if an ENTITY is a LOOP.
is_LUMP Determines if an ENTITY is a LUMP.
is_NAMED_ATTRIB Determines if an ENTITY is a NAMED_ATTRIB.
is_negative Determines if a value is negative.
is_NORENDER_ATTRIB Determines if the entity is a NORENDER_ATTRIB.
is_on_line Determines if a SPAposition is on a line within SPAresabs.
is_on_plane Determines if a SPAposition is on a plane within SPAresabs.
is_PCURVE Determines if an ENTITY is a PCURVE.
is_PHLV5_EDGE Determines if the entity is a PHLV5_EDGE.
is_PHLV5_SEGMENT Determines if the entity is a PHLV5_SEGMENT.
is_PHL_CAMERA Determines if the given entity is a PHL_CAMERA.
is_PHL_EDGE Determines if the given entity is a PHL_EDGE.
is_PHL_SEGMENT Determines if the given entity is a PHL_SEGMENT.
is_planar_face Determines if an ENTITY is a planar face.
is_planar_wire Determines if a WIRE is planar.
is_PLANE Determines if an ENTITY is a PLANE.
is_plane Determines if a surface is a planar surface.
is_positive Determines if a value is positive.
is_REFINEMENT Determines if an ENTITY is a REFINEMENT.
is_Reflect_Type Determines if a character string represents a legal reflection type.
is_RH_ENTITY Determines if an ENTITY is a RH_ENTITY.
is_RH_ENVIRONMENT_MAP Determines if the entity is a RH_ENVIRONMENT_MAP.
is_RH_LIGHT Determines if an ENTITY is an RH_LIGHT.
is_RH_MATERIAL Determines if an ENTITY is an RH_MATERIAL.
is_Scm_Entity Determines if a Scheme object is an ENTITY.
is_Scm_Entray Determines if a Scheme object is an entray.
is_Scm_Real_List Determines if a Scheme object is a list of reals.
is_SHELL Determines if an ENTITY is a SHELL.
is_solid_body Determines if an ENTITY is a solid BODY.
is_SPAGROUP Determines if an ENTITY is a SPAGROUP.
is_SPHERE Determines if an ENTITY is a SPHERE.
is_sphere Determines if a surface is a spherical surface.
is_spherical_face Determines if an ENTITY is a spherical face.
is_SPLINE Determines if an ENTITY is a SPLINE.
is_spline Determines if a surface is a spline surface.
is_spline_face Determines if the ENTITY is a spline face.
is_STRAIGHT Determines if an ENTITY is a STRAIGHT.
is_straight Determines if a curve is a straight curve.
is_SUBSHELL Determines if an ENTITY is a SUBSHELL.
is_SURFACE Determines if an ENTITY is a SURFACE.
is_TCOEDGE Determines if an ENTITY is a TCOEDGE.
is_TEDGE Determines if an ENTITY is a TEDGE.
is_Texture_Space_Type Determines if a character string represents a legal texture space type.
is_TEXT_ENT Determines if an ENTITY is a TEXT_ENT.
is_toplevel Determines if an ENTITY is top level.
is_toroidal_face Determines if the ENTITY is a toroidal face.
is_TORUS Determines if an ENTITY is a TORUS.
is_torus Determines if a surface is a toroidal surface.
is_TRANSFORM Determines if an ENTITY is a TRANSFORM.
is_Transp_Type Determines if a character string represents a legal transparency type.
is_TVERTEX Determines if an ENTITY is a TVERTEX.
is_UNDEFC Determines if an ENTITY is an UNDEFC.
is_UNITS_SCALE Determines if the entity is an UNITS_SCALE.
is_VERTEX Determines if the ENTITY is a VERTEX.
is_WARP_ANNO_FACE Determines if an ENTITY is a WARP_ANNO_FACE.
is_WCS Determines if an ENTITY is a WCS.
is_WIRE Determines if an ENTITY is a WIRE.
