Tolerant Edges
List of: Discussion Topic
Subjects: Tolerant Modeling
Contents: Kernel

Tolerant modeling derives a new TEDGE class from EDGE and TCOEDGE from COEDGE, and stores the tolerance as well as the explicit parameterization to limit the edge. The tolerance for the edge is defined as the maximum distance from the 2D parametric coedges of the adjacent faces. The TCOEDGE requires a pcurve and supports a lazy 3D curve.

The tolerance value of a tolerant edge indicates the maximum distance between any two equiparametric positions on any of its tolerant coedges. Two tolerant edges are coincident over an interval if the maximum of the minimum distance between the portion of their point sets bounded by the interval is less than the maximum of the tolerant edge's tolerance values. If the tolerance value is less than SPAresabs, then SPAresabs is used for coincidence checking.

A tolerant edge and an edge are coincident over an interval if the maximum of the minimum distance between the portion of their point sets bounded by the interval is less than the maximum of the tolerant edge's tolerance value and SPAresabs.

A tolerant edge with a single tolerant coedge will have a zero tolerance value. A tolerant edge may only be associated with tolerant coedges.

Non-tangent lateral tolerant edges that have to be extended are also re-intersected to precise geometry. So by tweaking a face to its original surface, non-near tangent tolerant edges can be removed.

Tangent and near-tangent tolerant edges cannot be removed during the local operation but are properly treated by the tweak algorithm. Loops with tolerant edges and vertices are not required to close to within SPAresabs.

Pcurves on tolerant edges are maintained and simplified (when possible) in the tweak operation. When tolerant edges are extended, their underlying pcurves are extended.