List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Laws
Contents: Kernel

Action: Returns TRUE if two lines intersect.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/law_scm.cxx

Syntax: (law:line-line-interset point1 gvector1 point2 gvector2)

Arg Types: point1 position

gvector1 gvector

point2 position

gvector2 gvector

Returns: boolean

Description: Returns TRUE if the line given by point1 + t * gvector1 intersects the line point2 + s * gvector2. Also prints out the parameter values of the two nearest nearest points.

point1 specifies a position on the first line.

gvector1 specifies the direction of the first line.

point2 specifies a position on the second line.

gvector2 specifies the direction of the second line.

Example: ; law:line-line-intersect

; Create a cylinder

; intersect at (1 2 3)

(law:line-line-intersect (position 4 4 4)

(gvector 3 2 1) (position 1 10 3)

(gvector 0 -.3 0))

; Lines intersect at (1.000000 2.000000


; Param values are:

param0 at -1.000000

param1 at 26.666667

;; #t

; no intersection

(law:line-line-intersect (position 5 4 4)

(gvector 3 2 1) (position 3 10 1)

(gvector 0 -.3 0))

; Param values are:

param0 at -0.900000

param1 at 26.000000

;; #f