Creating a Linear Array of Bumps
List of: Discussion Topic
Subjects: Patterns, Examples
Contents: Kernel

Suppose that you want to create a three-dimensional linear array of a LUMP object ent. Creating the necessary pattern object, pat, is most easily done by using the api_linear_pattern function, which requires that you specify the base displacements in three directions (which need not be orthogonal), and the number of corresponding pattern elements desired in each direction:

// define the pattern parameters
pattern* pat = NULL;
SPAvector x_dir(. . .,. . .,. . .);
SPAvector y_dir(. . .,. . .,. . .);
SPAvector z_dir(. . .,. . .,. . .);
int num_x = . . .;
int num_y = . . .;
int num_z = . . .;

// create the pattern
outcome result = api_linear_pattern(pat, x_dir, num_x,

y_dir, num_y, z_dir, num_z);
// apply the pattern
result = api_set_entity_pattern(ent, pat);
// clean up