List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Model Geometry
Contents: Kernel

Action: Tests face quality by comparing the procedural derivatives with finite difference derivatives up to the 4th derivatives.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/surf_scm.cxx

Syntax: (face:derivtest face [num-u] [num-v] [start-u]

[end-u] [start-u] [start-v] [end-v] [file])

Arg Types: face entity

num-u integer

num-v integer

start-u real

end-u real

start-v real

end-v real

file string

Returns: string

Description: This Scheme extension tests the face quality by comparing the procedural derivatives with finite difference derivatives up to the 4th derivatives. Output message can be sent to a optional data file.

face defines the face entity to test derivatives.

num-u defines the position number to test in the surface u direction. The default is 10.

num-v defines the position number to test in the surface v direction. The default is 10.

start-u defines the start surface u parameter. The default is the surface u parameter range.

end-u defines the end surface u parameter.

start-v defines the start surface v parameter. The default is the surface v parameter range.

end-v defines the end surface v parameter.

file defines the output file name. The default is debug_file_ptr.

Example: ; face:derivtest

; Example not available at this time.