Option for Testing Shared Geometry
List of: Discussion Topic
Subjects: SAT Save and Restore
Contents: Kernel

The test_share option checks for shared geometry when restoring SAT files. As entities are read into ACIS, int_cur and spl_sur types are compared with those that have already been restored to determine if they are identical to a previously restored int_cur or spl_sur. They can then be restored simply by incrementing a use count instead of restoring the entire object. This option significantly reduces the size of retrieved bodies and aids subsequent operations, but it can be expensive and can become noticeable when restoring large parts.

The option can be turned off to speed up the restore process. However, the amount of memory required to restore a model will be larger, since sharing of geometry is not taking place. Also, evaluations of geometry during modeling operations may take longer because the test for coincidence will take place each time the objects are evaluated. This may cause the test to happen many times instead of once when the model is loaded.

If you are confident that your models contain little shared data or that the data has already been shared via modeling operations in ACIS, then turning the test_share option off may lead to faster load times.