List of: Discussion Topic
Contents: Kernel

address_debug Sets the form of output addresses.

annotations Controls whether annotation entities are created.

api_checking Controls whether or not arguments to APIs are checked.

backup_boxes Sets backup of mesh boxes.

bb_immediate_close Controls whether or not a bulletin board is closed off immediately when the call is made to the close_bulletin_board function.

binary_format Controls the format to use when writing ACIS part save files as binary.

binary_read_format Controls the format to use when reading ACIS part save files as binary.

bl_envelope_surf Controls the type of blend surface used when a variable-radius blend is created.

brief_comp_debug Sets how much information about a compcurv is printed.

brief_curve_debug Sets how much information about a curve is printed.

brief_mesh_debug Sets how much information about a mesh is printed.

brief_pcurve_debug Sets how much information about a pcurve is printed.

brief_surface_debug Sets how much information about a spline surface is printed.

careful Controls whether or not extra geometry/topology checking is done.

check_output Determines the level of output generated by the body checker.

compress_bb Controls bulletin board compression.

cone_param_range_v Controls whether to use a more accurate algorithm for computing cone surface parameter range.

convert_on_restore Controls whether to convert wires from the old to the new format during a restore operation.

delete_forward_states Controls whether to delete all forward delta states.

error_no_input_tag Controls whether or not an error occurs if inputs are not tagged (when annotations are activated).

fitol_curve_interp Sets the fit tolerance for spline curve interpolation.

fix_pcurves Controls whether or not pcurves are corrected when validity checks are performed.

history_checks Controls how history checks are reported.

intcurve_save_approx_level Controls the level of information stored in the SAT file for intcurves.

logging Sets whether bulletin boards and delta states are to be visible at the application level.

new_dangling_wires Converts dangling wires to either new or old style.

new_transform_method Sets the method used for transformations.

print_entity_type Controls how an entity is printed in Scheme output.

regen_skin_approx Controls whether to regenerate the approximating surface during retrieval of a skin surface.

remesh Sets automatic remeshing during a Boolean.

restore_locale Sets the localization properties (language locale) to use when restoring save files (.sat).

res_near_tangent Sets the tolerant modeling resolution (tolerance) for determining if an edge is considered tangent.

ret_directory Sets the default directory for retrieve files in the ACIS Test Harness.

save_box Sets writing the bounding boxes to the save file.

save_directory Sets the default directory for save files in the ACIS Test Harness.

save_entity_count Sets writing the entity count to the save file.

save_old_sab Sets format for binary save files.

save_unknown_subtype_as_approx Sets how unknown subtypes are saved in old save file formats.

save_version Sets the ACIS version to use for writing save files in the ACIS Test Harness.

sequence_save_files Sets sequence numbers in save files.

spline_save_approx_level Controls the level of information stored in the SAT file for spline surfaces.

split_curves Sets curve splitting in the curve::split function.

string_check Sets how NULL strings are handled.

sweep_selfint Sets self intersection checks while evaluating the sweep surface.

test_share Sets detecting and sharing of identical objects when restoring save files.

tight_sphere_box Sets calculation of a tight bounding box for a sphere.

tight_torus_box Sets calculation of a tight bounding box for a torus.

torus_param_range Sets whether or not a box is used to find the torus parameter range.

unhook_annotations Controls whether annotations are automatically unhooked from their entities.