Scheme Extensions
List of: Discussion Topic
Contents: Kernel

acisoptions:set Sets the parameters in an acis_options scheme object.

acis_journal:end Ends the journaling mechanism.

acis_journal:pause Pauses the journaling mechanism.

acis_journal:resume Resumes the journaling mechanism after a pause.

acis_journal:set Sets the parameters for journaling functions.

acis_journal:start Makes a acis_journal scheme-object.

annotation:assert Returns an error if the specified annotation does not exist.

annotation:assert-not Returns an error if the specified annotation DOES exist.

annotation:clear-all Removes all annotations.

annotation:hook-all Hooks all annotations.

annotation:inputs Returns the list of input entities for the given annotation entity.

annotation:member-name Returns the name of the selected entity as determined by an attached annotation attribute.

annotation:outputs Returns the list of output entities for the given annotation entity.

annotation:unhook-all Unhooks all annotations.

arc:center Gets the center position of a circular curve or edge of an elliptical curve or edge.

arc:end-angle Gets the end angle of a circular curve or edge or an elliptical curve or edge.

arc:major-axis Gets the gvector of the major axis of an elliptical curve or edge.

arc:radius Gets the radius of a circular curve or edge or an elliptical curve or edge.

arc:start-angle Gets the start angle of a circular curve or edge or an elliptical curve or edge.

body:get-transform Returns the transform attached to a body.

body? Determines if a scheme-object is a body.

coedge:types Prints a table of all coedges in the current part, including their containing entities and pcurve types.

coedge? Determines if a scheme-object is a coedge.

curve:bs3-eval-arc-3curve Returns the radius and center of an arc tangent to three co-planar bs3curves. One or two of the curves may degenerate to a point.

curve:bs3-eval-tan-pt Evaluates the straight line, which is tangent to a planar bs3curve, and passes it through the given point.

curve:circular? Determines if a scheme-object is a curve:circular.

curve:domain Determines the domain of an edge's curve.

curve:elliptical? Determines if a scheme-object is a curve:elliptical.

curve:end-param Gets the end parameter of an edge or a curve.

curve:end-pos Gets the end position of an edge or a curve.

curve:end-tan Gets the end tangent of an edge or a curve.

curve:eval Evaluates an edge or a curve at the specified parameter and number of derivatives.

curve:eval-curvature Evaluates the curvature vector of an edge at the specified SPAparameter.

curve:eval-pos Evaluates an edge or a curve at the specified parameter.

curve:eval-tan Evaluates the tangent gvector of an edge or a curve at the specified parameter.

curve:from-edge Creates a curve from an edge entity.

curve:from-tcoedge Creates a curve from an tcoedge entity.

curve:length Gets the length of an edge or a curve.

curve:linear? Determines if a scheme-object is a linear curve.

curve:normal Gets the normal of a given planar edge or curve.

curve:param Gets the parameter value at a specified position on an edge or a curve.

curve:param-at-dist Gets the parameter value of a curve at an arc length distance along the curve.

curve:project-pos Gets the normal projection of a position onto an edge or curve.

curve:ray-pos Gets the position on a curve closest to the pick-ray.

curve:start-param Gets the start parameter of an edge or curve.

curve:start-pos Gets the start position of an edge or curve.

curve:start-tan Gets the tangent at the start of an edge or curve.

curve:transform Modifies a curve or edge by applying a transform.

curve? Determines if a scheme-object is a curve.

debug:all-modules Sets the debug level for all modules that have debugging turned on.

debug:file Sets debug output to be printed to the specified output device.

debug:list-modules Displays the current debug level for all modules with debugging turned on. Also prints a number of such modules.

debug:module Sets the debugging level for a module.

derived-tag:string Returns the string stored in the derived_tag.

dummy-name:add Adds a dummy naming attribute which can be used to test the annotation callbacks.

edge:bs Returns the B-spline approximation information (number of control points) for an edge.

edge:circular? Determines if a scheme-object is a circular-edge.

edge:curve? Determines if a scheme-object is a curve-edge.

edge:domain Determines the domain of an edge.

edge:elliptical? Determines if a scheme-object is an elliptical-edge.

edge:linear? Determines if a scheme-object is a linear-edge.

edge:min-rad Returns the minimum radius of curvature of a curve.

