List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Tolerant Modeling
Contents: Intersectors

Action: Tests a tolerant edge for local and remote self-intersections. (Amalgamates a number of more basic tests).

Filename: intr/intr_scm/tmchk_scm.cxx

Syntax: (tm-check:tedge-self-int edge)

Arg Types: edge tedge

Returns: (tm-chk-info ...)

Errors: Argument is not a TEDGE.

Description: Tests whether this TEDGE has any local or remote self-intersections. This tests uses the edge tolerance, so the checks tm-check:tedge and then tm-check:tcoedge and tm-check:tedge-tcoedge (for each coedge of the edge) should already have been passed. This test then performs in order: tm-check:tedge-local-self-int, tm-check:tedge-remote-self-int. A list of any tm-chk-info error objects that are generated is returned (or an empty list if all is fine).

edge is an argument of type TEDGE for which the local and remote self-intersections are tested.

Example: ; tm-check:tedge-self-int

; Check for edge self-intersection.

(define b (solid:block (position 0 0 0)

(position 10 10 10)))

;; b

(define e (car (tolerant:fix (car

(entity:edges b)))))

;; e

(tm-check:tedge-self-int e)

;; ()

; edge geometry does not self-intersect