List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Model Object, Tolerant Modeling
Contents: Constructors

Action: Returns the tolerance on a TVERTEX.

Filename: cstr/cstr_scm/tmod_scm.cxx

Syntax: (vertex:get-tolerance vertex [force-update])

Arg Types: vertex vertex

force-update boolean

Returns: real

Errors: Vertex not tolerant. The tolerance is recomputed when the logical force_update is present and TRUE.

vertex is an input argument of type vertex.

force-update forces tolerance to be re-calculated.

Example: ; vertex:get-tolerance

; Create something with tolerant topology

(define b (solid:block (position -25 -25 -25)

(position 25 25 25)))

;; b

; make a tolerant vertex with non-zero tolerance

; (by making a tolerant edge)

(define edge (pick:edge (ray (position 0 0 0)

(gvector 1 0 1))))

;; edge

(define tol-edge (edge:tolerant edge))

;; tol-edge

(define move (tolerant:move tol-edge

(gvector 5 0 5)))

;; move

(define tol-vertex (car (entity:vertices tol-edge)))

;; tol-vertex

(vertex:get-tolerance tol-vertex)

;; 7.07106781186548