edge:project-to-face Projects (part of) an edge onto a face.

edge:project-to-plane Projects an edge onto a plane.

edge:reversed? Determines if the direction of an edge is reversed relative to a face.

edge:spline? Determines if a scheme-object is a spline-edge.

edge:type Determines the type of an edge.

edge:types Prints a table of all edges in the current part, including their containing entities and curve types.

edge? Determines if a scheme-object is an edge.

eelist:add Adds an entity to an EE_LIST.

eelist:entities Returns a list of the entities in an EE_LIST.

eelist:new Creates a new EE_LIST entity.

eelist:remove Removes an entity from an EE_LIST.

entity Gets an entity from an entity ID number.

entity:annotation-names Returns the name of the selected entity as determined by an attached annotation attribute.

entity:annotations Returns the list annotation entities attached to the given entity via an annotation attribute.

entity:attach-derived-tag Generates an error if the specified annotation does not exist.

entity:coedges Gets the coedges from an entity or list of entities.

entity:copy Copies any entity (solid, face, edge, etc.) and all entities attached to it.

entity:copy-contents Copies lower topology entities from a given entity.

entity:debug Prints information about the data structure of an entity.

entity:deep-copy Deep copies an entity (solid, face, edge, etc.) plus all attached entities.

entity:delete Deletes an entity or list of entities and any attributes attached to those entities.

entity:dindex Returns the index of the given entity as listed in debug output.

entity:dspindex Returns faces, edges, tedges, coedges, tcoedges, tvertices or vertices selected by the same index as listed in debug output.

entity:fix-transform Applies a body transformation to all underlying geometry.

entity:get-id Returns the id tag from the given entity.

entity:how-connected Returns an ordered list of entities representing the path from one entity to another.

entity:index Returns the index of an entity.

entity:loops Gets a list of all loops of an entity or list of entities.

entity:lose-attribs Removes selected attributes from an entity and it's subparts.

entity:lumps Gets a list of all lumps in an entity or list of entities.

entity:move Transforms an entity or list of entities.

entity:next Gets the next LUMP, SHELL, FACE, LOOP or COEDGE in an entity list.

entity:owner Gets the top level owner of an entity.

entity:previous Gets the previous COEDGE in an entity list.

entity:reflect Reflects an entity or list of entities.

entity:reset-boxes Removes and then adds back bounding boxes from the selected body and its subparts (or just the selected entity if it's not a body).

entity:rotate Rotates an entity or list of entities.

entity:scale Scales an entity or list of entities uniformly or non-uniformly.

entity:sense Determines if a scheme-object is a FORWARD.

entity:shells Gets a list of shell entities from a topological entity or list of entities.

entity:tcoedges Gets the tcoedges from an entity or list of entities.

entity:tedges Gets a list of all tedge entities in an entity or list of entities.

entity:transform Applies a transform to a single entity or list of entities.

entity:tvertices Gets a list of tvertices from an entity or list of entities.

entity:wires Gets a list of wires from an entity or list of entities.

entity? Determines if a scheme-object is an entity.

entray Creates an entray.

entray:entity Gets the entity component of an entray.

entray:ray Gets the ray component of an entray.

entray? Determines if a scheme-object is an entity-with-ray.

env:load-state Loads the states of global variables (such as options and tolerances) from the given text file and sets the values to the variables.

env:restored-product-id Returns the restored product information.

env:restored-units-scale Returns the restored units scale.

env:save-product-id Returns the save product information.

env:save-state Saves the current states of global variables such as options and tolerances into a text file.

env:save-units-scale Gets the save units scale.

env:set-save-units-scale Sets the save units scale value in Fileinfo.

env:set-tolerance Sets the following system tolerances: SPAresabs, SPAresnor, SPAresfit, and SPAresmch.

env:tolerance Gets a list of system tolerances.

face:bs Returns the B-spline approximation information for a face.

face:check Determines if a face contains invalid loops.

face:conical? Determines if a Scheme object is a conical face.

face:cylinder-axis Gets the ray along the axis of a cylindrical-face entity.

face:cylinder-radius Gets the radius of a cylindrical face entity.

face:cylindrical? Determines if a Scheme object is a cylindrical face.

