List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Attributes
Contents: Generic Attributes

Action: Removes the name of a generic attribute attached to each entity in the list.

Filename: ga/ga_scm/attr_scm.cxx

APIs: api_remove_generic_named_attribute

Syntax: (generic:remove ent-list attrib)

Arg Types: ent-list entity | (entity ...)

attrib string

Returns: unspecified

Description: This removes the named attrib attribute from all entities given in the ent-list entity list.

Example: ; generic:remove

; Create a block.

(define block1

(solid:block (position 0 0 0)

(position 5 10 15)))

;; block1

; Add the following attributes to the block.

(generic:add block1 "layer")

;; ()

(generic:remove block1 "layer")

;; ()