List of: Options
Subjects: Modeler Control, SAT Save and Restore
Contents: Kernel

Action: Sets the localization properties (language locale) to use when restoring save files (.sat).

Name String: restore_locale

Scheme: string See Description "C"

Test Harness: string See Description "C"

C++: char* See Description "C"

Description: This provides the ability to restore .sat files that were saved using a locale other than the "C" locale. It results in a call to the C standard library function setlocaleif a restore operation is performed. The locale is reset to its original value following the restore.

The argument to this option is a string. Possible values are:

"C" Uses the standard environment for C.

"" (empty string) Uses the system's native environment.

"<other valid locale name>" Is a string specifying some other locale. Valid values are system dependent locale names.

For example, in HP-UX version 10.01, a locale name conforms to ISO standards and identifies the language (with a 2-character code), country or territory (with a 2-character code), and the codeset of that locale. Examples of valid locale names for an HP-UX (10.01) system include "ar_DZ.arabic8" (for the Arabic language in Algeria, using the arabic8 codeset) "iw_IL.hebrew8" (Hebrew, Israel, hebrew8), and "de_DE.iso88591" (German, Germany, ISO 8859/1).

Example: ; restore_locale

; On HP-UX 10.01, set locale to German, ISO codeset

(option:set "restore_locale" "de_DE.iso88591")

;; "C"