face:derivtest Tests face quality by comparing the procedural derivatives with finite difference derivatives up to the 4th derivatives.

face:planar? Determines if a Scheme object is a planar face.

face:plane-normal Gets the normal of a planar face.

face:plane-ray Gets the plane from a planar face as a ray.

face:scar? Checks the input body or face for scars and returns list (or unspecified if no scars exist).

face:sphere-center Gets the center position of a spherical face.

face:sphere-radius Gets the radius of a spherical face.

face:spherical? Determines if a Scheme object is a spherical face.

face:spline? Determines if a Scheme object is a face:spline.

face:toroidal? Determines if a Scheme object is a toroidal face.

face:type Returns the type of a face.

face:types Prints a table of all faces in the current part, including their containing entities and surface types.

face? Determines if a Scheme object is a face.

filter:and Computes an AND of two or more entity-filters.

filter:apply Applies a filter to an entity or list of entities.

filter:not Computes the NOT of an input entity-filter.

filter:or Computes the OR of two or more entity-filters.

filter:type Creates a filter entity that selects for the type of an entity.

filter:types Gets a list of available filter types.

find:angle Returns the angle between edges. Returns a list of angles if a non-branched wire-body is submitted.

find:bump Finds the bump associated with the given face or loop.

find:pattern-index Finds the pattern index associated with a given entity.

graph:add-edge Adds an edge to a graph.

graph:add-vertex Adds a vertex to a graph.

graph:adjacent Returns whether or not two vertices in a graph are connected with an edge.

graph:branch Returns a subgraph of the given input graph.

graph:component Creates a new graph from all of the component elements of a given graph specified by one of the component elements.

graph:components Returns the number of independent components that are in a graph.

graph:connected? Determines whether or not the specified graph is connected, or all in one component.

graph:copy Creates a new graph that is a copy of the specified graph.

graph:cut-edge? Determines whether or not the specified edge is a cutting edge.

graph:cut-edges Returns all of the cutting edges of a graph.

graph:cut-vertex? Determines whether or not the specified vertex is a cutting vertex.

graph:cut-vertices Returns all of the cutting vertices of a graph.

graph:cycle-vertex? Determines whether or not a given vertex is a cycle vertex.

graph:cycle? Determines whether or not a graph has a cycle.

graph:degree? Returns the number of graph vertices that are connected with graph edges to the specified vertex.

graph:edge-entities Returns a list of model entities associated with the graph edges.

graph:edge-weight Sets the weight for an edge of a graph.

graph:entities Returns a list of model entities associated with the graph vertices and edges.

graph:get-order Returns a number representing the distance a given graph vertex is from the 0 node in the given ordered graph.

graph:intersect Performs a Boolean intersect operation of two graphs.

graph:is-subset Returns TRUE if the small graph is a subset of the large graph.

graph:kind Returns a graph containing the input graph elements that are of the specified kind number and specified kind status.

graph:kind? Returns whether or not a graph with a given edge is of the specified kind.

graph:kinds? Returns a list of all the kinds on a vertex or edge.

graph:lightest-path Returns a graph representing the lightest path between two vertices of a graph.

graph:linear? Determines whether or not a graph is linear.

graph:negate Negates an ordered graph.

graph:order-cyclic Assigns a sequence order to the vertices of a cyclic graph.

graph:order-from Sets the order of a graph starting at 0 for the specified vertex.

graph:order-with Sets the order of one graph onto another and rescales the ordering to remove gaps.

graph:set-kind Specifies the kind type and its on/off value for an edge of the given graph.

graph:shortest-cycle Returns the shortest cycle graph that includes the specified graph vertex.

graph:shortest-path Returns the shortest path graph that includes the two specified graph vertices.

graph:show-order Creates a list of a vertices in a graph and their respective distance from the starting vertex.

graph:split-branches Decomposes a graph into components that do not have branches.

graph:subset Creates a subgraph from a given graph using either two integers or a law.

graph:subtract Performs a Boolean subtract operation of two graphs.

graph:subtract-edges Subtracts the edges of graph1 from graph2 returning the result.

graph:total-weight Returns the total weight associated with the edges of a graph.

graph:tree? Determines whether or not a given graph is a tree structure.

graph:unite Performs a Boolean unite operation of two graphs.

