Attribute Methods
List of: Discussion Topic
Subjects: Attributes
Contents: Kernel

An important feature of attributes is the ability of an attribute to control its behavior when its owning entity is split, merged, or translated during a modeling operation. Each attribute class provides methods (member functions) in its implementation file (.cxx) that control its behavior during splitting, merging, or translation.

When an owner entity is split, another entity is created and the application deletes, duplicates, or modifies the attribute. The default action is to do nothing. In Figure 3-2 if the small block is inserted into the larger block and subtracted, face A is separated into face A and face A'. For both faces to keep the attribute, it must be copied and attached to the face A'. The split_owner method controls this operation and accepts a pointer to the new entity (in this example, face A').

virtual void split_owner(ENTITY*);

Figure 3-2. Split Entity

When two entities are merged , the attributes may need to be handled differently. In the example in Figure 3-3, if the body owning face B is merged with another body that owns face B', one face is deleted. The attributes assigned either to face B or to face B' may be assigned to the resulting face, or the attributes may be combined. For example, if both faces had a centroid attribute, the combination of the attributes for a merge would require a recalculation. The merge_owner method has two arguments: the entity pointer (to face B' in this example), and a logical flag that indicates whether the entity containing the attribute is the one being deleted (FALSE in this example).

virtual void merge_owner(ENTITY*, logical);

Note In a merge, merge_owner is called once for each attribute on B, and once for each attribute on B'.

Figure 3-3. Merging Entities

The trans_owner method alerts attributes when the owner entity is transformed. Method trans_owner is called in all modeling operations that apply transformations to entities, such as api_apply_transf and api_change_body_trans, as well as Boolean operations. The trans_owner method has one argument: the transform.

virtual void trans_owner(SPAtransf const&);

Attribute classes also implement other common methods for such things as copying or replacing the owning entity. Many of these methods are defined using macros defined in the at_macro.hxx file. In addition, methods that are common to entities--and therefore, to attributes--are defined via macros defined in entity_macro.hxx. Other common methods are inherited from ATTRIB.