List of: Discussion Topic
Contents: Kernel

AcisJournal Contains data and methods related to journaling operation.

AcisOptions Implements an AcisOptions class.

AcisVersion Creates an ACISversion object.

ANNOTATION Defines a base class for adding information to the bulletin boards.

annotation_ctx Holds global information about annotations, including settings and a list of them.

APOINT Represents the position of a point as an object in the model.

ATTRIB Represents common data and functionality for all attributes.

ATTRIB_ANNOTATION Attaches an annotation to an entity.

ATTRIB_ST Organization attribute from which various color, display, id, and other attributes are derived.

ATTRIB_SYS Organization base attribute class for the ACIS kernel.

ATTRIB_TAG Defines a base class that contains a pointer to the original input entity as well as a flag indicating if the entity still exists.

ATTRIB_TSL This is an organization base class from which other classes are derived. It is never instantiated.

BinaryFile Defines the BinaryFile class for doing ACIS save and restore to binary files.

blend_spl_sur Provides common functionality and data for all blend surfaces.

BODY Represents a wire, sheet, or solid body.

bounded_arc Defines a bounded_arc as a subtype of a bounded_curve.

bounded_curve Defines a bounded curve.

bounded_line Defines a bounded_line as a subtype of bounded_curve.

BULLETIN Describes the records that are chained into bulletin-boards.

BULLETIN_BOARD Creates a record of the changes to a single ENTITY during the current operation on the model.

check_status_list Implements the list of return codes for status checking.

COEDGE Relates EDGEs with adjacent EDGEs and owning ENTITYs.

CONE Defines a cone as an object in the model.

cone Defines the elliptical single cone.

CURVE Defines a generic curve as an object in the model.

curve Provides methods and data common to all curve subclasses.

curve_bounds Specifies the curve bounds of interest.

curve_curve_int Represents the intersection of a curve with another curve and returns the intersections as a list.

curve_interp Contains arrays to be interpolated and the information necessary for the interpolation.

curve_irregularities Implements a linked list of parameter values at which a curve has a C1 (tangent direction) or G1 (tangent magnitude) discontinuity.

curve_law_data Creates a wrapper to an ACIScurve class.

curve_surf_int Represents the intersection of a curve with a surface and returns the intersections as a list.

DEBUG_LIST Defines a simple list pointer, which allows all active lists to be scanned.

DELTA_STATE Retrieves a sequence of bulletin boards.

DELTA_STATE_LIST Implements a variable length list of delta states.

discontinuity_info Stores discontinuity information for a curve or surface.

EDGE Represents a physical edge.

EE_LIST Defines a wrapper for ENTITY_LIST that is an ENTITY, with full support for save/restore and rollback.

ELLIPSE Defines an ellipse as an object in the model.

ellipse Defines an ellipse.

ENTITY Represents common data and functionality that is mandatory in all classes that are permanent objects in the model.

entity_and_filter Returns TRUE if both of its two child filters return TRUE.

entity_binary_filter Combines entity_and_filter and entity_or_filter classes.

entity_filter Provides generic methods and data for all filters.

entity_gvertex Creates an instance of a graph vertex that holds an entity pointer as data.

ENTITY_LIST Implements a variable length list of entities.

entity_notification_handler Allows an application to notify its sub-systems of ENTITY events.

entity_not_filter Returns TRUE if and only if its child filter returns FALSE, and vice versa.

entity_or_filter Returns TRUE if either of its two child filters returns TRUE.

entity_test_filter Returns TRUE if the given C++ test function returns TRUE.

entity_with_ray Combines an ENTITY and a pick_ray.

exact_int_cur Represents an exact intersection spline curve.

FACE Represents a bounded portion of a SURFACE.

FileInfo Contains additional required file header information.

FileInterface Defines the abstract base class.

gedge Creates an instance of a graph edge for use in graph theory.

generic_graph Creates an instance of a graph for the graph theory mathematical operations.

gvertex Creates an instance of a graph vertex for use in graph theory.

history_callbacks Provides callbacks for history management.

history_callbacks_list Provides a list of callbacks for history.

HISTORY_MANAGER Creates a history state on the specified history stream.

HISTORY_STREAM Implements a method for saving past states.

HISTORY_STREAM_LIST Stores a list of history streams.

INTCURVE Defines a parametric curve as an object in the model.

intcurve An interpolated curve type.

int_cur Defines interpolated curves.

LAW Stores a law mathematics function as an entity for saving to and restoring from a SAT file.

LOOP Set of connected EDGEs that bounds a FACE.

LUMP Represents a bounded, connected portion of space.

METHOD_ARGS Defines the virtual method ID that must return a unique character string to allow runtime identification of overloaded methods.

METHOD_ID Identifies runtime methods.