graph:vertex-entities Returns a list of entities that are associated with the vertices of a graph.

graph:which-component Returns the number of the component that a given graph element belongs to.

gvector Creates a new gvector given coordinates x, y, and z.

gvector:+ Adds two gvectors.

gvector:- Subtracts two gvectors.

gvector:copy Creates a gvector by copying an existing gvector.

gvector:cross Gets the cross product of two gvectors.

gvector:dot Gets the dot product of two gvector.

gvector:from-to Creates a gvector between two positions.

gvector:length Gets the length of a gvector.

gvector:parallel? Determines if two gvectors are parallel.

gvector:perpendicular? Determines if two gvectors are perpendicular.

gvector:reverse Reverses the direction of a gvector.

gvector:scale Multiplies a gvector by a scalar number to produce a new gvector.

gvector:set! Sets a gvector's direction given components of x, y, and z.

gvector:set-x! Sets the x-direction component of a gvector.

gvector:set-y! Sets the y-direction component of a gvector.

gvector:set-z! Sets the z-direction component of a gvector.

gvector:transform Applies a transform to a gvector.

gvector:unitize Creates a new gvector as a unit vector in the same direction as the specified gvector.

gvector:x Gets the x-component of a gvector relative to the active coordinate system.

gvector:y Gets the y-component of a gvector relative to the active coordinate system.

gvector:z Gets the z-component of a gvector relative to the active coordinate system.

gvector? Determines if a Scheme object is a gvector.

history:ensure-empty-root-state Adds empty delta state to the beginning of the history stream so that users can roll to a state with no entities.

history:get-active-state-id Returns an integer representing the active state.

history:get-default Returns the default history stream.

history:get-entity-from-id Returns an ENTITY from a given tag id.

history:validate-streams Checks all history streams for validity.

is:helix Determines whether or not the input entity is a helix.

law Creates a law Scheme data type composed of one or more law functions.

law:bounds Finds the bounds for a law function.

law:check Prints out the laws string.

law:count Gets a count of laws in use.

law:cubic Creates a cubic law given {a,b,f(a),f(b),f'(a),f'(b)}.

law:derivative Creates a law object that is the derivative of the given law with respect to the given variable.

law:end Returns the end of the domain for a law.

law:eval Evaluates a given law or law expression with the specified input and returns a real or list of reals.

law:eval-par-pos Evaluates a parameter position.

law:eval-position Evaluates a given law or law expression with the specified input and returns a position or a par-pos.

law:eval-vector Evaluates a given law or law expression with the specified input and returns a gvector.

law:hedgehog Creates visible vector field lines along an edge or wire.

law:inverse Returns a law that is the inverse of the supplied law.

law:line-line-intersect Returns TRUE if two lines intersect.

law:linear Creates a linear law given {a,b,f(a),f(b)}.

law:make-entity Creates a law entity data type composed of one law function.

law:make-rails Creates a rail law or a list of rail laws for use by sweeping.

law:nderivative Computes the numerical derivative of a law function with respect to a given variable, a given number of times.

law:nintegrate Computes the numerical integral of the given law function over the specified range.

law:nmax Computes where a law is the maximum over a given interval.

law:nmin Computes where a law is the minimum over a given interval.

law:nroot Computes all of the roots of a law function over a given interval.

law:nsolve Computes all the locations where two laws are equal to one another over a given interval.

law:quintic Creates a quintic law given {a,b,f(a),f(b),f'(a),f'(b) f''(a) f''(b)}.

law:reset-deriv Sets the derivative of ith driving variable.

law:set-deriv Manually sets the derivative of ith driving variable.

law:simplify Creates a law which is the algebraic simplification of the given law.

law:start Finds the start of the domain of a law.

law? Determines whether or not a Scheme object is of the law Scheme data type.

loop:find Gets loops shared by two entities.

loop:type Returns the type of given loop.

loop? Determines if a Scheme object is a loop.

lump? Determines if a Scheme object is a lump.

mixed-body? Determines if a Scheme object is a mixed body.

monitor:file Opens or closes a monitor file, which records the text in the I/O window.

option:get Gets the value of an option.

option:list Gets a list of available options and their associated values.

option:reset Sets the list of available options to their initial values.

option:set Sets the value of an option.

