Predefined Attribute Macros
List of: Discussion Topic
Subjects: Attributes
Contents: Kernel

The predefined attribute macros perform definitions and tasks common to all derived attribute classes. Each attribute class has many methods. Because most of the methods are common to all attribute classes, macros simplify the definition of these methods.

The following macros are used for constructing an application's master attribute. This is the sentinel-level organization attribute class that is constructed entirely by the macros:

MASTER_ATTRIB_DECL Declares an master (organization) attribute class, which has no data or methods of its own. This macro includes the macros defined by the ATTRIB_FUNCTIONS macro.

MASTER_ATTRIB_DEFN Generates all the code necessary to define a master (organization) attribute class.

The following attribute macro should be invoked in the header file for declaring a derived specific attribute:

ATTRIB_FUNCTIONS Declares common utility routines (including ENTITY methods inherited by ATTRIB).

The following attribute macros should be invoked in the implementation file for defining a derived specific attribute. The macros should appear in this order.

ATTRIB_DEF This is a heading macro that combines four macros (ATTCOPY_DEF, LOSE_DEF, DTOR_DEF, DEBUG_DEF) in sequence, for the common case of attributes that do not need any special action in the destructor or in duplication. If special handling is needed, the individual macros should be invoked instead of ATTRIB_DEF.

SAVE_DEF Completes the debug_ent method and begins the save_common method. Place actions that write out specific attribute information to the save file and insert any pointers into the list immediately following this macro.

RESTORE_DEF Completes the save_common method and begins the restore_common method. Place actions that read in specific attribute information from the save file immediately following this macro.

COPY_DEF Completes the restore_common method and begins the copy_common method. Place actions that copy data items into the new object, using list to convert any pointers to indices immediately following this macro call.

SCAN_DEF Completes the restore_common and begins the copy_scan method, which is used in many places in the system to gather a list of connected entities. Place actions that insert any pointers into the list immediately following this macro.

FIX_POINTER_DEF Completes the copy_scan method and begins the fix_common method, which is called during the final stage of restore and copy to map indices into any array of entities to actual pointer values. Place actions that convert any pointers from array indices into array contents immediately following this macro

TERMINATE_DEF Terminates the definitions supplied by the *_DEF macros.

In the case of attributes that need special handling in the destructor or in duplication, the following macros should be used (in this order) instead of ATTRIB_DEF:

ATTCOPY_DEF Invokes the UTILITY_DEF macro, which provides stock definitions for several required ENTITY functions and static data for the restore function and dynamic virtual functions.

This macro then starts the definition of the fixup_copy method. Immediately following the ATTCOPY_DEF macro, place any special action required to duplicate the attribute for roll back purposes. The attribute itself has been copied member-wise, but if there is a subsidiary structure hanging off a simple pointer (a character string hanging off a char pointer, for example) it requires copying or otherwise processing here.

ATTCOPY_DEF is used like ATTRIB_DEF, but must be followed by LOSE_DEF, DTOR_DEF, and DEBUG_DEF (in that order).

LOSE_DEF Defines this attribute's lose method. Place any special actions required to lose any dependent entities immediately following this macro.

DTOR_DEF Defines the attribute's destructor, which is called to permanently release all memory back to the operating system. Place any special actions required during attribute destruction immediately following this macro call. For example, a subsidiary data structure may need to be deleted.

DEBUG_DEF Calls the debug_ent method, which is used to produce neatly formatted, human readable information about the contents of the entity in the debug file. Place actions that write out useful information from the attribute for debugging purposes immediately following this macro.