List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Construction Geometry, Physical Properties
Contents: Kernel

Action: Evaluates a position on a parametric surface.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/surf_scm.cxx

Syntax: (surface:eval srf su sv [level])

Arg Types: srf surface

su real

sv real

level integer

Returns: real ...

Description: This extension finds the position on a parametric surface with the given parameter values and optionally calculates the first and second derivatives.

srf specifies the surface to evaluate.

su specifies the u parameter value.

sv specifies the v parameter value.

level specifies the depth of evaluation, and it has the following valid values:

0 = turns the position

1 = Returns the position and the first derivative (xu, xv)

2 = Returns the position, and the first and second derivatives (xuu, xuv, xvv)

Example: ; surface:eval

; Create a planar face.

(define face1

(face:plane (position 0 0 0) 30 40))

;; face1

; Evaluate the position of a point

; on the planar surface.

(surface:eval (surface:from-face face1) 15 15 0)

;; (#[position 15 15 0])

; Create a conical surface.

(define cone1

(face:cone (position 0 0 0) (position 0 50 0)

30 20 0 180))

;; cone1

; Evaluate the position and the first derivative

; of a point on the conical surface.

(surface:eval (surface:from-face cone1) 0.5 0.5 1)

;; (#[position 23.7458553521721 14.7087101353638

;; -12.9724199023621] #[gvector -5.16324300907818

;; 29.4174202707276 2.82069251152796]

;; #[gvector -12.9724199023621 0

;; -23.7458553521721])