List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Debugging, Entity
Contents: Kernel

Action: Prints information about the data structure of an entity.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/ent_scm.cxx

Syntax: (entity:debug entity [level=0])

Arg Types: entity entity

level integer

Returns: string

entity specifies the entity to be queried.

level is an optional argument that controls the amount of debug information.

level 0 writes no output and only returns the entity type.

level 1 writes only data specific to the given entity.

level 2 writes additional information for some entity types. For example, if the entity is an EDGE, then the coordinates of the end points and the curve data are also written. This extension writes only data specific to the given entity.

level 3 writes the size of the entity and all associated entities.

level 4 writes full information for the entity and all associated entities.

Example: ; entity:debug

; Create a solid block.

(define block1

(solid:block (position 0 0 0)

(position 20 20 20)))

;; block1

; Print the debug information about the block.

(entity:debug block1 1)

; body **** 1211232:

; Rollback pointer : NULL

; Attribute list
: display_attribute 0 1330848

; Lump list

: lump 0 1318416

; Wire list


; Transform

: transform 0 1322480

; Bounding box

;; "solid body"