List of: Functions
Subjects: Construction Geometry, Spline Interface
Contents: Kernel

Action: Creates a new curve by appending the second curve to the end of the first.

Prototype: bs3_curve bs3_curve_join (

bs3_curve first_part, // first curve

bs3_curve last_part // second curve


Includes: #include "kernel/acis.hxx"

#include "kernel/spline/bs3_crv/bs3curve.hxx"

#include "kernel/spline/bs3_crv/sp3crtn.hxx"

Description: Appends the second curve to the end of the first, constructing a new combined curve (though destroying the originals). If two curves are input, the first curve is modified to be the combined curve and returned; the second curve is deleted. If one curve is NULL, the other curve is returned as the combined curve.

Limitations: This routine does not check for compatibility. It is commonly used after bs3_curve_split(), where the curves were originally the same curve. Compatible means that the splines have the same degree and rationality, and the end of the first is coincident with the start of the second. Note that this is not what is provided by bs3_curve_compat(). That routine results in two curves that are compatible side-by-side, e.g. that could be used as two curves of the same surface, in the same direction.

Library: kernel

Filename: kern/kernel/spline/bs3_crv/sp3crtn.hxx

Effect: Changes model