METHOD_TABLE Holds the table of runtime method implementation functions for a class.

off_int_cur Represents a spline curve obtained by the intersection of two surfaces that are offsets of the given surfaces.

off_spl_sur Represents the offset of a surface.

outcome Defines a class for the result of API calls.

par_int_cur Represents an exact spline curve in the parameter space of a surface.

par_int_interp Fits a 3D curve to the parameter curve.

pattern Provides all information necessary to generate a regular or irregular pattern of entities from a single, "seed" entity.

PCURVE Defines a 2D parameter-space approximation to a curve as an object in the model.

pcurve Defines a 2D curve defined in the parameter space of a parametric surface.

pcurve_law_data Creates a wrapper for pcurve classes for passing as arguments to laws.

pcur_int_cur Defines an interpolated curve subtype that is the 3D extension of the parameter curve representing a curve on a surface.

pick_ray Maps a 2D graphic pick on an entity position defined in model space.

PLANE Defines a plane as an object in the model.

plane Defines a planar surface.

position_array Creates dynamic arrays of positions.

rb_blend_spl_sur Implements the constant radius rolling ball blend surface.

restore_def Records an entity type name, a pointer to a restore_data routine for that type of entity, and a link pointer.

rot_spl_sur Represents a surface of rotation.

SabFile Performs save and restore to stream files.

SatFile Defines the SatFile class for doing ACIS save and restore to stream files in text format.

SHELL Represents the external boundary of a LUMP, or the internal boundary of a void (unoccupied space) within a LUMP.

skin_spl_sur Defines a skin surface between a list of curves.

SPHERE Defines a sphere as an object in the model.

sphere Defines a spherical surface.

SPLINE Defines a parametric surface as an object in the model.

spline Records a B-spline surface.

spl_sur Defines an abstract base class from which spline surface definitions are derived.

standard_error_info Returns standard error information.

STRAIGHT Defines an infinite line as an object in the model.

straight Defines an infinite straight line represented by a point and a unit vector specifying the direction.

StreamFinder Used by the DistributeStates function below to find the HISTORY_STREAM corresponding to a given entity.

SUBSHELL Represents a subdivision of a SHELL or SUBSHELL.

subtrans_object Defines a shared-subtype class that is subject to transformations.

subtype_object Defines the master object from which all subtype objects must be derived.

sum_spl_sur Represents a linear sum of two curves.

SURFACE Defines a generic surface as an object in the model.

surface Base class for all ACIS surface types that defines the basic virtual functions that are supplied for all specific surface classes.

surface_law_data Creates a wrapper to an ACISsurface class.

surf_int_cur Represents spline curves on a surface within the given fit tolerance.

surf_normcone Provides a return value for normal_cone which returns a cone bounding the surface normal.

surf_princurv Provides the return value for the principle curvature functions, returning two directions and two curvatures for a surface.

surf_surf_int Represents the intersection of two face surfaces and returns zero or more curves.

sweep_spl_sur Defines the perpendicular sweep of a planar profile curve along a path curve.

TaggedData Tracks data and its type for saving and restoring unknown ENTITY types.

TCOEDGE Internal to ACIS and not intended for direct usage.

TEDGE Internal to ACIS and not intended for direct usage.

tensor Defines a 3 X 3 tensor.

TEXT_ANNOTATION Defines a simple annotation attribute for testing annotations.

TEXT_ENT Stores simple text display information.

tk_list Base class that can be used to manage a list of items.

TORUS Defines a torus as an object in the model.

torus Represents tori.

TRANSFORM Represents an overall transformation applied to a BODY, and is saved as part of the model.

transform_law_data Creates a wrapper to a ACISTRANSFORM class.

TVERTEX Internal to ACIS and not intended for direct usage.

UNDEFC Defines a curve that is undefined except for its end points as an object in the model.

unknown_text_pointer Implements the member functions to point to an object containing textual data to be read from a save file.

var_cross_section Evaluates the cross section of a blend surface.

var_radius Defines the variable radius.

var_rad_fixed_width Defines a constant cross section radius for a variable radius function.

var_rad_functional Defines a functional form of a variable radius function.

var_rad_rot_ellipse Defines a rotational radius ellipse for a variable radius function.

var_rad_two_ends Defines a two-ends form of a variable radius function.

VBL_SURF Defines the vertex blend surface class.

VERTEX Represents a corner of a FACE and/or the end of an EDGE.

WCS Defines the creation of a working coordinate system.

WCS_callback Provides notification of changes to the WCS.

WCS_callback_list Provides a type-safe interface to toolkit_callback_list class and the execute command.

WIRE Represents a collection of edges that are owned by a body but are not attached to faces and do not enclose any volume.

wire_law_data Creates a wrapper to a ACISWIRE class.