is_wire_body Determines if an ENTITY is a wire BODY.
is_zero Determines if a value is zero relative to SPAresabs.
make_face_spline Constructs a new FACE from a spline.
make_Scm_Entity Creates a Scheme entity from a C++ENTITY.
make_surface Creates a surface for the given surface constant.
new_law_id Creates a unique id number for the given law which is used for type identification.
normalise Converts a vector into a unit vector.
parallel Determines if two vectors are parallel (within some resolution).
perpendicular Determines if two vectors are perpendicular (within some resolution).
proj_pt_to_line Projects a SPAposition onto a line.
proj_pt_to_plane Projects a SPAposition onto a plane.
raytest_edge Tests a ray against the given edge.
raytest_face Tests a ray against the given face.
read_array Reads an of array indices.
read_char Reads a character written with C printf format "%c".
read_data Reads a TaggedData item from an unknown ENTITY type.
read_enum Reads an enumeration table.
read_float Reads a float written with C printf format "%g ".
read_header Reads a header.
read_id Reads an identifier.
read_int Reads an integer by reading a long and converting.
read_interval Reads an interval as two doubles.
read_logical Reads a logical.
read_long Reads a long written with C printf format "%ld".
read_matrix Reads a SPAmatrix as three row vectors.
read_pointer Reads a pointer.
read_position Reads a position as three doubles.
read_ptr Reads a pointer for the save file.
read_real Reads a double.
read_sequence Reads an explicit record sequence number.
read_string Reads a string into a supplied buffer of a given size, maxlen.
read_subtype_end Reads subtype end braces around the subtypes, written as "} ".
read_subtype_start Reads subtype start braces around the subtypes, written as "{ ".
read_transf Internal to ACIS and not intended for direct usage. Reads a transformation.
read_unit_vector Reads a unit vector as a vector and then normalizes it.
read_vector Reads a vector as three doubles.
reflect_transf Constructs a reflection transformation for a reflection about the plane through the perpendicular to the given vector.
refresh_all Refreshes all views.
remove_rbase_app_cb Removes the callback.
reset_boxes Resets the boxes used.
reset_boxes_downward Resets the box of the given entity and then resets the boxes off all constituent boxes.
restore_curve Internal to ACIS and not intended for direct usage.
rotate_transf Constructs a rotation transformation for a simple rotation by an angle about the given vector.
same_matrix Determines if two matrices are equal, given some tolerance.
same_vector Determines whether or not two vectors are the same.
scale_transf Constructs a transformation for overall scaling.
scaling Creates the matrix for scaling.
SchemeEvaluate Evaluates a string or Scheme object.
SchemeLoad Loads a Scheme file into memory.
scheme_process Builds and evaluates a Scheme command, optionally echoing the prompt and result.
set_logging Flag to control whether rollback records are produced or not.
sg_add_pcurves_to_entity Adds pcurves to any ENTITY.
sg_get_transform Returns the transformation of the parent body of the the provided entity.
sg_split_edge_at_convexity Splits edge convexity at convexity points.
sg_split_edge_at_vertex Splits edge at vertex which is know to lie within the domain of the edge.
start_entity_creation Prepares for the definition of a new ENTITY.
start_entity_modification Prepares for ENTITY modification.
terminate_base Terminates the Base library.
terminate_law Terminates the law library.
to_model Gets a model space position from a WCS position.
to_wcs Gets a WCS position from a model space position.
translate_transf Constructs a translation transformation to translate along the given vector.
wcs_active_to_model Gets the transformation that maps from the active WCS to model space.
wcs_get_active Gets the active WCS.
wcs_model_to_active Gets the transformation that maps from model space to the active WCS.
wcs_origin Gets the origin of the active WCS.
wcs_set_origin Sets the point or origin of the given WCS.
wcs_x_axis Gets the x-axis of the active WCS.
wcs_y_axis Gets the y-axis of the active WCS.
wcs_z_axis Gets the z-axis of the active WCS.