List of: Functions
Subjects: Construction Geometry, Spline Interface
Contents: Kernel

Action: Sets the position of all control points.

Prototype: void bs3_curve_set_ctrlpts (

bs3_curve curv, // tgt bs3_curve to

// modify

int cpt_count, // number of control

// points

double* pos, // [xyz0,xyz1..] to copy

// sized:[3*cpt_count]

double* weight // weights for each cpt.

// only used if curv is

// rational

// sized:[cpt_count]


Includes: #include "kernel/acis.hxx"

#include "kernel/spline/bs3_crv/bs3curve.hxx"

#include "kernel/spline/bs3_crv/sp3crtn.hxx"

Description: Iterates through all control points on curv. Copies the values of pos into the control points and if curv is rational also copies weight values.

Library: kernel

Filename: kern/kernel/spline/bs3_crv/sp3crtn.hxx

Effect: System routine