Subtypes and References Example
List of: Discussion Topic
Subjects: SAT Save and Restore
Contents: Kernel

As a more graphical illustration of how subtyping and referencing work in a save file, several Scheme commands and a resulting SAT file are presented. The Scheme commands generate a cylinder which has one end bounded by a spline face. Another cylinder intersects the cylinder along the spline face, forming a cylindrical groove in the spline face. The spline surface is used in the definition of several spline curves in this example.

Figure 9-5. Creating a SAT File

The following example is taken from the file exm_ref.sat created in the above Scheme code. It does not list all sequence numbers from 0 to 171, but rather only a portion of them. The highlighted entries for sequence numbers 17, 96, and 118 are explained in more detail following this listing.

The first occurrence of a subtype definition for exactsur is on sequence number 17, and is numbered 0 in the subtype index table. This is explained in the following table.

Table 9-1. Code Output Description

Code Output Class Description
Sequence number 17.
spline- SPLINE save identifier for the spline class
surface SURFACE save identifier for the SURFACE class
$-1 ENTITY Pointer to the attribute record
forward spline Parameter defining the sense direction for the spline curve.
Start of the subtype definition. In this particular case, the subtype index number is 0.
exactsur exact_spl_sur Subtype name is exactsur and uses data element spl_sur.

spl_sur Data element, which has a bs3 surface and a real used as the fit tolerance.
nubs bs3_surface Ident: used as part of Bspline curve definition.
3 bs3_surface integer, udegree.
3 bs3_surface integer, vdegree.
open bs3_surface ident: uclosure identifier.
open bs3_surface ident: vclosure identifier.
none bs3_surface ident: usingularity.
none bs3_surface ident: vsingularity.
3 bs3_surface ident: number of uknots.
2 bs3_surface ident: number of vknots.
[Data not shown]
Data that was left out related to the uknot values, their paired multiplicity, the vknot values, their paired multiplicity, associated x, y, z coordinates, and a fit tolerance.
End of the subtype definition. In this particular case, the subtype index number is 0.
I I surface interval - uparameter range.
I I surface interval - vparameter range.
Terminator for sequence number -17.

The listing before the above table also has an example of a reference. Sequence number -118 has the text "{ ref 8 }" embedded within its information. This is a direct reference to subtype object 8. (This references the ninth subtype definition within the file, because the subtype index numbering begins with 0.)

The subtype object with the index number 8 is defined on sequence number 96. Thus, that definition of a surfintcur is used as part of sequence number 118. Note that the reference to subtype 8 in sequence number 118 actually occurs during the definition of another subtype. Moreover, nested subtype definitions are also supported, as is seen within the subtype definition on sequence number 96.