par-pos Creates a new uv parametric position given coordinate values u and v.

par-pos:copy Creates a new par-pos by copying an existing par-pos.

par-pos:distance Gets the 2D distance between two par-pos.

par-pos:set! Sets the u and v-components of a par-pos.

par-pos:set-u! Sets the u-component of a par-pos.

par-pos:set-v! Sets the v-component of a par-pos.

par-pos:u Gets the u-component of a par-pos.

par-pos:v Gets the v-component of a par-pos.

par-pos? Determines if a Scheme object is a part.

pattern Constructs a pattern Scheme data type.

pattern:alternating-keep Creates a new pattern by applying an alternating keep filter to an existing pattern.

pattern:alternating-scale Creates a new pattern by applying an alternating scale to an existing pattern.

pattern:check Lists the elements in an entity that have a pattern attached.

pattern:circular? Determines whether or not a pattern lies on a given circle.

pattern:compose Creates a new pattern by composing two existing ones.

pattern:concatenate Creates a new pattern by concatenating two existing ones.

pattern:coords-to-index For the specified pattern, returns the pattern index associated with the specified pattern coordinates.

pattern:copy Makes a copy of a pattern.

pattern:cylindrical Constructs a pattern with cylindrical symmetry.

pattern:cylindrical? Determines whether or not a pattern lies on a given cylinder.

pattern:edge Creates a pattern parallel to an edge.

pattern:elliptical Creates an elliptical pattern.

pattern:from-list Creates a pattern from a list of positions or transformations.

pattern:get-transform Returns the requested pattern transform.

pattern:hex Creates a hexagonal packing pattern.

pattern:hex-cylindrical Creates a hexagonal pattern with cylindrical symmetry.

pattern:index-to-coords For the specified pattern, returns the pattern coordinates associated with the specified pattern index.

pattern:keep Creates a new pattern by applying a keep law to an existing pattern.

pattern:linear Creates a linear pattern.

pattern:linear-scale Creates a new pattern by applying a linear scale to an existing pattern.

pattern:make-entity Creates a pattern entity data type composed of one pattern.

pattern:mirror Creates a new pattern that is a concatenation of the given pattern with its reflection through a specified plane.

pattern:move-element Moves a single element within an existing pattern.

pattern:periodic-keep Creates a new pattern by applying a periodic keep filter to an existing pattern.

pattern:periodic-scale Creates a new pattern by applying a periodic scale to an existing pattern.

pattern:planar? Determines whether or not a pattern is parallel to a given plane.

pattern:polar-grid Creates a polar-grid pattern.

pattern:print-transform Prints the requested pattern transform to stdout.

pattern:radial Creates a radial pattern.

pattern:random Creates a random pattern within the indicated region.

pattern:random-keep Creates a new pattern by applying a random keep filter to an existing pattern.

pattern:random-offset Creates a new pattern by adding random offset to an existing pattern.

pattern:random-orient Creates a new pattern by applying random rotations at each of the pattern sites.

pattern:random-scale Creates a new pattern by applying a random scale to an existing pattern.

pattern:reflect Creates a new pattern that is a reflection of the specified one through a given plane.

pattern:remove Removes all patterns from an entity.

pattern:remove-element Removes a single element from an existing pattern.

pattern:restore-element Restores the element specified by coords to an existing pattern.

pattern:scale Creates a new pattern by applying a scale law to an existing pattern.

pattern:scale-element Scales a single element of an existing pattern.

pattern:set-root-transf Creates a new pattern by applying a root transformation to an existing pattern.

pattern:size Returns the number of elements in the given pattern.

pattern:spherical Creates a spherical pattern.

pattern:spherical? Determines whether or not a pattern lies on a given sphere.

pattern:surface Creates a pattern parallel to a surface.

pattern:transform Creates a new pattern by applying a transformation to an existing pattern.

pattern:undo-move-element Undoes a move applied to a single element of an existing pattern.

pattern? Determines whether or not a Scheme object is of the pattern Scheme data type.

point:position Computes the position of a point.

point? Determines if a Scheme object is a point.

position Creates a new position with coordinates x, y, and z.

position:closest Gets the position from a list of positions that is closest to a given position.

position:copy Creates a new position by copying an existing position.

position:distance Gets the distance between two positions.

