Creating a Radial Array of Bumps
List of: Discussion Topic
Subjects: Patterns, Examples
Contents: Kernel

Suppose that you want to create a radial pattern of bumps on a BODY object ent. As with the linear pattern example, radial patterns have an API function to facilitate their creation. The default behavior of this function:

Produces pattern elements that rotate with the pattern
Chooses an arbitrary starting direction (perpendicular to the specified normal)
Fills a full 360-degree angle
Uses a perfect circle as its elliptical perimeter

To use the default behavior, you can generate and apply the pattern as follows:

// define the pattern parameters
pattern* pat = NULL;
SPAposition center(,. . .,. . .);
SPAvector normal(. . .,. . .,. . .);
double spacing = . . .;
int num_radial = . . .;
int num_angular = . . .;

// create the pattern
outcome result = api_radial_pattern(pat, center,

normal, num_radial, num_angular, spacing);
// define the bump by one of its faces
ENTITY_LIST face_list;
result = api_get_faces(ent, face_list);
FACE* bump_face = face_list[0];
// apply the pattern to the face
result = api_set_entity_pattern(bump_face, pat);
// clean up