Journal File Name Convention
List of: Discussion Topic
Subjects: ACIS Journal
Contents: Kernel

The journal files are, by default, created in the working directory. The default prefix for all of the files created (both SAT and Scheme files) is "ACISJour". The full default file name for the Scheme file is of the form ACISJour_x.scm where x denotes the next index found in the directory where the journal file is stored. The full default file name for the SAT file is of the form ACISJour_x_y.sat where x and y are the next indices found in the directory where the journal file is stored.

If desired, the user can assign a specific name to the journal files using the appropriate API. In such a case, the Scheme file will be assigned "name.scm" while the corresponding SAT files will be assigned "name_x.sat" where x is an incremental counter starting from zero. This API also provides the ability to set the x counter. For example, when the user specifies a name, "myname" and an index of 0, the Scheme file is named myname.scm and it's corresponding SAT files are named myname_0.sat, myname_1.sat, myname_2.sat and so on. The next time when these files are created, the Scheme file is overwritten and the counter starts from zero for SAT files (hence, they are overwritten as well).