List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Model Topology
Contents: Kernel

Action: Returns faces, edges, tedges, coedges, tcoedges, tvertices or vertices selected by the same index as listed in debug output.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/dbg_scm.cxx

APIs: api_get_coedges, api_get_edges, api_get_faces, api_get_shells, api_get_vertices, api_get_wires

Syntax: (entity:dspindex entity type index)

Arg Types: entity entity

type string

index integer

Returns: entity | boolean

Description: Returns wires, shells, faces, edges, tedges, coedges, tcoedges, tvertices or vertices selected by the same index as listed in debug output of the given entity. Note that usually the given entity will be a body.

An entity is returned if reasonable values are given, otherwise FALSE.

entity specifies the entity to be queried.

type is the string representing the entity type of the given index. Allowed values are "wire", "shell", "face", "edge", "coedge", "tedge", "tcoedge", "vertex", and "tvertex".

index specifies the index as listed in the debug output of the given entity.

Example: ; entity:dspindex

; Create an entity and return its display

; index value.

(define b


(position -10 -10 -10) (position 10 10 10)))

;; b

(define c (entity:dspindex b "face" 3))

;; c