List of: Functions
Subjects: Construction Geometry, Spline Interface
Contents: Kernel

Action: Creates an approximate spline surface to a procedurally defined surface.

Prototype: bs3_surface bs3_surface_proc (

SPAinterval& u_interval, // parameter range in u

// over which approximate

// surface is constructed

SPAinterval& v_interval, // parameter range in v

// over which approximate

// surface is constructed

pt_eval_fn_t pt_fn, // model space point

// evaluator

vec_eval_fn_t du_fn, // ds/du evaluator

vec_eval_fn_t dv_fn, // ds/dv evaluator

vec_eval_fn_t duv_fn, // ds2/dudv evaluator

void* data, // data to be passed to

// evaluators

double res // fit resolution


Includes: #include "kernel/acis.hxx"

#include "baseutil/vector/interval.hxx"

#include "kernel/spline/bs3_srf/bs3surf.hxx"

#include "kernel/spline/sg_bs3s/sps3srtn.hxx"

Description: The surface is defined over a parametric interval in u and v. Functions are supplied by the caller to calculate points on the surface, tangent vectors, and second derivatives. This information is evaluated and used to define a surface that is a fit to the evaluated data. If an error occurs, a NULL surface is returned.

The following are the type definitions of the evaluation functions used in bs3_surface_proc.

The pt_fn evaluator function for the surface must return a point on the surface at a given (u,v) value:

typedef logical

(*pt_eval_fn_t) (
// return of FALSE =>

// evaluation failed

double u,

// u param of evaluation

// point

double v,

// v param of evaluation

// point

void* data,

// data you passed to

// bs3_surface_proc

SPAposition& pt

// OUT: model space

// position

// at given uv location


The du_fn evaluator function for the surface must return a u-partial on the surface at a given (u,v) value. The dv_fn evaluator function for the surface must return a v-partial on the surface at a given (u,v) value. The duv_fn evaluator function for the surface must return a uv-partial on the surface at a given (u,v) value. All have the form:

typedef logical

(*vec_eval_fn_t) (
// return of FALSE =>

// evaluation failed

double u,

// u param of evaluation

// point

double v,

// v param of evaluation

// point

void* data,

// data you passed to

// bs3_surface_proc

SPAvector& vec);
// OUT: vector at given uv

// location


Limitations: Do not give too small a value for res, because this can result in data explosion of the approximate surface. A res value of 0.01 seems to work best.

Library: kernel

Filename: kern/kernel/spline/sg_bs3s/sps3srtn.hxx

Effect: Changes model