List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Tolerant Modeling
Contents: Intersectors

Action: Return the edge parameter, if known, where a particular error occurs.

Filename: intr/intr_scm/tmchk_typ.cxx

Syntax: (tm-chk-info:edge-param tm-check)

Arg Types: tm-check tm-chk-info

Returns: real | boolean

Description: Returns the edge parameter recorded within the tm-chk-info where the particular error being reported occurs, or #f if no edge parameter is present.

tm-check is an object of type tm-chk-info that contains tolerant modeling check details.

Example: ; tm-chk-info:edge-param

; Print out the edge parameter of a given tolerant

; model information set.

(define b (solid:block (position 0 0 0)

(position 10 10 10)))

;; b

(define errors (tm-check:all (car (entity:edges b))))

;; errors

(tm-chk-info:edge-param (car errors))

;; #f