List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Laws, Sweeping
Contents: Kernel

Action: Creates visible vector field lines along an edge or wire.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/law_scm.cxx

APIs: api_hedgehog

Syntax: (law:hedgehog

{path vector-list [number-hair [size]]} |

{hair-law base-law start-x end-x

{[number-hair] | [start-y end-y [number-hair]] |

[start-y end-y start-z end-z [number-hair]]}})

Arg Types: path entity

vector-list law | (law ...)

number-hair integer

size real

hair-law law | string | gvector

base-law law | string | position

start-x real

end-x real

start-y real

end-y real

start-z real

end-z real

Returns: boolean

Description: The law:hedgehog extension defines vector fields that are attached to a curve. They are useful for defining orientation when sweeping along a non-planar path. There are two major ways to use this command. The determination as to which method is used is based on the first argument type.

If the first argument is an entity, as would be the case for a wire body or edge, then that argument is assumed to be thepath and should be followed by a Scheme list of laws, vector-list Optionally, the number of hairs on the hedgehog and its size can be specified.

If the first argument is not an entity, then it is assumed to be a hair-law, which can be a law, string, or gvector. hair-law specifies the direction for the hair vectors. This is followed by base-law., which specifies what is to receive the vector field. Thereafter, this can be followed by 0 or up to 5 arguments. number-hair specifies the number of vectors to use. The start and end parameters limit the range for displaying the vector field.

Example: ; law:hedgehog

; The edge is not required, but is useful

; for visualization purposes. It is defined

; the same as base-law.

(define edge1

(edge:law "vec(cos(x),sin(x),x/10)" 0 50))

;; edge1

(define base-law

(law "vec(cos(x),sin(x),x/10)"))

;; base-law

(define vector-law (law "vec(cos(x),sin(x),0)"))

;; vector-law

(define hedgehog1 (law:hedgehog vector-law

base-law 0 50 200 ))

;; hedgehog1

; Another example.

; Clear out the result of the previous example


;; #t

; The face is not required, but is useful

; for visualization purposes. It is defined

; the same as base-law.

(define face1

(face:law "vec(x,y,cos(x)*sin(y))" -5 5 -5 5))

;; face1

(define base-law1(law "vec(x,y,cos(x)*sin(y))"))

;; base-law1

(define dx (law:derivative base-law))

;; dx

(define dy(law:derivative base-law1 "y"))

;; dy

(define norm (law "cross(law1,law2)" dx dy))

;; norm

(define hedgehog2 (law:hedgehog norm

base-law -5 5 -5 5 20 ))

;; hedgehog2

; Another example.

; Clear out the previous example


;; #t

(dl-item:erase hedgehog2)

;; ()

(define base-law2 (law "vec(x,y,z)"))

;; base-law2

(define hair-law (law "norm(vec(x,y,z))"))

;; hair-law

(define hedgehog3 (law:hedgehog hair-law

base-law -10 10 -10 10 -10 10))

;; hedgehog3

; Clean up the DL items.

;(dl-item:erase hedgehog3)

; ()