List of: Functions
Subjects: Construction Geometry, Spline Interface
Contents: Kernel

Action: Creates a curve which is supplied as B-spline vertexes and knot values.

Prototype: bs2_curve bs2_curve_construct (

int nkts, // number of knots

const SPApar_pos* pverts,// parameter position

double* knots, // knots

int mult // multiple


Includes: #include "kernel/acis.hxx"

#include "baseutil/vector/param.hxx"

#include "kernel/spline/bs2_crv/bs2curve.hxx"

#include "kernel/spline/d3_bs3/spd3rtn.hxx"

Description: The number of knots is given, and the multiplicities of internal knots (the end knots have multiplicity 3). Same as bs3_curve_construct, but in two dimensions.

pverts is an array containing the three or two space vertices. It should contain mult*(nkts-2)+4 values.

knots is an array of nkts distinct knot values.

mult is the multiplicity of the internal knots. The end knots always get multiplicity three.

The form of the bs2_curve must be set after construction. The form of the underlying spline curve is set during the construction.

Library: kernel

Filename: kern/kernel/spline/d3_bs3/spd3rtn.hxx

Effect: Changes model