Graph Theory
List of: Discussion Topic
Subjects: Graph Theory, Mathematics
Contents: Kernel

Graph theory is an area of mathematics which has been incorporated into ACIS to solve some specific problems in Boolean operations and sweeping. It may be also be used to solve other problems in geometric modeling.

A graph is a mathematical abstraction of relationships. Many real-world situations can conveniently be described through a diagram or graph consisting of a set of points (nodes or vertices) together with lines (edges) joining various pairs of these points. This graphical representation helps us understand connectivity relationships and is the basis for graph theory.

In graph diagrams, one is mainly interested in whether or not two given points are joined by a line. The manner in which they are joined - long line, short line, straight line, curved line - is immaterial, and the relative positions of the vertices and edges have no significance. There is no unique way of drawing a graph.

The graph theory subset of ACIS laws provides a generic way of dealing with finite combinations of objects that have some relation to each other. The graph theory laws deal with the discrete, not continuous, part of mathematics.