position:interpolate Interpolates a new position based on the weight between two given positions.

position:offset Creates a new position offset from a given position.

position:project-to-line Gets the projection of a position on to a line.

position:project-to-plane Gets the projection of a position onto a plane.

position:set! Sets the x, y, and z-components of a position.

position:set-x! Sets the x-component of a position.

position:set-y! Sets the y-component of a position.

position:set-z! Sets the z-component of a position.

position:transform Applies a transform to a position.

position:x Gets the x-component of a position relative to the active coordinate system.

position:y Gets the y-component of a position relative to the active coordinate system.

position:z Gets the z-component of a position relative to the active coordinate system.

position? Determines if a Scheme object is a position.

ray Creates a ray given a base position and gvector.

ray:gvector Gets the gvector component of a ray.

ray:position Gets the position component of a ray.

ray:queue Adds a ray to the ray queue.

ray:valid? Tests whether a ray is valid.

ray? Determines if a Scheme object is a ray.

read-ray Reads a ray from the ray queue or from a pick-event.

shell? Determines if a Scheme object is a shell.

solid? Determines if a Scheme object is a solid.

surface:domain Determines the domain of a face's surface.

surface:eval Evaluates a position on a parametric surface.

surface:eval-curvatures Evaluates a the principal curvatures and directions at the given uv on the surface

surface:eval-normal Gets the normal of a surface at the specified parameter values.

surface:eval-pos Gets the position on a surface at the specified parameter values.

surface:from-face Creates a surface from a face.

surface:point-perp Reverse evaluates a position on a parametric surface.

surface:range Returns the parameter range of a surface.

surface? Determines if a Scheme entity is a surface.

test:deep-copy Tests the deep copy functionality for improper sharing.

test:equal Compares two arguments for equality.

test:greater-than Compares two real numbers.

test:less-than Compares two real numbers.

test:performance Runs the performance test(s).

text:font Gets a text entity's font.

text:location Gets a text entity's location.

text:set-font Sets a text entity's font.

text:set-location Sets a text entity's location.

text:set-size Sets a text entity's font size in points.

text:set-string Sets a text entity's string.

text:size Gets a text entity's font size in points.

text:string Gets a text entity's string.

text? Determines if a Scheme object is a text entity.

timer:end Stops the timer.

timer:get-time Calculates and returns the amount of time elapsed since timer:start was executed.

timer:show-time Calculates and returns the amount of time elapsed since the timer:start command was executed. This is most often used to measure performance.

timer:start Starts an internal clock/timer. The timer: commands are most often used to measure performance of some command or series of commands.

transform:axes Creates a transform that takes an object from model space to the space defined by the new origin and axes.

transform:compose Concatenates two transforms.

transform:copy Copies a transform.

transform:identity Creates an identity transform.

transform:inverse Creates an inverse transform.

transform:print Prints a transform.

transform:reflection Creates a transform to mirror an object through an axis.

transform:rotation Creates a transform to rotate an object about an axis.

transform:scaling Creates a scaling transform.

transform:translation Creates a translation transform.

transform? Determines if a Scheme object is a transform.

versiontag Gets the current version tag or creates a new version tag scheme object. Default is the current version.

vertex:position Gets the position of a vertex.

vertex? Determines if a Scheme object is a vertex.

wcs Creates a work coordinate system.

wcs:active Gets the active work coordinate system.

wcs:from-transform Creates a work coordinate system given a transform.

wcs:origin Gets the origin of the active WCS.

wcs:set-active Sets the active work coordinate system to the specified WCS.

wcs:to-model-transform Gets the transform of the active WCS to model space.

wcs:to-wcs-transform Gets the transform from the active WCS to the specified WCS.

wcs:x-axis Gets the x-direction of the active coordinate system.

wcs:y-axis Gets the y-direction of the active coordinate system.

wcs:z-axis Gets the z-direction of the active coordinate system.

wcs? Determines if a Scheme object is a WCS.

wire-body:planar? Determines if a Scheme object is a planar wire body.

wire-body? Determines if a Scheme object is a wire body.

wire:closed? Determines if a Scheme object is a closed wire.

wire:planar? Determines if a Scheme object is a planar wire.

wire? Determines if a Scheme object is a wire.