List of: Classes
Subjects: Laws, SAT Save and Restore
Contents: Kernel

Purpose: Creates a wrapper to a ACISTRANSFORM class.

Derivation: transform_law_data : base_transform_law_data : law_data : ACIS_OBJECT : -

SAT Identifier: "TRANS#"

Filename: kern/kernel/kernutil/law/law.hxx

Description: This is a law data class that holds a pointer to a transform.

Constructor: public: transform_law_data::transform_law_data (

SPAtransf const* in_data // transform to wrap


C++ constructor, creating a transform_law_data which is a wrapper for the ACISTRANSFORM.

Methods: public: virtual base_transform_law_data*

transform_law_data::make_one (

SPAtransf const* in_data // law data

) const;

Returns a pointer to a law of this type. Used by parsing to create an instance of this law.

public: virtual void transform_law_data::save ();

Saves the transform.

public: char const* transform_law_data::symbol (

law_symbol_type type // type of law symbol


Returns the string that represents this law class's symbol. The symbol is used for parsing the law and for saving and restoring law-based geometry. For a law to be saved and restored, it must have or inherit this method.

The default law symbol for this class is TRANS.

Related Fncs: restore_law, restore_law_data, save_law