List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: OpenGL, Viewing
Contents: OpenGL

Action: Prints a view.

Filename: gl/gl_scm/gl_scm.cxx

Syntax: (gl:print [view])

Arg Types: view view

Returns: view

Description: Change the printer setup information by selecting the Print Setup button. Modify page orientation and paper size to accommodate specific requirements. The image is sent to the specified printer and an image file is created and stored in the current directory; the default is PostScript. This extension also returns the view where the file was saved.

This extension requires Windows and a Personal Computer (PC). If the PC is not attached to a printer, a Print To File window automatically displays to specify an output filename.

Limitations: Supported on NT platforms only.

Example: ; gl:print

; Print a view in Windows.

(define GL (view:gl))

;; GL

; Create a cylinder.

(define cyl1

(solid:cylinder (position 10 -15 0)

(position 20 10 10) 22))

;; cyl1

; Output the cylinder to printer.

(gl:print GL)

;; #[view 223283532]