List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Model Topology, Tolerant Modeling
Contents: Boolean

Action: Replaces a list of edges with tolerant vertices.

Filename: bool/bool_scm/sliver_scm.cxx

APIs: api_replace_edge_with_tvertex

Syntax: (tolerant:replace-edge-with-tvertex edge-list)

Arg Types: edge-list entity ...

Returns: entity ...

Description: The argument edge-list specifies a list of edges that will be converted to tolerant vertices.

The extension returns a list of tolerant vertices that were created during the replacement. This extension does not take edge lengths into consideration. It simply replaces all edges specified unless the edges are in a closed loop. If the edges are closed, replacement is not performed. If replacing short edges is desired, the extension tolerant:detect-short-edges with its replace option set to TRUE is recommended.

edge-list specifies a list of edges that will be converted to tolerant vertices.

Example: ; tolerant:replace-edge-with-tvertex

; Define a wire body with an edge to be replaced

(define wire (wire-body

(list (edge:linear

(position 0 0 0)

(position 3 0 0)))))

;; wire

(define edge1 (edge:linear

(position 3 0 0)

(position 3.1 0 0)))

;; edge1

(define edge2 (edge:linear

(position 3.1 0 0)

(position 5 0 0)))

;; edge2

; Replace the middle edge with a tvertex.

; First use tolerant-detect-short-edges with

; a specified tolerance to detect it.

(define short_edge

(tolerant:detect-short-edges wire 0.2))

;; short_edge

(define replace

(tolerant:replace-edge-with-tvertex short_edge))


; Check the resulting body and tvertex

(entity:check wire)


(entity:tvertices wire)


(tolerant:report wire)
