List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Entity
Contents: Kernel

Action: Removes an entity from an EE_LIST.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/ent_scm.cxx

APIs: api_part_note_state, api_part_start_state

Syntax: (eelist:remove list entity)

Arg Types: list entity | (entity ...)

entity entity

Returns: entity

list specifies an entity list.

entity specifies the entity that has to be removed from the list.

Example: ; eelist:remove

; Make an EE_LIST

(define a (eelist:new))

;; a

; Make an entity to add

(define s (solid:sphere (position 0 0 0) 10))

;; s

; Add it to the list

(eelist:add a s)

;; #[entity 2 1]

; Take it back out

(eelist:remove a s)

;; #[entity 2 1]