List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: OpenGL, Rendering Control
Contents: OpenGL

Action: Sets the fill style that Microsoft OpenGL uses when rendering polygons.

Filename: gl/gl_scm/gl_scm.cxx

APIs: api_gl_get_fill_style, api_gl_set_fill_style

Syntax: (gl:set-fill-style style)

Arg Types: style string

Returns: string

Errors: api_gl_get_fill_style, api_gl_set_fill_style

Description: This extension sets the fill mode that Microsoft OpenGL uses when rendering polygons. The choices allow full rendering of polygons, edge rendering of polygons, or rendering of polygon vertices only. The previous style is returned.

Fill styles are:

filled renders polygons fully.

edge renders only polygon edges.

point renders only polygon vertices.

Limitations: Supported on NT platforms only.

Example: ; gl:set-fill-style

; Set the polygon fill style.


;; #[view 41943049]

(define sphere1 (solid:sphere (position 0 0 0) 40))

;; sphere1

(gl:set-fill-style "edge")

;; "filled"


;; #[view 41943049]

(gl:set-fill-style "point")

;; "edge"


;; #[view 41943049]