Using Function api_set_entity_pattern
List of: Discussion Topic
Subjects: Patterns, Examples
Contents: Kernel

Suppose that you have already created an ENTITY object named ent and a pattern object named pat. Generating the pattern can be as simple as calling api_set_entity_pattern:

outcome result = api_set_entity_pattern(ent, pat);

On the other hand, if you want to apply the pattern to a bump that is a part of ent, it is first necessary to pick out an entity that can be used to identify the bump. For example, if ent is a sheet body with holes in it, and you want to apply the pattern to a hole, pick out the LOOP object defining the hole first:

ENTITY_LIST loop_list;
outcome result = api_get_loops(ent, loop_list);
LOOP* hole_loop = (LOOP*)loop_list[1];

and then apply the pattern to this object:

result = api_set_entity_pattern(hole_loop, pat);