List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Attributes
Contents: Generic Attributes

Action: Gets the value of a named generic attribute attached to an entity.

Filename: ga/ga_scm/attr_scm.cxx

APIs: api_find_named_attribute

Syntax: (generic:get ent [attrib-name])

Arg Types: ent entity

attrib-name string

Returns: entity | integer | position | real | string | gvector | unspecified

Errors: Prints out a message if named attrib-name attribute is not found.

Description: If the attribute is found on the given ent entity, it is returned as the type of Scheme object that it is. For example, if the attribute is a real ATTRIB_GEN_REAL, this returns a real number. If it is a vector, it returns a gvector, etc.

Example: ; generic:get

; Create a block.

(define block1

(solid:block (position 0 0 0)

(position 5 10 15)))

;; block1

; Add the following attributes to the block.

(generic:add block1 "layer")

;; ()

(generic:get block1 "layer")

; Found

;; ()