List of: Classes
Subjects: Mathematics
Contents: Base

Purpose: Provides a direction in 3D Cartesian space that has unit length.

Derivation: SPAunit_vector : SPAvector : -

Filename: base/baseutil/vector/unitvec.hxx

Description: This class provides a direction in 3D Cartesian space that has unit length. Because it is a derived class of vector, it inherits the functionality of vectors. There are a few operations that are peculiar to unit vectors.

Constructor: public: SPAunit_vector::SPAunit_vector ();

C++ allocation constructor requests memory for this object but does not populate it.

public: SPAunit_vector::SPAunit_vector (

double, // x-coordinate

double, // y-coordinate

double // z-coordinate


C++ initialize constructor requests memory for this object and populates it with the data supplied as arguments.

Creates a SPAunit_vector using the specified parameters. The result is normalized.

public: SPAunit_vector::SPAunit_vector (

double u[ 3 ] // x,y, & z values


C++ initialize constructor requests memory for this object and populates it with the data supplied as arguments.

Creates a SPAunit_vector using the specified parameters. The result is normalized.

Methods: public: SPAunit_vector const& SPAunit_vector::operator*= (

SPAtransf const& // transform


Transforms a unit vector by the rotation matrix in a transformation. This method returns an error if the transformation contains a shear component.

friend: double operator% (

SPAposition const&, // position

SPAunit_vector const& // unit vector


Returns the scalar product of a position and a SPAunit_vector. It is declared explicitly to avoid an ambiguity.

friend: double operator% (

SPAunit_vector const&, // unit vector

SPAposition const& // position


Returns the scalar product of a position and a SPAunit_vector. It is declared explicitly to avoid an ambiguity.

friend: SPAposition operator* (

SPAposition const&, // position

SPAunit_vector const& // unit vector


Returns a position as a cross-product of a unit vector with a position.

friend: SPAposition operator* (

SPAunit_vector const&, // unit vector

SPAposition const& // position


Returns a position as a cross-product of a position with a unit vector.

friend: SPAunit_vector operator* (

SPAunit_vector const&, // unit vector

SPAtransf const& // transformation


Transforms a unit vector by the rotation matrix in a transformation. This method returns an error if the transformation contains a shear component.

friend: SPAunit_vector operator* (

SPAunit_vector const&, // unit vector

SPAtransf const* // transformation


Transforms a unit vector by the rotation matrix in a transformation. This method returns an error if the transformation contains a shear component.

friend: SPAunit_vector operator- (

SPAunit_vector const& // unit vector


Performs a unary minus operation.

Related Fncs: normalise