Special Characters in Saved Attributes
List of: Discussion Topic
Subjects: Attributes, SAT Save and Restore
Contents: Kernel

Attributes are saved and restored when the entity to which they are attached is saved to or restored from a SAT file. Several characters have special meaning when found in "unknown entity" string data in ACIS SAT (.sat) files. Therefore, these characters should not be contained in any user string data written to SAT files. This includes string data in attributes, but applies to string data in any unknown entities.

Note This only applies to unknown entity string data written to text save files (.sat); binary files (.sab) are not affected.

The portion of the ACIS SAT save file restore code that processes unknown entities reserves the following special characters:

{ An opening (left) curly brace begins a subtype definition.

} A closing (right) curly brace terminates a subtype definition.

$ A dollar sign indicates a pointer definition.

# A pound sign terminates an entity record.

If these reserved characters are encountered in unknown entity string data when a .sat file is restored (read in), the unknown entity reader will not process the data correctly because these characters are interpreted as special tokens. Refer to Chapter 9, SAT Save File Format, in the Kernel Component Manual for more information.

Because this processing only applies to unknown entities, applications that "know about" entities containing these characters should be able to process the files. However, if the files are shared with other applications, problems may arise.