List of: Scheme Extensions
Subjects: Analyzing Models, Laws
Contents: Kernel

Action: Computes the numerical derivative of a law function with respect to a given variable, a given number of times.

Filename: kern/kern_scm/law_scm.cxx

APIs: api_ndifferentiate_law

Syntax: (law:nderivative law value [with-respect-to

[number-of [type=0]]])

Arg Types: law law | string | real | position |

par-pos | gvector

value (entity | (entity ...)) | real |

position | gvector | par-pos

with-respect-to law

number-of integer

type integer

Returns: real

Description: The law:nderivative returns the numerical derivative of the given law function at the specified value, value.

law specifies a law.

value specifies a value at which the derivative is evaluated.

with-respect-to is an optional argument specifying an identity law, such as x, y, z, or a#, etc. If with-respect-to is provided, then the derivative is performed with respect to this argument; else the derivative is assumed to be with respect to x or a1.

If number-of is specified as some integer, then the extension performs multiple derivatives. If number-of is not specified, it is assumed to be 1.

type defines the type of derivative. Zero is normal (default); 1 is from the left; and 2 is from the right.

Example: ; law:nderivative

; Define a law to use.

(define law1 (law "x^2"))

;; law1

; Find the numerical derivative at 3.

(law:nderivative law1 3 "x" 1)

;; 5.9999999999838

; Find the second numerical derivative at 3.

(law:nderivative law1 3 "x" 2)

;; 1.9999997294066

; To get exact results, take the exact derivative.

; Create the derivative of that law.

(define dlaw (law:derivative law1))

;; dlaw

; Evaluate the derivative.

(law:eval dlaw 3)

;; 6

; Example of left and right derivatives.

(law:nderivative "abs(x)" 0 "x" 1 1)

;; -1

(law:nderivative "abs(x)" 0 "x" 1 2)

;; 1

(law:nderivative "abs(x)" 0 "x" 1 0)

;; -1.52465930505774e-16

; In the case of non-differentiable functions,

; the normal option returns the average value.