List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: OpenGL, Rendering Control
Contents: OpenGL

Action: Deletes the OpenGL display lists regenerated on the next refresh.

Filename: gl/gl_scm/gl_scm.cxx

Syntax: (gl:rebuild)

Arg Types: None

Returns: string

Description: This extension can be used if the OpenGL view does not display entities correctly. The string "Lists Deleted" is returned.

Limitations: Supported on NT platforms only.

Example: ; gl:rebuild

; Define a view

(define view1 (view:gl))

;; view1

; Create a cylinder.

(define cylinder1 (solid:cylinder

(position 10 -15 0) (position 20 10 10) 22))

;; cylinder1

; Refresh the view.


;; "Lists Deleted"