List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Entity, Transforms
Contents: Kernel

Action: Returns an ordered list of entities representing the path from one entity to another.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/ent_scm.cxx

Syntax: (entity:how-connected entity1 entity2 [scan-type])

Arg Types: entity1 entity

entity2 entity

scan-type string

Returns: (entity...)

Description: Occasionally there are unexpected connections between entities. This can cause routines using the copy_scan() virtual function, such as entity:delete, (corresponding to api api_del_entity) and entity:copy (corresponding to api_copy_entity) to do more than what was expected.

This routine can help in understanding how two entities are connected by finding a path from one to the other. It uses copy_scan to find what is connected to the first entity and then copy_scan again to find what is connected to the next, and so on. This extension uses an ENTITY_LIST to keep track of what it has already looked at so that the search terminates.

If the second entity is found, this routine returns an ordered list representing the path from the first to the second. If no path is found, it returns an empty list.

entity1 specifies the first entity.

entity2 specifies the second entity.

The optional scan-type parameter allows specification of the SCAN_TYPE argument to the copy_scan function. Valid choices are "unspecified", "copy", "distribute" or "delete"

Example: ; entity:how-connected

; Create a block

(define b (solid:block

(position 10 20 30) (position -10 -20 -30)))

;; b

(define faces (car (entity:faces b)))

;; faces

(entity:how-connected b faces)

; -> face

; -> shell

; -> lump

; -> body

;; (#[entity 3 1] #[entity 9 1] #[entity 10 1]

;; #[entity 2 1])