List of: Discussion Topic
Subjects: Graph Theory
Contents: Kernel

These definitions cover some basic terms and concepts of graph theory and how they have been implemented as C++ classes.

A relation is a set of ordered pairs. If all of the elements of the ordered pairs come from a set S, then the relation may be said to be on the set S. A relation R is called symmetric if for each ordered pair (a,b) in R, the ordered pair (b,a) is also in R.

A graph is a symmetric relation on a set V representing the vertices of S. The ordered pairs of a graph are called edges of the graph. No distinction is made between the pair (a,b) and the pair (b,a). The vertices a and b are said to be adjacent to the edge (a,b). The edge (a,b) is said to be adjacent to the vertices a and b.

A path is a distinct sequence of vertices v0, v1, v2,..., vn such that for all i<n, vi is adjacent to vi+1. The vertex v0 is the start of the path. The vertex vn is the end of the path. The integer n is the length of the path. Sometimes the graph defined by the sequence of vertices together with the edges that connect them is also called a path. An example of a path in Figure 5-1 would be the sequence of vertices (B, A, E, D, F).

A graph G is called connected if given any two vertices a and b in G, there is a path in G from a to b. The graph in Figure 5-1 is not connected, because there is no path from the vertex A to the vertex K.

A graph S is called a subgraph of G if every vertex and edge in S is also in G. A maximum connected subgraph of G is called a component of G.

Figure 5-1 shows a graph with three components, vertices A-L, and ten edges. Figure 5-2 shows a subgraph and one of the three components of the graph depicted in Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1. Example of a Graph

Figure 5-2. Example of a Subgraph

A cycle is a sequence of at vertices v0, v1, v2,..., vn such that v0= vn and v0, v1, v2,..., vn-1 is a path. A graph is called a cycle if it is connected and non-empty and if every vertex is of degree two. A vertex v is called a cycle vertex of the graph G if v belongs to a cycle in the graph G. The degree of a vertex is the number of adjacent edges to the vertex. The distance between two vertices in a graph is the length of the shortest path in the graph from one vertex to the other.

In Figure 5-2, the sequence of vertices (A, B, C, D, E, A) is a cycle, with each being a cycle vertex. The vertices G and F are not cycle vertices. The degree of vertices D, E, and J from Figure 5-1 is three. The degree of vertices A, B, and C is two, while the degree of vertices G, F, I, K, and L is one and the degree of vertex H is zero.

A graph is called a tree if it is connected and does not contain a cycle. A graph is called linear if it is a tree and if it does not contain a vertex of degree greater than two.

The concepts of vertex, edge, and graph have been implemented as the C++ classes gvertex, gedge, and generic_graph. (entity_gvertex is derived from gvertex except that it contains a pointer to an entity in the model. Such an entity could be a cell or a face.) A gvertex may be created with an optional char *name. A gedge may be created with two gvertex pointers. An empty graph may be created and edges and vertices may be added to it by calling its add_vertex and add_edge methods. Once created, a graph may be interrogated, ordered, or subsetted in a number of ways.

The generic_graph class has methods to tell if a graph is:

a tree
a cycle

It also has methods to tell how many components the graph has and to return each of the components as a subgraph. The components may also be identified by giving an edge or vertex in them.