List of: Functions
Subjects: Construction Geometry, Spline Interface
Contents: Kernel

Action: Gets a flag indicating the existence of poles (singularities) in the u direction.

Prototype: int bs3_surface_poles_u (

bs3_surface bs // input surface


Includes: #include "kernel/acis.hxx"

#include "kernel/spline/bs3_srf/bs3surf.hxx"

#include "kernel/spline/sg_bs3s/sps3srtn.hxx"

Description: Determines if the input surface has any poles in the u direction and returns an indicator flag:

0 Surface is not singular at either end

1 Surface is singular at u-start

2 Surface is singular at u-end

3 Surface is singular at u-start and u-end

Library: kernel

Filename: kern/kernel/spline/sg_bs3s/sps3srtn.hxx

Effect: Read-only