Decimal Point Representation
List of: Discussion Topic
Subjects: SAT Save and Restore
Contents: Kernel

Some applications using earlier versions of ACIS were written using "internationalization" concepts and have written save files that contain representations of double precision numbers containing commas for decimal points. This occurs if the application writing the save file had made a call to the C standard library function setlocale to change the locale properties from the default C settings. Consequently, other applications not using this "internationalization" feature could not read these files.

Beginning with release 2.1, ACISalways writes a save file using the C locale, which uses the period representation for decimal points. ACIS makes a call to the function setlocale to change the environment to the C locale before writing a save file. The locale is reset to its original value after the file is written.

The optionrestore_locale enables applications to read pre-2.1 save files that were written with other locales. Before restoring the file, the option should be set to a string representing the locale in effect when the file was written. The option may be set with the function api_set_str_option, with the Scheme extension option:set. When a file is restored, ACIS makes a call to the function setlocale to set the environment to the value (string) specified by the option.