Save File Header
List of: Discussion Topic
Subjects: SAT Save and Restore
Contents: Kernel

The first record of the ACIS save file is a header, such as:

712 0 4 0
11 Scheme AIDE 11 ACIS 7.0 NT 24 Mon Apr 09 16:44:18 2001
-1 9.9999999999999995e-007 1e-010

Integer An encoded version number. In the example, this is "712", which means the release is major release 7, minor release 1, and point release 2.

Integer The total number of saved data records, or zero. If zero, then an end mark is required.

Integer A count of the number of entities in the original entity list that were saved to the part file.

Integer The least significant bit of this number is used to indicate whether or not history has been saved in this save file.

Integer String length for the product string: "11".

String ID for the product which produced the file: "Scheme AIDE".

Integer String length for the ACIS version string: "11".

String ACIS version which produced the file: "ACIS 7.0 NT". This may be different from the file version and can include the major release number, the minor release number, and the point release number. It also includes the platform on which it was produced.

Integer String length for the date string: "24".

String Date file produced (in C ctime format): "Mon Apr 09 16:44:18 2001".

Double Number of millimeters represented by each unit in the model: "-1".

Real Value of SPAresabs when the file was produced: "9.9999999999999995e-007".

Real Value of SPAresnor when the file was produced: "1e-10".