List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Model Object, Spline Interface
Contents: Constructors

Action: Creates a continuous spline edge from a list of positions.

Filename: cstr/cstr_scm/edge_scm.cxx

APIs: api_curve_spline

Syntax: (edge:spline position-list

[[start-angle | start-direction | spline-condition]

[end-angle | end-direction]] ["periodic"]


Arg Types: position-list position | (position ... )

start-angle real

start-direction gvector

spline-condition boolean

end-angle real

end-direction gvector

"periodic" string

"exact" string

Returns: spline-edge

Description: The argument position-list is a list of locations through which the spline should pass. The number of positions in the position-list must be at least two. The optional argument start-direction is the gvector of the tangent to the spline at the start position. The optional argument end-direction is the gvector of the tangent to the spline at the end position. If either start-direction or end-direction is not specified, a free end condition is used at that end. A "free" or "natural" spline condition means that the second derivative at that end is 0.

To force a "free" end condition, either assign #f to the argument spline-condition, or do not specify an argument for the end condition. Specifying #f results in a "free" end condition at the start, so the tangent direction needs to be specified at the end.

Specifying an end-direction vector indicates the end direction of the curve tangent at the end.

Specify the start-angle and end-angle in degrees. If an angle is specified, the curve is tangent to a vector in the xy plane of the active WCS. The angle specifies the angle between the tangent vector and the x-axis of the active WCS measured counterclockwise.

When "periodic" is included, the interpolation produces a periodic spline, as long as the first and last position in the list are within resabs, and no end conditions are specified. This check is performed lower down the stack.

If the string "exact" is included, the interpolation is as accurate as possible. Otherwise, it will be within resfit of the points being interpolated.

position-list is a list of locations through which the spline should pass.

start-direction is the gvector of the tangent to the spline at the start position.

start-angle and end-angle in degrees specifies the angle between the tangent vector and the x-axis of the active WCS measured counterclockwise.

spline-condition forces a "free" end condition by assigning #f to the argument spline-condition.

end-direction vector indicates the end direction of the curve tangent at the end.

"periodic" is included, the interpolation produces a periodic spline, as long as the first and last position in the list are within resabs, and no end conditions are specified. This check is performed lower down the stack.

"exact" is included, the interpolation is as accurate as possible. Otherwise, it will be within resfit of the points being interpolated.

Example: ; edge:spline

; Set the view's eye position, target position,

; and up vector.

(define viewset (view:set (position 0 0 100)

(position 0 0 0)

(gvector 0 1 0)))

;; viewset

; Define a new WCS.

(define wcs (wcs (position 0 0 0) (position 5 0 0)

(position 0 5 0)))

;; wcs

; Create 3 spline edges.

(define spline1 (edge:spline (list (position 0 0 0)

(position 5 5 0) (position 10 15 0)

(position 15 20 0) (position 20 15 0)

(position 25 5 0) (position 30 0 0))))

;; spline1

; spline 1 is shown in green.

(define spline2 (edge:spline (list (position 0 0 0)

(position 5 5 0) (position 10 15 0)

(position 15 20 0) (position 20 15 0)

(position 25 5 0) (position 30 0 0)) 0 45))

;; spline2

; spline 2 is shown in blue.

(define spline3 (edge:spline (list (position 0 0 0)

(position 5 5 0) (position 10 15 0)

(position 15 20 0) (position 20 15 0)

(position 25 5 0) (position 30 0 0))

(gvector 0 1 0) (gvector 0 1 0)))

;; spline3

; spline 3 is shown in magenta.

; OUTPUT Example

Figure 2-19. edge:spline