List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Precision and Tolerance, Scheme Interface
Contents: Kernel

Action: Gets a list of system tolerances.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/tol_scm.cxx

Syntax: (env:tolerance)

Arg Types: None

Returns: (integer ...) . (real ...)

Description: The system tolerances are returned in the following order: SPAresabs, SPAresnor, SPAresfit, and SPAresmch.

SPAresabs determines if two positions in space are equal. This tolerance defines the smallest distance between two distinct points.

SPAresnor checks a number for equality with 0. This checks components of numbers that are 0 for determining if vectors are parallel or perpendicular, or for checking for zero lengths.

SPAresfit fits interpolation curves when intersecting surfaces.

SPAresmch is used by the spline package for purposes similar to the use of SPAresnor in the system.

Example: ; env:tolerance

; Get the list of system tolerances.


;; (1e-006 1e-010 0.001 1e-011)